frezz t1_jb395bk wrote
Reply to comment by jogoso2014 in What other examples like Henry Cavill on The Witcher are there of an actor being opposed to the way their character is portrayed - especially when the actor is in the right? by unitedfan6191
There's no character arc, It's a pointless death. It was D&D misunderstanding the "whole anyone can die at any moment" thing in GoT.
Robb and Ned Stark was shocking and did seem to come out of nowhere, but when you look back it did make perfect sense for the characters. They really had nothing left to do other than some sort of revenge fantasy plot, which ASOIAF is better than. It's also why everyone saw the Jon Snow resurrection thing coming a mile away, the character had too much left to explore to just end.
And it's why Barristen's death is so silly. The whole Barristan reuniting with a Targaryen only to see another one go crazy would've been super interesting to explore. Instead he just dies to a bunch of random goons for no reason
jogoso2014 t1_jb3h1ui wrote
There is most certainly a character arc.
There’s tons of pointless death in the show and it seems silly to pretend Selmy’s character held more weight than others.
Quite frankly he was always just a servant for the other main characters.
There is nothing he provides except context for last actions which is important but never an ongoing necessity.
You can blame the writers all you want but you still haven’t given any evidence that his character has any chance if surviving much longer in the book narrative.
frezz t1_jb3jnzm wrote
I don't know what you want from me? I don't have some sort of insight into GRRM's mind to know what he has in mind, nor have i managed to reduce asoiaf into a formula to predict events happening.
All i can say is that Barristan almost definitely has an arc. It's tied to dany of course, but he basically legitimises Dany by comparing her to Rhaegar. If we accept the mad queen theory is canon, the way Barristans arc ends definitely impacts the build up of that narrative. I'm not saying he'll survive much longer, but his death has to be better than dying to some random goons for no reason
jogoso2014 t1_jb4mynd wrote
I didn’t want anything from you.
I made a true statement and people are acting like he’s supposed to be the hero of the show for some reason rather than what he very clearly was throughout- a side character.
Being upset about that is not something I have much control over, so until someone comes up with a storyline that indicates how crucial he continued to be in the story, I’ll just accept the notion that many disagree with my sound assessment and move on.
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