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james_carr9876 t1_jdk2rnc wrote

Am I the only person who thinks Ted is a great character? He’s extremely flawed beyond belief but I find him compelling.


bravetailor t1_jdkjeos wrote

I sympathized with his plight but I agree with the growing sentiment that he was generally not as good a guy as he presented himself to be.


Dostus-dilih t1_jdlpjqa wrote

I think that's kind of the point. He omits A LOT from the story he's telling and sometimes even calls attention to it. There was one episode where they were trying to quit smoking where he goes "yeah none of us quit until events that are around the final season" but he never mentions they were smoking in any episode before or since despite always hanging out in a bar.


throwtheclownaway20 t1_jdk73gc wrote

>Am I the only person who thinks Ted is a great character?

Probably. He's flawed, but nothing about him is interesting to me. I was a "nice guy" when I was younger and I've seen thousands more in my years online, so nothing about those guys who are outwardly milquetoast but secretly shitty is compelling at all. Barney was more interesting, because it turns out that his misogyny was basically a trauma response.


james_carr9876 t1_jdk7tuj wrote

Good points. Barney is definitely a great character. Lily is boring and I couldn’t care less about her. Robin was flawed but also very likeable and Marshall is just so good.