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AvatarJack t1_jefpeqf wrote

Pokémon. It’s like a global solar punk utopia. Tons of green technology, basically everyone (except for all the organized crime groups I suppose) loves animals and most people don’t really seem to have a job, they just wander around with their buddies and pets.


JohnCavil01 t1_jefwg49 wrote

I mean they do keep those animals locked up in little computerized balls only freeing them periodically to beat the shit out of each other for sport as a core part of their culture.


AvatarJack t1_jefx0j7 wrote

Yeah but the animals are all hyper intelligent and seem to be both able to understand human language but also are capable of expressing themselves to humans. They also seem to be on board with battling in most scenarios. But if any of mine weren’t up to it, I’d just let them hang out while my Charizard rained fire from above.


whythehellknot t1_jefzqy6 wrote

I'd keep my pets safe but have my meanest ones murder all others. I love animals.