Aggressive-Owl2043 t1_jdljbem wrote
Raylan Gives and Boyd Crowder make for one of the best opposing forces in all of Tv
cap_is-worthy t1_jdlk76m wrote
Raylan Givens is one of the finest acted character in TV History. Timothy Olyphant really did a fantastic job here.
Lost_Hunter3601 t1_jdllkea wrote
Put some respect on Walton goggins name too. I mean Tarantino keeps casting him in his shit for a reason
ilostmydog718 t1_jdls7v4 wrote
I like the idea of Aussies saying “Boyd Crowder” in an Aussie accent.
goodie23 t1_jdlx0ma wrote
But when is City Primeval coming?
Actionquest66 t1_jdlxmry wrote
I hope it’s the same here in the Uk. I know it’s on Prime though. Great series, looking forward to the new series.
carloslet t1_jdlyq2e wrote
RAYLAN GIVENS! As I live and breathe! To what do I owe the pleasure?
JKJ420 t1_jdlz6jw wrote
ChainMarkov t1_jdm1myb wrote
Next one’s coming faster.
optimusbrides t1_jdm25as wrote
I watched the first episode thinking it was a going to be a western...
HumanOrAlien OP t1_jdm39j6 wrote
It's the same in India. I'm guessing it'll remain on Prime Video for now.
DingleBerrieIcecream t1_jdm7ajn wrote
Any fans of this show will most likely love the HBO series Deadwood. Timothy Olyphent plays a Marshall/Sheriff in a western style series. Fantastic, though short lived, series.
A lot of the same actors in Deadwood show up in Justified.
acomav t1_jdm9amw wrote
Its been on Amazon prime for ages.
Fu-Man-Chewbacca t1_jdmasrp wrote
Fuuuuck this took me back. Read it in precisely his voice.
arcspectre17 t1_jdmazze wrote
Shit he blew my mind in sons of anarchy lol.
Boggie135 t1_jdmb3oi wrote
In South Africa I'm currently enjoying it on Amazon video
arcspectre17 t1_jdmb53k wrote
Deadwood good but man do they say cocksucker a lot lol. Woo "SAN FRANCISCO COCK SUCKER LOL!
bros402 t1_jdmb54t wrote
Boggie135 t1_jdmb7x0 wrote
The scenes between Givens and Boyd Crowder were pure gold
Boggie135 t1_jdmbcqt wrote
Their scenes are utterly captivating
TheUmbrellaMan1 t1_jdmbnw2 wrote
How closely does this series follow Elmore Leonard novels?
ravenouscartoon t1_jdmbpba wrote
I can’t wait for the new series
Just want a release date to look forward to
ravenouscartoon t1_jdmbu3a wrote
Olyphant does a fantastic angry lawman.
BigCannedTuna t1_jdmdebc wrote
I mean, it is
Whambamthanku t1_jdme2dw wrote
Dewey Crow and Dickey Bennett together are awesome
Fathead_009 t1_jdmenfv wrote
Sleddar t1_jdmerc0 wrote
Neo Western?
jimababwe t1_jdmg3wf wrote
This alone makes d+ worth the price
sianie706 t1_jdmgc0u wrote
Dewey Crowe so well acted, one of my favourite characters ever
LekgoloCrap t1_jdmgyl3 wrote
Time to start my rewatch of the series :D
gideon513 t1_jdmi9fr wrote
Such a cool line
itsallgoodman2002 t1_jdmi9so wrote
bUrNtKoOlAiD t1_jdmikyv wrote
Loosely in plot details but very closely and lovingly in spirit. I'm a big Leonard fan and this is my favorite show of all time.
bUrNtKoOlAiD t1_jdmitfh wrote
Not to mention one of the best roster of supporting characters ever assembled. Hell! Some of the minor characters are more fully realized than the main cast on other lesser shows.
bUrNtKoOlAiD t1_jdmj1ev wrote
Great things can happen when you sow seeds of distrust in a garden full of assholes.
MajorMustard t1_jdmjfuq wrote
One of the best lines I've seen on television
johnnyss1 t1_jdmjjq6 wrote
You’ll have to forgive michael rappaport’s Southern accent in the later seasons-it’s pretty bad. He’s good, but he needed a better vocal coach
Mile_High_Hoosier t1_jdmkc1b wrote
I know it was bad, but I kind of liked it. I felt like it was a decent "trashy Florida Southern accent" compared to Raylan's "slow smooth Appalachian accent."
Fearless-Speech-8258 t1_jdmkjxr wrote
My father was really into that show and I watched a handful of episodes and I’d agree their chemistry was great. It’s definitely a show I’d like to actually dive into.
Mile_High_Hoosier t1_jdmkpsa wrote
When the last season is the highest rated season, and the last episode is the highest rated episode, you know that's a quality show.
Gonzostewie t1_jdmkqh6 wrote
Yes yes. Swegin Woo. Hangdai
Gonzostewie t1_jdmksfn wrote
trethompson t1_jdmkutt wrote
My first watch of Justified I got halfway through and then started watching Deadwood at the same time. Both fantastic shows.
[deleted] t1_jdml36d wrote
The_Monarch_Lives t1_jdmlwb6 wrote
So many great lines in that show, but that will probably always be my favorite one.
HRzNightmare t1_jdmmmrv wrote
Tig agrees.
bUrNtKoOlAiD t1_jdmnd4l wrote
I was trying to remember the follow up dialogue which is pretty funny iirc. Something like "Did you come up with that?" and Raylan's like "Nah, I think I read it in a book somewhere."
arcspectre17 t1_jdmnggu wrote
Also tig loves PAPER PAAAAPERR! His character in waterworld is a running joke in my group.
The_Monarch_Lives t1_jdmnsg5 wrote
Edit: say it again slow so i can write it down.
BetaRayBlu t1_jdmo1fi wrote
This isnt where i parked my car
bUrNtKoOlAiD t1_jdmoazl wrote
Ha! There you go.
ChainMarkov t1_jdmok08 wrote
Art’s monologue about Drew Thompson is top two in quotes along with this one.
Successful-Gene2572 t1_jdmpbfn wrote
Love Natalie Zea!
OJimmy t1_jdmppvs wrote
" If you run into an a$hole in the morning, you ran into an a$hole. If you run into a$holes all day, you're the a$hole.'
ElectricJunglePig t1_jdmtkve wrote
The best part is when he has to tell the investigator about it, and he’s just like, “did you come up with that??” 😂
ElectricJunglePig t1_jdmtwo2 wrote
I hadn’t realized just how well-acted until I saw him in something else, and then an interview later. That guy is amazing.
ElectricJunglePig t1_jdmua83 wrote
My head-cannon is that for the character, it’s intentional and he’s trying real hard to be as Floridian as possible.
vibrance9460 t1_jdmuihl wrote
One of the best shows ever on tv
ElectricJunglePig t1_jdmvm30 wrote
If you read Fire in the Hole, you’ll probably be disappointed. Truthfully, Raylan is pretty different than in Riding the Rap, or Pronto too, but if you haven’t read those ones you’ll probably love it. Most of the series feels a lot like it came straight out of an Elmore Leonard novel. Even in the later episodes when the writer wasn’t around, there’s scenes and characters that just feel like he personally wrote them in.
ChosephineYap t1_jdmw4yx wrote
I live and breathe for Tim Gutterson’s sarcasm and boner references!
ChosephineYap t1_jdmwggr wrote
But dude, you made out with your sister!
ChosephineYap t1_jdmwuwm wrote
Scotsmania t1_jdmwvry wrote
I think this was written well enough it would have been a good show no matter who was cast in it as long as they were "good" but the people they got were what raised it to a great one. The perfect actors for the roles.
Jitterjumper13 t1_jdn0fwr wrote
I want a episode animated with the Disney lineup. Goofy as Rayland, Donald as Boyd, and Mickey as Art
dylank22 t1_jdn0rje wrote
Watch Perpetual Grace LTD. It's so good and he's great in it. Unless that is the something else you were talking about.
Bassookajoe t1_jdn8qj5 wrote
First we gotta take a moment and acknowledge how awesome this guy is...
Aggressive-Owl2043 t1_jdna8m2 wrote
I would very much recommend it. I watched it with my father, it starts of as a procedural but quickly becomes a story with a good cohesive narrative and a great seasonal villain
HalloweenBlues t1_jdnb9f0 wrote
I'd also recommend Raylan vs zombies
godnrop t1_jdncowc wrote
Wow you are in for a treat. Enjoy!
Walter_Molinski t1_jdnhkac wrote
Lawful Evil vs Chaotic Good
4500x t1_jdniey7 wrote
The only downside is that their chemistry overshadows how good Jere Burns/Wynn Duffy is
4500x t1_jdnik98 wrote
tosses bullet
Next one’s coming faster
ElectricJunglePig t1_jdnl4xw wrote
It wasn’t… I hadn’t heard about it until now. It looks amazing, thanks for the tip!
vibrance9460 t1_jdnq0eu wrote
Dewey: “You shot me in the back!”
Raylan: “Well if youda run towards me ida shot ya in the front”
RunningToStayStill t1_jdnrznr wrote
This show is sleep inducing.
nycdiveshack t1_jdnx1qv wrote
How Dickey with what little intelligence couldn’t figure little mcredee was the buyer is beyond me. Such an idiot moment for him
HungerSTGF t1_jdnzrm1 wrote
Them aussies love their cowdoys
SynthD t1_jdo44dc wrote
Above or below his four kidneys moment?
nycdiveshack t1_jdo6a4l wrote
That was Dewey not Dickey
Hollow_Rant t1_jdoa42p wrote
Let's go catch us a whore.
AnthonyRC627 t1_jdohev2 wrote
Because they dug coal together
Elon_Kums t1_jdom3or wrote
Leonard consulted on the show
OMGWTFBBQUE t1_jdopjs6 wrote
Walton Goggins has a vodka.
jrbcnchezbrg t1_jdouv7p wrote
anatomized t1_jdp4682 wrote
what about europe??
Derkanator t1_jdpbyl8 wrote
And Stan
insane_troll_logic t1_jdpi7is wrote
I think it's solid throughout but the second season was always my favorite season as a whole (thanks to esteemed character actress and fugitive from the law, Margo Martindale) and one of my favorite eps was a season 4 ep (Decoy).
johngie t1_jdpxfkg wrote
His portrayal was so good it inspired Elmore Leonard to write another Raylan Givens book.
RealJohnGillman t1_jdqm4gt wrote
If it helps you to know, a new Justified series is coming out this year, with Olyphant returning (although with an all-new supporting cast)?
RealJohnGillman t1_jdqnoi4 wrote
If it helps you to know, a new Justified series is coming out this year, with Olyphant returning (although with an all-new supporting cast)?
RealJohnGillman t1_jdqodj1 wrote
The same actor does star in a Western television series — [Deadwood]( — perhaps you were thinking of that?
bloodydingbat t1_jdqp4bj wrote
Not sure it’s gonna be as good without Boyd and Dewey in the new season…
SamuraiJackBauer t1_jdqybtj wrote
Just started S2 again for the 4th time.
Been about 4-5 years since I watched it and damn… the fucking writing on this show.
I cannot wait for the revival.
SamuraiJackBauer t1_jdqyg3q wrote
Dixie Batman and Joker.
In fact, Raylan has a rogue gallery almost as good as Bats.
Aggressive-Owl2043 t1_jdr31xl wrote
I am so incredibly hyped!!
Ok_Government_2062 t1_jdrqlk1 wrote
Highly recommend!
diamond t1_jdrwft5 wrote
"Goddamn, woman. You only shoot people when they're eatin' supper?"
-stag5etmt- t1_jdtrp4d wrote
Raylan Givens: I guess I never thought of myself as an angry man.
Winona Hawkins: Well, you do a good job of hiding it, and I suppose most folks don't see it, but honestly, you're the angriest man I have ever known.
BattleHall t1_jdtuv7n wrote
> "Nah, I think I read it in a book somewhere."
And that's a meta-joke, since the line is from Elmore Leonard's Glitz.
BattleHall t1_jdtv6z6 wrote
I still want a spin off of him as a mid-level Dixie Mafia, catching shit from both sides. The Sopranos meets The Office. Call it All I Do Is Wynn.
BattleHall t1_jdtx7fa wrote
A line so cool, they had to lampshade it in another episode:
BattleHall t1_jdty2rc wrote
"Saw it on the Johnny Carson Show..."
BattleHall t1_jdtya7t wrote
bUrNtKoOlAiD t1_jdtz7ta wrote
Yes! I've read or heard that before but I wasn't confident about the details so I didn't mention it.
Hollow_Rant t1_jdlfo9a wrote
You all will dig coal together