Submitted by JannTosh17 t3_11zmjee in television
TriscuitCracker t1_jdd62q0 wrote
Oh no!
RIP, his writing for Gargoyles and Batman TAS and Real Ghostbusters among other things was wonderful.
Jhawk163 t1_jdd6dqk wrote
For a minute there I thought the headline was talking about the youtuber/streamer, because on the one hand, with the shit he builds it was only a matter of time, but on the other hand, this still fucking sucks.
bravetailor t1_jdda0ge wrote
One of the most influential and trailblazing writers in American TV animation history.
MulciberTenebras t1_jddangw wrote
Reaves, not Reeves
surreality69420 t1_jddask4 wrote
Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioon
MulciberTenebras t1_jddb3x7 wrote
That's putting it mildly.
A resume that includes episodes of: Transformers, TMNT, He-Man (both the original and the 2002 remake), The Smurfs, Jem and the Holograms, Dungeons & Dragons, Ewoks, The Real Ghostbusters, Peter Pan and the Pirates, Batman: The Animated Series, Gargoyles, Tiny Toons, Godzilla: TAS, The Centurions, Max Steel, Spider-Man: Unlimited, My Little Pony, Bobby's World, Challenge of the Go-Bots
On top of all that he wrote one of the greatest Batman films ever made, Mask of the Phantasm
discerningpervert t1_jdddfic wrote
He was a prolific writer. RIP.
MindPlayinTricksonMe t1_jddf81r wrote
moonstrous t1_jddfkwp wrote
Man, I loved his Star Wars novels as a kid. Michael Reaves was so inventive and genre savvy... the MedStar duology was M.A.S.H. set during the Clone Wars, and it was awesome.
Coruscant Nights was a great series weaving in and out of the criminal underworld, focusing on relatively "street-level" characters and their personal stories.
That's something Star Wars could do with a lot more of, when you contrast Andor's success with... whatever the hell the Mando Cinematic Universe has become.
Here's hoping some of Reaves' material gets a proper adaptation. RIP, and thank you for all of the wonderful stories.
Jeffery_C_Wheaties t1_jddgwhg wrote
I totally forgot about gargoyles! I loved that show as a kid! Is it streaming anywhere?
Onyxprimal t1_jddhbiw wrote
Netwinn t1_jddhd0v wrote
80s-00s kids lost a legendary part of their childhood today. RIP
Onyxprimal t1_jddhnvp wrote
The guy basically entertained me all my life. Damn. RIP good, sir.
best-for-you t1_jddjbil wrote
I really liked his Batman artwork, had a book like this as a kid
waitingtoleave t1_jddjjm7 wrote
Wow, RIP. Reading through his bio and accomplishments made me sad and happy -- practically at the same time.
Michael had a hand in so many things! To start off as a boy who struggled in school and a young man with his stories rejected, and then become such a successful creative force... That's wonderful. I'm sure he waged a valiant war against his illness, and I hope he is in a much better place.
Seeing all the shows he helped make and recognizing quite a few of them from my past.. I'm quite proud of Michael. Rest easy!
Mountainbranch t1_jddkskr wrote
Filipino tech goblin is immortal!
But yeah one day he is going to get himself killed making a drone that drops cans of mountain dew from high altitude or something.
TriscuitCracker t1_jddl0u7 wrote
Disney +. It holds up wonderfully, far ahead of it's time. Very mature in tone.
Greg Weisman the creator also did Spectacular Spider-Man, arguably the best Spider-Man cartoon, and Young Justice.
SlipparySnake t1_jddlo7y wrote
Rest in peace my friend, you will be remembered fondly. 🕊️
GuyOthersome t1_jddls7l wrote
He also took over for W.I.T.C.H. in the second season and the first season of Star Wars Rebels.
methos3 t1_jddmaz0 wrote
I also got him mixed up with this pair -
BigBadPidgey t1_jddmzrh wrote
[deleted] t1_jddo6fi wrote
he wrote one of my favourite starwars books coruscant nights.
I remember being livid during the clone wars when an important character in said book died in the clone wars meaning said book could never happen
Lewa358 t1_jddogob wrote
While his TV work is nothing short of fantastic, his novel Interworld (with Neil Gaiman) had a profound influence on me as a kid--it was the first book I read that really touched on Multiverse stuff, in ways I didn't see again until Everything Everywhere All At Once.
Earwax82 t1_jddom6z wrote
The Shattered World was one of my favorite books when I was in middle school. Thirty years later I still think of ripping it off every time I start a new DnD campaign.
bronymtndew t1_jddspax wrote
I feel so bad for
Actual-Translator-34 t1_jddt79u wrote
I got this reference :/
[deleted] t1_jddtmqt wrote
RickyFlicky13 t1_jddu2h3 wrote
Can't tell if you meant to say mildly or I'm so behind the times with the kids now that 'mid' is used as midly now
Xerenopd t1_jddua6l wrote
Rip the goat
Jnyflrs t1_jddv04u wrote
Yeah I have no idea how anyone could confuse the two
pwalkz t1_jddvp1m wrote
Yes that is the easily confused difference between the names. Very good.
Aussiebadgamer67 t1_jddwk2q wrote
Enjoyed a lot of this man's work RIP
DoAsIDontSay t1_jddxx61 wrote
He worked on so many of my favorite shows. Rest in peace to a true talent.
Paralta t1_jddyqtv wrote
All the people who helped mould my childhood are dying. Its sad but im grateful for what they gave us.
RadioMessageFromHQ t1_jddzukw wrote
I think I speak for everyone when I say
RC_Cola2005 t1_jde03mk wrote
He was the writer of the Tambelon arc in MLP n Friends, my most favorite arc in the series.
May he Rest In Peace.
jgilkinson t1_jde0za4 wrote
He and Flint Dille wrote my childhood. Rest in peace
its_justme t1_jde1evh wrote
If they kept the same tone I’d love more Gargoyles. Back in the day it felt like such a mature cartoon, like Batman the animated series
VindictiveJudge t1_jde1hxp wrote
Yes, but you forgot to say
edharma13 t1_jde2aya wrote
Heard this from Steve Perry via other social media this week. Sad news. Mike’s was a name I knew well from the 80’s-90’s from both books and TV.
initialbc t1_jde2cte wrote
Holy shit I though Michael Reeves died in his 20s. Still sad though. RIP
smokeandfog t1_jde4w8a wrote
Thanks for shaping my childhood. RIP
x4740N t1_jde6p6i wrote
Oh my fucking god I thought this said "Micheal Reeves" for a second and thought he died
Nearly had a heart attack
This death still sucks though
Stfuego t1_jde8a84 wrote
Definitely a bit of title gore for me as well, I thought Reeves was doing a TV show and a comic series, neat... and then he's dead... and 72?! Oh wait...
MulciberTenebras t1_jde9fkl wrote
One of the reasons being it was made by Reaves and other Batman TAS writers.
piratecheese13 t1_jdeayg8 wrote
Between this, and Kevin Conroy, Batman, the animated series has been losing alumni
its_justme t1_jded560 wrote
Well there we go!
I almost dread mentioning a reboot because it will be a monkeys paw wish where we get teen titans go or adventure time style animation and the whole thing goes down the crapper
MulciberTenebras t1_jdedcu6 wrote
And we've also seen what happens to "dark well-written" animated shows on Disney these days... The Owl House
[deleted] t1_jdee15x wrote
histprofdave t1_jdeegue wrote
With the exception of The Dark Knight, I think Mask of the Phantasm was actually the best Batman film made.
BoysLinuses t1_jdeesmb wrote
He looked great for his age!
LocCatPowersDog t1_jdefl0y wrote
fuck you Parkinson's
[deleted] t1_jdefqh7 wrote
Rusty_Shakalford t1_jdeh4za wrote
> Dungeons & Dragons
Specifically he was one of the writers on “The Dragons Graveyard”.
For those who haven’t seen it, it’s an episode where the kids finally conclude that they will never get home so long as Venger (the main villain) keeps stopping them. So they decide to kill him.
The staff had to fight for the network to let them air it. The idea at the time in kids shows was that characters could react to violence, but never initiate it. Nowadays this kind of plot is pretty common, but back in the day this was breaking bold new ground.
VVLynden t1_jdehb3s wrote
Gargoyles was amazing and strangely enough got me more interested in the Arthurian legend.
Infinit777 t1_jdeheb0 wrote
Thought the same thing on first glance.
MulciberTenebras t1_jdekmtp wrote
For me it was Shakespeare
stimpakish t1_jdelpd7 wrote
While the animation is not always gorgeously smooth, that series holds up soooo well in every other way. Fun and full of sparks for imagination. Just enough consistent characterization and character growth balanced with the action. And lots of hilarious Frank Welker unicorn voice. Myeehh!!
MallKid t1_jdelqky wrote
Mask of the Phantasm was possibly the best movie from a TV show ever. And I uad no idea he was involved in so much stuff. Awesome work, glad we had him for as long as we did.
MallKid t1_jdem5pt wrote
Those two are, at best, tied for me. It was awesome seeing Kevin Conroy's Batman and Mark Hamill's Joker in a movie theater.
brettmgreene t1_jdeo1nd wrote
The Mandalorian season three opener was so bad. The show has zero depth and I can't explain why it's become such a phenomenon.
dexter30 t1_jdeu0x2 wrote
I know who lilypichu but i dont get the reference 🤕
Edit: nevermind i just got it... FUCKING LIBERALS
TheLostSkellyton t1_jdev0a1 wrote
Wow, this guy was THE writer of my childhood television. And he worked on the 02-03 He-Man too...I really enjoyed that show even though I was in my 20s by then.
cppn02 t1_jdex9v6 wrote
Nothing strange about that.
spinachie1 t1_jdexap5 wrote
Think it’ll be racist Elmo, filled with rage at being born, that does him in.
sasquatch727 t1_jdeyb7d wrote
My copy of "Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter" has been read so many times the pages fell off the spine. This dude was my hero at 12-13 years old. Very sad to hear he's gone.
[deleted] t1_jdeymti wrote
Shiromi55 t1_jdf0ad0 wrote
The crack head?
Professional-Gas4901 t1_jdf24p1 wrote
Wow. His writing brought Poison Ivy to life. Before that the character wasn’t really hashed out in any media. RIP
Mustardwhale t1_jdf488o wrote
Prolific is an understatement. The amount of books, short stories, and screenplays is insane.
wookiewin t1_jdf8vzm wrote
Such a great writer. Always loved his Star Wars work.
NeighborhoodAny7756 t1_jdf9c9w wrote
Totally forgot about the Real Ghostbusters - AHH my childhood!
[deleted] t1_jdfamgp wrote
TheG-What t1_jdfhgog wrote
You mean the greatest Batman film ever made.
Rusty_Shakalford t1_jdfk7gk wrote
It was definitely pushing the envelope further than most 80’s cartoons. Lot of rough spots, but it’s one of the few D&D properties that feels like D&D to me. Half the show is taking the fantasy world seriously, the other half is modern teens making fun of it. All while being pointed in the right direction by a Dungeon Master*. If anyone is wondering; this show was cancelled before I was born so this isn’t just nostalgia taking.
*one element that intrigued me was the slow reveal of Dungeon Master’s backstory. The show isn’t serialized, at least not in the modern sense, but the way the breadcrumbs slowly built up makes me wonder what a modern crew could do with the idea. >!Over the course of the show it’s revealed that the kids are not the first group he brought into the realm, and that both of the two groups mentioned met a nasty end. The last episode of the show implies a group of teens brought over sometime around the turn of the 19th century, who then tried to fight the big bad of their time, but failed. All but one of them was imprisoned in a pocket universe, and Dungeon Master abandoned the surviving girl, Martha, to wander the realm until the kids meet her as an old woman!<
ShiftAlpha t1_jdfslxd wrote
I am absolutely prepping a campaign in his world right now. The only books I have ever owned are his Shattered world series and Street Magic. I am pained to see they weren't mentioned in this article. In early 2000 I sent him an email asking permission to make a video game in his world. He responded declining due to dealing with some serious marital and life issues. I was expecting him to just blow me off due to my age, but he was totally cool about it and I feel like had I followed up a few years later he would have been up for it . This guys incredible imagery in his writing formed the basis of my imagination. I hope he was able to sort out his life, he had such a great impact on many peoples childhoods.
[deleted] t1_jdfylkf wrote
TheKingsPride t1_jdfzeni wrote
I was also extremely scared he had killer himself with a robot
Stevespam t1_jdg2dul wrote
What a shame. Back in the late 90's, he was very active on the AOL Gargoyles chatroom, and regularly responded to me and many others. I'm very saddened to hear about his passing.
divineshadow666 t1_jdgeq53 wrote
Greg Weisman is currently writing a Gargoyles comic for Dynamite Comics. Issue #3 just came out a couple weeks ago, so it'll be fairly easy to catch up.
Wrenigade t1_jdgikdv wrote
Mini heart attack, thought he finally drove himself off a cliff with the mind controlled car or something. Or gave himself a heart attack with all the TENS machines he messes with. Or with the tazers. Or the electrified floor... He does a lot of legitimately dangerous and reckless things lol, I think if it was another creator, I wouldn't be so quick to believe they died out of the blue
anivex t1_jdgiurz wrote
That is always the sad part of losing a creative mind from your childhood before getting to; I guess you could say, "re-realize" it at an older age with the same creativity in mind.
Your grief mixes with your nostalgia and it sometimes leads to disappointment due to greedy folks.
sethlovesyou t1_jdgnj6s wrote
The Coruscant Nights books were some of the best EU at the time! I never saw them talked about much but they were really legitimately good
[deleted] t1_jdgsgt6 wrote
CowPunkRockStar t1_jdgsion wrote
Dungeons and Dragons Saturday morning television! You will be missed Michael Reaves. I’m glad that I had the opportunity to tell you that I was a big fan.
HouseOfZenith t1_jdgt0mg wrote
Thank god you pointed it out I sat here for hours
againsterik t1_jdgyfey wrote
With tasers.
Werd2jaH t1_jdh0cuw wrote
I thought this was the YouTuber until I read the age!
at98weallrotate t1_jdh2saw wrote
Had no idea that I loved so much of his work.
nothingfood t1_jdh2w7f wrote
No I really didn't. But it sounds like you did, and I'm sorry.
RedSweaterSrsly t1_jdhigac wrote
IDW is releasing a new Dungeons & Dragons comic book based on the 80’s animated show next week! It’s under their Saturday Morning Adventures line.
Rusty_Shakalford t1_jdhsyx0 wrote
Very neat. Thanks for the heads up.
They’ve also some tie ins with the upcoming D&D movie. The group has a brief cameo in the film, and I saw some toys and a book from the series in stores. Wasn’t a specialty nerd store either, that book was on display in a supermarket.
Weird but neat to see the property getting a bit of life to it again.
Ecksearoh t1_jdigaw4 wrote
He was prolific and amazing.
ChrisCinema t1_jdl5bsb wrote
Rest in peace to a true talent. I started watching Gargoyles over a month ago on Disney+ and learned he was behind the series, Batman: The Animated Series, and countless other ones.
WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_jdczsh8 wrote
Damn. Dude was prolific and talented.