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DarklySalted t1_jdy6mgm wrote

Juliette is doing phenomenal mouth acting to really sell being a long time addict. Watch how she talks, you can tell some of the teeth are gone, and she's been cranked long enough to have the jerky motions.


KimberParoo t1_jdy7apo wrote

there was one specific gesture she made with her mouth that, as an at one point crack addict, was way too real 😬 the mush mouth was rampant for a while


DarklySalted t1_jdy7gfb wrote

I was trying to explain that to my wife. Nat isn't just wild and erratic, she is PERFECTLY captured.


KimberParoo t1_jdy7yj6 wrote

Yeah I think it was deliberate to make Juliette look so rough compared to young Natalie, that kind of hard drug use often makes someone unrecognizable!!! My friend I was watching with was distracted by her facial tics and I’m like…that is the point lol when we are tweaky we are not fun or comfortable to witness