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yeahwellokay t1_je6lnbu wrote

Can't wait. I'll watch anything with Sam Richardson.


DonQOnIce t1_je6mhnd wrote

Season one was such a surprising delight. I’m looking forward to this.


LutzExpertTera t1_je6n8ni wrote

Nice! This show was great. The ensemble cast is a huge reason why s01 was so fun, and I'm hoping they find it again for s02.


yeahwellokay t1_je6poip wrote

I first really caught on to him with Werewolves Within, but then went back and watched stuff like Detroiters and Champaign ILL and anything I could find.

I still haven't watched much of Veep, though. I don't know why, but I have a hard time getting into it.


LaKeithSusfield t1_je6w6i3 wrote

Excited for this, but I am worried because the creator said in an AMA on Reddit that he’s going to make the mystery more difficult to solve because the subreddit for the show (mostly) figured it out before the finale.

One of the things I liked most about the show is that they drop enough breadcrumbs for you to figure out who the murderer is before the finale, and the Reddit community is probably 1% of the total viewer-base. I don’t want this to be a Westworld season 2 where the twist can’t be figured out at all which leads to a disappointing and clunky reveal.


DisturbedNocturne t1_je7f8rv wrote

I think you can't really approach murder mystery series with Reddit in mind. When you have literally thousands of people that can collaboratively theorize in one place, it's very likely people are going to come close to figuring things out. Seems a little futile to try to work against that, because you don't want to write something that is so convoluted no one was ever going to see it coming. It never feels well-written when the answer just comes out of nowhere and isn't something anyone could've predicted.

Write for the people who aren't on Reddit after every episode trying to figure things out. Even as big as Reddit is, they're still a comparatively small minority.


TheGeekVault t1_je7rzxs wrote

I just want one episode where Yasper is involved from prison and it's another musical episode but kind of like a silence of the lambs type thing going on.


MrBoliNica t1_je7v55k wrote

Tiffany Haddish is still the lead? surprised, so much for being "cancelled"


thesmash t1_je85zb6 wrote

This was originally supposed to premiere in April, I’m guessing they’re spacing content out because of the potential writers strike


ithinkther41am t1_je8mhby wrote

I think just trying to throw off Reddit is never a great idea. Some of the people that lurk here are insane and obsessive with details.

For example, they guessed the twist in Watchmen really early because >!Laurie’s vibrator was named Excalibur, which became Laurie’s Excalibur, which became Laurie’s ex Cal Abar. They ended up guessing Cal Abar was Dr. Manhattan based on a goddamn vibrator.!<


hannibal_morgan t1_je8rrsy wrote

Exactly! I really liked that there was enough information there for people who were really looking for clues, it's what made it such a great story! Also I agree with you on the Westworld comment, hopefully it doesn't end up like that


RealJohnGillman t1_je9b5or wrote

She’s not the main character, just the detective amongst an ensemble cast. She has her own episode of focus, much like everyone else, but most of the series would be centred around other characters — I would call the series well-worth watching.


dantemanjones t1_je9hl27 wrote

They only had one shot (twice) to set a premiere date. No more moving it around!