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Competitive_Travel92 OP t1_jedjc4q wrote

Yes and even when I try to open another app. It stays the same


Watchdog165 t1_jedjik4 wrote

Hmm… we’ve still got a tv form like 2008 in the house and it works perfectly. Check any power cable connections. Plug it out and plug it in again. And have you tired turning it on and off again…?


Competitive_Travel92 OP t1_jedjkjo wrote

Yes. And removing the power plug and connecting it again


Watchdog165 t1_jedjmqz wrote

Does your power go out regularly? It could’ve damaged something


Competitive_Travel92 OP t1_jedjtc5 wrote

It never goes out. But there was a case of too much current flowing in? Recently I think. And I kinda suspect that a few drops of water may have entered could that be the root of the problem?


Watchdog165 t1_jedjyoc wrote

Might have shorted the tv? Does it turn on? Does it have a red light when off? Check other devices plugged into the same place. We’ve had it happen where ants made a nest in the plug and ate the wires


Competitive_Travel92 OP t1_jedk12f wrote

It turns on just fine and even the audio is good. But the display is completely grey. Can I dm you the pic?


Watchdog165 t1_jedk2cl wrote

Sure let’s see what it does


Competitive_Travel92 OP t1_jedk5zx wrote

I'm sorry I can't start a chat with you for some reason


Watchdog165 t1_jedkbrc wrote

Try now


Competitive_Travel92 OP t1_jedkkkk wrote

It still doesn't work :/


Watchdog165 t1_jedkloq wrote

I sent you a msg in chat