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[deleted] t1_jdcm6ow wrote

Thomas Jane (who I thought was the Highlander and Raiden when I was a kid) almost was Rick in Walking Dead.


MulciberTenebras t1_jdcqm32 wrote

That was when the show was being pitched to HBO, they passed because it was "too dark"... but that same year greenlite Game Of Thrones.


monsieurxander t1_jddsnof wrote

Game of Thrones was in development for years before that. It was a long, difficult road getting it to air.


Fuzzikopf t1_jdcpfeu wrote

Fucking loved him in The Expanse


Gooberino74 t1_jdcq4gx wrote

I'll admit I can't for some reason get past the first season, although I do like the show. I've tried rewatching it twice from the beginning. I think life just gets in the way, but his character is by far my least favorite and I typically like Thomas Jane as an actor. Does his character improve throughout?


Fuzzikopf t1_jdcu0xk wrote

> Does his character improve throughout?

Hell yeah he does, I didn't like him in the beginning either. But by the end, he was my favourite.

The first season of The Expanse is difficult for many people and even though I only needed a couple episode, I can understand why.
As someone else already said, seasons 2 & 3 are absolutely phenomenal though. Some of the best TV I've ever seen.

Season 4 is not bad either, but not as great as the previous two. Seasons 5/6 are still good compared to other shows, but overall a bit disappointing I would say.


mickeyflinn t1_jdcqs1k wrote

> Does his character improve throughout?

Yes, everything about the Expanse gets better through the first season. Season 2 and 3 is where it peaked.

The show went to shit when it moved to Amazon (s4,5 and 6).


tagen t1_jde82j9 wrote

Miller was my favorite character in the books, I had never seen Thomas Jane act in anything before, and I thought he did a great job!