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-GregTheGreat- t1_jdxv3mh wrote

There were a few unnamed Yellowjackets from their JV squad that were hanging around in the background last season. They decided to actually ‘introduce’ them as characters now, probably redshirt fodder to get murdered and eaten. From what I heard, one was actually always around as an extra beforehand, while the other two are brand new.

It was definitely a little clunky they way they introduced them though


PSN-Colinp42 t1_jdy4i75 wrote

My husband said “who are these Tailies?”


OneReportersOpinion t1_jdy2hyv wrote

The one girl who likes showtunes is definitely a red shirt.


OperationBreaktheGME t1_jdydlq2 wrote

😂😂😂 even I was like “kill her. Kill her now. Immediately.” The actress nailed the super annoying new cast member part.