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ZsaFreigh t1_jecetpm wrote

It's a 136 minute long movie that you summarized in like 3 sentences. Of course it's oversimplified.


JohnCavil01 t1_jeeju6i wrote

George Lucas himself said “it’s like poetry, it rhymes” - criticizing The Phantom Menace for being a rehash of many of the same plot elements as A New Hope is not off-base. After all people complained about that endlessly when it happened again in The Force Awakens.

I know it’s fashionable to argue that the Star Wars prequels are somehow good actually but that doesn’t change the fact that it retreads a lot of repeated ground. Evidently George Lucas wants us to believe that was artistic and intentional but if even he can admit it I don’t really think this oversimplification critique holds much water.

And that’s to say nothing of the fact that I wasn’t the one who said it but instead was responding to the shitty reply which simply called it an “oversimplified garbage take” as if that goes without saying.