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danksformutton t1_jdour6c wrote

I thought it was an awesome concept with awful writing and an awful delivery.


ivanpkaramazov t1_jdplnry wrote

The third episode was especially so dull and unnecessary. While there was so much to focus on about climate change the whole religious focus was weird


Automatic_Randomizer t1_jds6ikq wrote

> religious focus was weird

I thought so too, and wondered if it might come up later in the series.

Now, I'm thinking the whole episode was to set up the moral quandary faced by good people. Shut down the homeless shelter or save the synagogue. If so, that was kind of a long walk just to say that everything is a trade-off.


lostsoul2016 OP t1_jdouwxg wrote

I don't think so. Your mileage may have varied. I'd encourage you to watch the show what it conveys rather than it's technicalities. Story telling on 1st and 3rd episodes were great.


ishtar_the_move t1_jdw66l0 wrote

The consensus seems to be this is one of the worst shows in recent years. Apparently not a lot of people enjoy being talk down to by bunch of private jets celebrities.


theodo t1_je47igj wrote

One of the worst shows in recent years is such an insane statement when you consider how much actually horrible stuff gets released.


danksformutton t1_jdow49r wrote

I was just hoping for like, less talking whales and musical numbers. The goring was hilarious though.


mudman13 t1_jdrj0oe wrote

>less talking whales

Well now I want to watch it!