Submitted by MarvelsGrantMan136 t3_1219xs6 in television
Uptopdownlowguy t1_jdlwg1o wrote
I can't get into this show. Opening song is a banger, though.
Been watching Chainsaw Man, which kinda has a similar premise and it's so much more enjoyable to me. I can't explain why, but the cinematography and aesthetic is top tier, and I feel more emotion for the characters. Apparently it's more popular with the western audience than Asia due to the subdued colors and toned down expressions from the manga
pm_me_reason_to_livx t1_jdlz217 wrote
> I can't get into this show.
same. i could only make it to 12 episodes. it's not really all that good plot-wise if im being honest... the fight scenes are lit tho.
Irishane t1_jdm0tfw wrote
Took me a few episodes too. Once the larger cast of characters starts to be introduced, it’s a lot more watchable.
Uptopdownlowguy t1_jdm536r wrote
I will give it another go soon, I stopped at episode 9
spicynirvana38 t1_jdm8eki wrote
The funny thing is I have the completely opposite opinion. Couldn't get into Chainsaw Man, but completely enjoyed JJK.
Uptopdownlowguy t1_jdm9hmx wrote
Different strokes! I'm still gonna give JJK another try
spicynirvana38 t1_jdma1jv wrote
And I'll give Chainsaw Man another try haha.
Uptopdownlowguy t1_jdmbf90 wrote
Dude episode 8 is insane, if you're not on board by then I'd call it quits
Shrekt115 t1_jdmiwh5 wrote
Should be good
Parenthisaurolophus t1_jdmjgzl wrote
To be honest, I can see this happening to a lot of people. Imo, the show doesn't really find it's solid footing until 13 through 20 which I really enjoyed. Early on, you have a small cast of characters, and a handful of villains who seem... unmotivated? I'm not sure what the right word is. But after 13, two of the minor villains have new purpose, and by the end of 20, all the main core of villains have found a new raison d'être going forward.
And a lot of the same is true of the core and secondary protagonists. You get a much better sense of the characters, the backstories, their motivations by the end of 20.
I'm not saying any of that is a good thing. Needing 20 episodes into an anime for it to make the jump from watchable but meh to solid (imo) is not a great concept, but those where the episodes that hooked me personally and felt like the show came into it's own.
That said, I totally get if people aren't willing to sit through like 7 hours of TV for that kind of thing.
Shrekt115 t1_jdmjjbj wrote
I like CSM more but JJK is pretty good too
Uptopdownlowguy t1_jdml9xo wrote
I just finished Chainsaw... Man, what a season! Time to give JJK another go, I suppose
[deleted] t1_jdmlp1h wrote
106cm t1_jdmurnj wrote
I’m a simple man. I like the culling games. I’m a culling games fan
Cosmix77 t1_jdmz9xs wrote
It really depends for me. I read the manga and i enjoy both but jjk for me is far better story wise. But i can’t lie that i enjoyed chainsaw man first part more than jjk since it had more chaos but jjk after first part was amazing. I understand though why you may not have liked season 1 of jjk, but i assure you season 2 will have one of the best shonen arcs of the decade (gojo past +shibuya). I actually wasn’t that much of a fan of the chainsaw man anime since i felt like they changed the facial expressions way too much. It felt alot more serious than the goofy chainsaw man that i was used to (which is what kinda gave it the identity it had in the first place) and the movement was very awkward (going for more realistic movement wasn’t my cup of tea) but i can see why people liked it.
ImmediateAppeal7691 t1_jdn0jtg wrote
Why are you being downvoted? Thanks for your honest opinion. My coworkers was just telling me about both of these yesterday. He actually said exactly what you said almost. He actually did like this show though, but he said that chainsaw man is really similar, but much better
JustStrolling_ t1_jdn69sz wrote
Is this good for a casual anime viewer? I'm not sure whether to start it.
Anime's I like: One Punch Man, Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, My Dress up Darling, Chainsaw Man.
fuckmylife193 t1_jdnamfo wrote
yeah go ahead. you're gonna have fun.
DoubleA77 t1_jdnd06r wrote
Based on what you've seen, should be right up your alley.
Tpmbyrne t1_jdnpvho wrote
Yea you will love this. I like most of those and this is my favourite
RochHoch t1_jdnvscz wrote
This season's gonna be great, much better than the first. Shit goes crazy.
thebetabruh t1_jdnwmic wrote
big fan of Gojo
undergroundkris t1_jdo0nbu wrote
Toji about to go ape shit.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_jdo2yab wrote
Yeah, you’ll like this one if you watch AoT and Chainsaw Man. Very similar kind of content and tone (maybe a few more goofy characters, but other than that, not much difference)
her_fault t1_jdoibb7 wrote
I am fucking HYPED
her_fault t1_jdoic69 wrote
You'll probably like it
boosterkeaton t1_jdonxb5 wrote
So is this season just the chapters related to backstory or will it go into the Shibuya incident?
sucr4m t1_jdoryp4 wrote
trying to figure out how my dress up darling found its way into that lineup but even more so it seems like you will have a lot of great anime ahead of you.
JustStrolling_ t1_jdos5vh wrote
Rofl, I know it's so different from the others. But I still enjoyed it. I'm a softie.
sucr4m t1_jdotou5 wrote
anime has romance and especially romcoms figured out. id recommend horimiya in relation to dressup. and maybe love is war which leans more towards comedy but oh boy is it an amazing show.
jujutsu kaisen is a great watch too btw to stay on topic :<
JustStrolling_ t1_jdou9bj wrote
Thanks for the rom-com rec. I saw another rom-com anime I liked too called More than a Married Couple but Not Lovers
I'll check out Horimiya
solrac1104 t1_jdr49td wrote
It will cover Shibuya arc I believe.
Mainlandempire t1_jdrfl0u wrote
Yes it's pretty casual it's all about the action
Mainlandempire t1_jdrfo70 wrote
> Been watching Chainsaw Man, which kinda has a similar premise
They're polar opposite shows
Chainsawman is about the characters
JJK is about the set pieces and action
sleepyaza124 t1_jdrox0h wrote
Backstory the first 5-6 episodes then back to Shibuya
Uptopdownlowguy t1_jdrswp9 wrote
Yeah I tried watching it again and it's just not for me. It doesn't reel me in with its story or characters, the latter of which Chainsaw Man excels at. JJK I suppose has action going for it. But that's a low bar. I need something to care about.
Uptopdownlowguy t1_jdrtpx7 wrote
> Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, Chainsaw Man.
It's not gonna live up to the standard set by those shows, at least for me. But go ahead and try it, it's popular for a reason I guess
JustStrolling_ t1_jdtfzax wrote
What other anime would you rec that on the level of the ones you highlighted?
Uptopdownlowguy t1_jdtiy5r wrote
Made in Abyss, Death Note, Erased, Cyberpunk Edgerunners, The Promised Neverland (season 1)
Naruto is up there for me too, but you gotta skip the filler. But even then it's kinda long and slow. Might be a hard rec for someone used to the faster pace of modern anime
JustStrolling_ t1_jdts0dr wrote
Thanks for the recs, I appreciate it. I'll look into the premises of them and decide.
Shiguhraki t1_jdtvgfl wrote
Knowing Mappa and what’s to come in season 2 JJK may set a new standard by the end of it
Rayfasa t1_jdltnj4 wrote
WooHoo!!!! Can’t wait!!!