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Saar13 t1_jdw75zh wrote

The only certainty I have regarding the media market is that Hollywood is going to bed with Apple more and more. Apple gives them what they want: "freedom", stability and, most importantly, infinite money.


tidho t1_jdw7t1j wrote

yeah, that infinite money can be really appealing, even if you have to be a hypocrite to get it.


givemewhiskeypls t1_jdx9q7r wrote

I’m just curious if you zealously point out the hypocrisy of the other side of the aisle as well


tidho t1_jdxn47a wrote

first, did you find that 'zealous'?

second, why does that matter? let's say i've never said a bad word about a Republican in my life... does that change the validity of what I said?


givemewhiskeypls t1_jdxo5ho wrote

You went out of your way to point out something you perceived as hypocritical with a political undertone out of context and in response to a completely apolitical comment. So yeah, I think that hints at some zealotry. And the second part of your question doesn’t make sense, you just said something bad about democrats (in Hollywood) so I wouldn’t be surprised if you never said a bad thing about republicans in your life. My point is that you’re taking pot shots at one side of the aisle out of the clear blue to make a point and I’m asking you if you’re an equal opportunity sniper taking pot shots at republican hypocrisy. It’s an honest question, maybe you are. Maybe you’re a crusader against hypocrisy and if you were, I’d respect that. I suspect that’s not the case but happy to be wrong.


tidho t1_jdxseu3 wrote

i understand what you're asking me, and i'm telling you it's irrelevant.

i did 'take a shot' at hollywood hypocrisy. if you want to tag that as political go ahead i guess, it's adjacent maybe. Was really commentary on how that tend to be preachy rather than about any specific political issue.

if you want to talk "crusader", shall we discuss your apparent need to rush in to their defense with your 'please sir, tell me you are the Republican operative I hope you will be, so i can attack the messenger rather than have to address the message', lol.


givemewhiskeypls t1_jdxu5j0 wrote

Oh I’m just crusading against bullshit one shot at a time like you, I guess…


tidho t1_jdzue78 wrote

so you disagree about the Hollywood hypocrisy I mentioned?