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Jhawk163 t1_jdd6dqk wrote

For a minute there I thought the headline was talking about the youtuber/streamer, because on the one hand, with the shit he builds it was only a matter of time, but on the other hand, this still fucking sucks.


MulciberTenebras t1_jddangw wrote

Reaves, not Reeves


Mountainbranch t1_jddkskr wrote

Filipino tech goblin is immortal!

But yeah one day he is going to get himself killed making a drone that drops cans of mountain dew from high altitude or something.


spinachie1 t1_jdexap5 wrote

Think it’ll be racist Elmo, filled with rage at being born, that does him in.


pwalkz t1_jddvp1m wrote

Yes that is the easily confused difference between the names. Very good.


Jnyflrs t1_jddv04u wrote

Yeah I have no idea how anyone could confuse the two


Stfuego t1_jde8a84 wrote

Definitely a bit of title gore for me as well, I thought Reeves was doing a TV show and a comic series, neat... and then he's dead... and 72?! Oh wait...


TheKingsPride t1_jdfzeni wrote

I was also extremely scared he had killer himself with a robot


Wrenigade t1_jdgikdv wrote

Mini heart attack, thought he finally drove himself off a cliff with the mind controlled car or something. Or gave himself a heart attack with all the TENS machines he messes with. Or with the tazers. Or the electrified floor... He does a lot of legitimately dangerous and reckless things lol, I think if it was another creator, I wouldn't be so quick to believe they died out of the blue