Submitted by MarvelsGrantMan136 t3_123rd78 in television
Saar13 t1_jdvwumf wrote
Until the premiere they change the title to just Savant. They love a name with an S: See, Servant, Swagger, Suspicion, Severance, Slow Horses, Shining Girls, Surface, Shrinking, Silo, Sugar, Sunny, Strange Planet...
Tim Cook must wish he'd been called Sim Cook.
Saar13 t1_jdvxzss wrote
At this point, pretty much every A-list name in Hollywood has a high-profile project with Apple, except for Timothee Chalamet.
thrillhouse83 t1_jdvzj6m wrote
Don’t forget the movies: Swan Song, Sharper, Spirited
Saar13 t1_jdw1gl8 wrote
Spellbound, Still... Whenever you see a new show or movie with an S in Production Weekly, it's possibly for Apple. Or SApple.
Neo2199 t1_jdw37ll wrote
They should rename the service Apple S+
[deleted] t1_jdw4xku wrote
katykazi t1_jdw5mk0 wrote
I actually read it as Servant and got excited that they’re making a spin-off. Now I’m disappointed.
tidho t1_jdw5y5a wrote
that can't be, Apple uses child labor and doesn't repatriate their overseas earnings. 'Hollywood' wouldn't get in bed with such loathsome characters.
Saar13 t1_jdw75zh wrote
The only certainty I have regarding the media market is that Hollywood is going to bed with Apple more and more. Apple gives them what they want: "freedom", stability and, most importantly, infinite money.
VapeApe- t1_jdw7c78 wrote
tidho t1_jdw7t1j wrote
yeah, that infinite money can be really appealing, even if you have to be a hypocrite to get it.
CeaseFireForever t1_jdwfqxz wrote
I’ve been watching Apple’s streaming service for the last couple weeks, and man, a lot of their stuff just isn’t very memorable. You have all these big name actors, yet the projects themselves aren’t worthwhile except for a couple.
LegoLady47 t1_jdx0ltq wrote
Their first FAMK was great but S3 left a lot to be
RPDRNick t1_jdx4e0a wrote
I'm currently binging "Wealthy White People are Fucking Crazy," season 5.
SevenExtra t1_jdx6bd3 wrote
givemewhiskeypls t1_jdx9q7r wrote
I’m just curious if you zealously point out the hypocrisy of the other side of the aisle as well
root_fifth_octave t1_jdxd2uu wrote
I've liked a lot of their stuff, but maybe theyre in 'greenlight everything' mode now. Would make sense to grow the library.
Mentoman72 t1_jdxgi7d wrote
Yall keep brining more examples when I think there can't possibly be more lol
absherlock t1_jdxhjup wrote
Sted Lasso
31_SAVAGE_ t1_jdxl5rt wrote
>“Is It Possible to Stop a Mass Shooting Before It Happens?” that detailed a woman known as “The Savant,” an investigator whose job is to take down the country’s most violent men before they can carry out large-scale attacks.
are you serious with this shit man?
tidho t1_jdxn47a wrote
first, did you find that 'zealous'?
second, why does that matter? let's say i've never said a bad word about a Republican in my life... does that change the validity of what I said?
givemewhiskeypls t1_jdxo5ho wrote
You went out of your way to point out something you perceived as hypocritical with a political undertone out of context and in response to a completely apolitical comment. So yeah, I think that hints at some zealotry. And the second part of your question doesn’t make sense, you just said something bad about democrats (in Hollywood) so I wouldn’t be surprised if you never said a bad thing about republicans in your life. My point is that you’re taking pot shots at one side of the aisle out of the clear blue to make a point and I’m asking you if you’re an equal opportunity sniper taking pot shots at republican hypocrisy. It’s an honest question, maybe you are. Maybe you’re a crusader against hypocrisy and if you were, I’d respect that. I suspect that’s not the case but happy to be wrong.
Brainiac7777777 t1_jdxpo3d wrote
Succession is on Season 4, not 5
[deleted] t1_jdxs1gj wrote
tidho t1_jdxseu3 wrote
i understand what you're asking me, and i'm telling you it's irrelevant.
i did 'take a shot' at hollywood hypocrisy. if you want to tag that as political go ahead i guess, it's adjacent maybe. Was really commentary on how that tend to be preachy rather than about any specific political issue.
if you want to talk "crusader", shall we discuss your apparent need to rush in to their defense with your 'please sir, tell me you are the Republican operative I hope you will be, so i can attack the messenger rather than have to address the message', lol.
SomberXIII t1_jdxszca wrote
At least the production values can make it for them to be enjoyable
givemewhiskeypls t1_jdxu5j0 wrote
Oh I’m just crusading against bullshit one shot at a time like you, I guess…
TchoupedNScrewed t1_jdxv66n wrote
There have been instances of China essentially barring earnings from leaving the country. It’s also in many cases an investment to begin manufacturing there since you’re often responsible for machinery especially if it’s specialized. This means you either leave your machines or they just copy everything when you move out. This isn’t to defend Apple though, I’m more so saying they’re attempting to move to even cheaper labor markets, but they have to do it slowly without rocking the boat too much. Workers rights in China are still a joke in many cases, but there have been some improvements in factory quality and worker protections. There are even more exploitable places Apple wants to access.
Realistically China has gotten to ethical and expensive to product Apple products there. They want somewhere more exploitable.
Nike has the same issue, but to an exaggerated affect. Sure the factory probably doesn’t have or can’t work with the same material supplier Nike used, but they can get damn close. There are some insane quality fakes out there.
China has also been looking to shift to more specialized forms of manufacturing like semiconductors.
TheyCallMeKP t1_jdxzhcs wrote
I watch a crap ton of tv, like 5-10hr a day, and Apple is prob 2nd to HBO with some of the best shows out over the last couple years.
I do agree though that the Jennifer Aniston one with a bunch of famous folks kinda fell off, I never bothered watching the 2nd season.
randybruder t1_jdxzv0e wrote
They haven’t had Jon Hamm for even longer
eekamuse t1_jdy5u5k wrote
We have a winner
PainStorm14 t1_jdya290 wrote
I have a feeling i will be enjoying Grace Randolph's review more than actual snow 😁
CarelessWhiskerer t1_jdydfg1 wrote
I watched an episode of Shrinking yesterday.
[deleted] t1_jdyeynm wrote
babybambam t1_jdyi6cz wrote
Smorning show
Saar13 t1_jdyje4j wrote
He is on the new season of The Morning Show. It was announced shortly after that ad.
randybruder t1_jdyjmnz wrote
Oh nice, excited to see what Timothée Chalamet is going to be in for Apple
RunningToStayStill t1_jdyonfa wrote
Shantaram, the most underrated of the bunch
RunningToStayStill t1_jdyp5h3 wrote
Assuming a premise like this only appeal to bored stay at home moms, they probably weren't banking on any significant male viewership.
nitpickr t1_jdzasdb wrote
I think they're still trying to cast Jessica Chastain as a this smart sexy can-do woman like they did in Ava, miss sloane and molly's game.
the6thReplicant t1_jdzfcmh wrote
Two of those movies were based on true stories though.
So they should lie?
aridcool t1_jdzlkq0 wrote
Should lean into the mythology. They are a company called Apple so why not make a show called Snake?
tidho t1_jdzue78 wrote
so you disagree about the Hollywood hypocrisy I mentioned?
tidho t1_jdzvx2h wrote
a much simpler argument can be mad, for instance why should the US Government be getting a piece of a transaction that was sourced, manufactured, and sold outside it's borders in the first place?
point is, none of that matters for what i was saying - which was simply highlighting the Hollywood hypocrisy, regardless of how right or wrong they my be on the underlying topic.
RG_Viza t1_je04uyi wrote
Maybe Hamm will costar
IeatOneAppleADay t1_je06rmg wrote
Prax150 t1_je0b22i wrote
I think they have a lot of great stuff but the seams are starting to show, it feels like they're casting bigger and bigger names to hide the faults of the scripts they decide to produce. Extrapolations is laughably bad.
analbumcover69420 t1_je0ic9l wrote
Well at least every studio stopped making shows with “ish” at the end of their title
riesendulli t1_je0oduc wrote
The Shrink next door
Black Bird
brownbubbi t1_je3bui5 wrote
But instead he’s called Tim Apple
theodo t1_je452qu wrote
Why do you say it like a negative for her play those roles? She was fantastic in Miss Sloane and Molly's Game
theodo t1_je45554 wrote
They have a ton of shows you likely haven't seen that definitely fit the "big names but not memorable" category. Hell I'd even put The Morning Show in there and that's one of their most high profile shows.
SQUID_FUCKER t1_je4azfb wrote
...and it's cancelled.
VapeApe- t1_jdvvuly wrote
Apple really wants all of their show names to be confusing: Severance, Servant, The Savant. WHICH ONE ARE YOU WATCHING?