ROBtimusPrime1995 t1_jdkmzyy wrote
I really hope there is either a major Gandhi twist gag reveal...or at least a throwaway joke, never to be heard of again.
For those who don't know, India protested MTV for casting Gandhi in their TV series, prompting MTV to kill the show.
Dear-Attempt-2182 t1_jdkrxus wrote
I've seen the leaked first episode. There is a quick Gandhi reference and I could see them never referencing him again
BusinessPurge t1_jdktts3 wrote
not since twin peaks has an accidental 20 year gap worked in a show's favor
garlicroastedpotato t1_jdkv24r wrote
For people too young for this show. The show was being animated and voiced on a weekly basis with aggressive timelines for getting out each episode. The original show was supposed to be 24 episodes to a season but MTV decided to cancel it at Episode 13. So the final episode involved everyone being frozen with a message basically begging people to help them get the show uncancelled..... which it never did.
The show became super popular with the torrent generation and yeah... it really does look like they're targeting millennials badly on HBO Max.
MulciberTenebras t1_jdkwu4j wrote
Which seems ironic... since they got done cancelling most of the shows niched to millennials (which also had too many LGBTs and POC to the new owners' likings)
pipboy_warrior t1_jdkxmix wrote
Also of note, the janitor in Clone High was voiced by Neil Flynn, aka the janitor in Scrubs. Bill Lawrence once confirmed(or joked) that they were the same character.
peenpeenpeen t1_jdl08ra wrote
From the writer/producer/directors of into the spidervers and cloudy with a chance of meatballs! I am so so excited for this!
Three_Froggy_Problem t1_jdl1b4f wrote
conker1264 t1_jdl4bot wrote
How you gonna leave out the jump street and Lego movies…
kimbosdurag t1_jdl5m3g wrote
Loved this and undergrads while they were on.
Abeman26 t1_jdl6rt6 wrote
Woah wait Gandhi isn’t in this anymore?? Wtf! I’m out
kianworld t1_jdl7v12 wrote
I don't think that was the case? It was a 13 episode order that MTV US never actually finished airing (until they aired it on MTV Classic in 2016) due to both low ratings and the Gandhi controversy.
BusinessPurge t1_jdl8425 wrote
Twin Peaks had some rather bizarre plot stuff that essentially said the story will pickup in 25 years and then “froze“ some of its cast. By making a sequel 25 years later they were able to pay off what they had setup, as if it were always planned that way for season three. It sounds like the new Clone High original characters have been frozen all twenty years, about enough time to grow a new generation of clone teen characters. It pays off the cliffhanger of them getting frozen, like the plan was always to wait twenty years for season two. Both shows had in-universe explanations already built into their very long delays between seasons
keving87 t1_jdl9ckt wrote
Yeah Teletoon in Canada aired all of them, albeit out of order with a holiday episode in April a month after they aired the finale in March... which itself was after a month break. MTV only aired 8 of the 13 episodes originally.
armchairwarrior69 t1_jdlbei4 wrote
What is the reference?
BroHurst t1_jdlbx07 wrote
WalmartDarthVader t1_jdlc7kb wrote
Why this look like Total Drama Island
OCGamerboy t1_jdlccap wrote
The animation looks like it has greatly improved.
ScantmanSpecial t1_jdlcfui wrote
ADD? Am I… dying?
FusionFall t1_jdlch1r wrote
Is it just me or does the character designs for the new characters seem off? Like they aren't from the same show.
bizkitmaker13 t1_jdldmul wrote
Man I watched this shit baked out of my mind back in college. Great series, lets hope they don't fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuck it up.
Lick the book, lick the book.
RichestMangInBabylon t1_jdldnyo wrote
I think it’s just their clothes. Style wise they seem to be the same in terms of proportions and art. Just wearing different outfits because I guess they’re from twenty years later than the original clones.
[deleted] t1_jdlj2xg wrote
ElginBrady420 t1_jdljgja wrote
Yeah, I remember having to download the last few episodes on Limewire because it did fully air in Canada.
I’ve heard no Gandhi in the reboot and that makes me not interested in it.
guiltynate t1_jdlk7xx wrote
No Gandhi, no watch!
alangalan97 t1_jdlkcup wrote
They just briefly show that he got left behind and is still frozen.
Separate-Mushroom t1_jdll2sw wrote
theres a couple ghandi references, i think theyre waiting until farther in the season to make him show up
[deleted] t1_jdlpkdd wrote
drummerinthewoods t1_jdlqkbt wrote
… Aren’t they also the original, at least writers of Clone High’s previous seasons?
HolidayHowlett t1_jdlqn0n wrote
Say what?!
[deleted] t1_jdlqpgj wrote
[deleted] t1_jdlrqs0 wrote
DisturbedNocturne t1_jdlsnir wrote
Todd Kauffman, the character designer on Total Drama Island has admitted he was told to "design a show that resembled Clone High.
DisturbedNocturne t1_jdlunc2 wrote
They're certainly much more vibrantly colored, which I have to assume is a deliberate design choice. If the new characters are clones that were created in the past ~15 years, it makes sense that they would have a different fashion style than the clones who were around in the early 2000s. Them having a new batch and old batch of clones together could definitely make for some interesting storylines if that's the route they're going.
ianthebalance t1_jdlv3rr wrote
Reminds me a little bit of Total Drama Island designs
[deleted] t1_jdlw0xz wrote
X-Factor11105 t1_jdlw1s9 wrote
“Straight up man, numbers don’t lie.”
(animated #4 with squeaky shoes appears)
“I’m the number five!”
I cannot wait for this
JaniceMosher t1_jdlxyv0 wrote
Say what.
Aar0nSwanson t1_jdm23mf wrote
Damn wait til Muhammad pulls up with Jesus.
[deleted] t1_jdm30vd wrote
butterflynana8 t1_jdm4ai9 wrote
So stoked!!!🥰🥰🥰
MulciberTenebras t1_jdm4za5 wrote
Well both series were made in Canada.
MulciberTenebras t1_jdm52sq wrote
Back when it aired, India lost its shit and threatened MTV for including the character.
MTV factored that into the decision to cancel it, even after Phil Lord and Christopher Miller offered to drop the character in season 2 (or reveal that he was actually a clone of Gary Coleman, not Gandhi)
Seraphem666 t1_jdm71go wrote
Teletoon was also going to help fund under grads season 2 mtv said no. Glad clone high and undergrads are getting new stuff
dajuice3 t1_jdm78i0 wrote
I'll watch cause it was a pretty funny crude stupid premise. But geeze they gotta know that the ghandi parts were probably the most funny.
G spot rocks the g spot, the solid ghandi dancers, him having ADD.
Probably considered low brow but funny.
Seraphem666 t1_jdm7rtn wrote
It still pisses me off knowing teletoon was willing to put up half the funding for season 2 of undergrads but mtv wasnt. At least its getting a movie.
NakatasGoodDump t1_jdm82k4 wrote
True, needs more G-Spot
poyahoga t1_jdm9192 wrote
This show was created and designed in the early 2000s, a good decade before whatever you’re whining about. But you seem fun!
Venevad t1_jdm92gg wrote
i will probably watch this regardless but i really hope that first episode was just a misstep and the rest of the season is good. it just didn’t feel right to me, maybe it was the lack of gandhi or i wasn’t feeling the new characters but it just didn’t land a lot
originalcondition t1_jdm9cdr wrote
Jesus was in season 1, Joan of Arc goes to him for advice at one point lol
Stonesword75 t1_jdm9g60 wrote
So they have a final "fuck you" ready to pull on the final episode or just dont care about India's thoights anymore. Good to hear.
[deleted] t1_jdm9vw2 wrote
originalcondition t1_jdmaxuk wrote
You’re a grand old flag
adsfew t1_jdmb5pb wrote
They came up with the concept originally and are co-creators along with Bill Lawrence
adsfew t1_jdmbke5 wrote
The leaked first episode focuses a lot on >!the differences between being a teen in the 2000s vs. the 2020s!<
OneGuyJeff t1_jdmcbge wrote
The first new IT movie coming out 27 years after the original was also pretty neat
xchipter t1_jdmdxi3 wrote
Say whaaaaaaaaaaat?
xchipter t1_jdme3fv wrote
Foa suppa I err uh… want a party platta!
ElderCunningham t1_jdmewyp wrote
Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
TrumpdUP t1_jdmfb23 wrote
Art style sucks.
_Occams-Chainsaw_ t1_jdmika7 wrote
^^Please ^^don't ^^be ^^shit.
TwEE-N-Toast t1_jdmj2ar wrote
It sounds like your not familiar with cartoons at all.
MrsAllHerShots t1_jdmj81c wrote
i totally thought this was a TDI spinoff until checking out the comments…… guess he did a good job in that regard lol
Clorst_Glornk t1_jdmja4y wrote
Touch the book. Liiick the book., book......
StaffSuspicious t1_jdmjjkm wrote
Total Drama Island 2
Skluff t1_jdmkaqc wrote
Chris Miller said during the panel yesterday that the second season was the perfect opportunity to fix the design flaws he didn't like him the first season. Like Joan's head.
Dpsizzle555 t1_jdmkj0e wrote
Another cartoon that the art looks completely shit. At least every single character doesn’t have the same face like other American animated shows.
Kostrom t1_jdmkpyx wrote
Why is this animation /art style sticking around? It’s so boring
Chaotickane t1_jdmn7ka wrote
I really hope this happens with The Expanse. For those who don't know, the show ends at the end of book 6. Between book 6 and 7 is a 30 year gap but still involves the same characters since human lifespans are about double what they are now.
It'd be awesome to see the show pick up again in like 15 years and do the last 3 books.
juno_huno t1_jdmo9ys wrote
He’s also the dad in one of the best comedies ever, The Middle.
eatthebowl t1_jdmofqa wrote
“At least things can’t get any better” “It doesn’t work like that gandhi” Butterfly carrying $ flys by
SundaySermon t1_jdmoon5 wrote
Like how many backpack straps to put around your shoulders.
bmdisbrow t1_jdmpcip wrote
*Season, and not even a full one at that.
ShibbyBearz t1_jdmpda8 wrote
plastic bag, plastic bag, plastic bag
WinterSon t1_jdmpq51 wrote
Lame. Show won't be the same without him
WinterSon t1_jdmq1ap wrote
He got it from a toilet seat
16Shells t1_jdmragl wrote
I’d shake your hand, but you know… peanut arms.
mihran146 t1_jdmsbp7 wrote
How long was the gap for Samurai Jack?
pvanb t1_jdmtdf8 wrote
He was gonna be included but… Plastic bag! Plastic bag!
BelowDeck t1_jdmttns wrote
They also voiced major characters. Miller is JFK and Mr Butlertron, and Lord is Principal Scudworth.
PetyrDayne t1_jdmu132 wrote
Gandhi was a racist, pedophile though.
D3monFight3 t1_jdmufud wrote
If they leave it at that then clearly the show will be complete garbage, he was the best part of the entire show. Plus if him being Gandhi's clone offended people they could have easily just said "Scudworth fucked up he's not Gandhi he's some random other guy that vaguely resembles Gandhi".
[deleted] t1_jdmumkp wrote
[deleted] t1_jdmves5 wrote
I_Should_Leave_Now t1_jdmvg92 wrote
Give us back Ghandi, you cowards
BlastMyLoad t1_jdmvoz8 wrote
Their outfits are too busy. The OG characters have very simple designs.
CoastingUphill t1_jdmvuqa wrote
Gandhi giving JFK finger guns, and JFK ducking, is one of my favourite sight-gags in all of television.
BusinessPurge t1_jdmvx5o wrote
I’d love a proper book finale, I’ll wager it eventually happens just maybe as two or three telefilms not full seasons. Like Farscape Peacekeeper Wars
mybadalternate t1_jdmwi2k wrote
Don’t tell Paul Revere!
mybadalternate t1_jdmwmnn wrote
Nah, I haven’t read it either.
[deleted] t1_jdmxlat wrote
Jakesummers1 t1_jdmy0ll wrote
Although this is true, I’m sure it will be downvoted to hell
Jakesummers1 t1_jdmykb5 wrote
This version fits more in line to the real Gandhi, too
Jakesummers1 t1_jdmyosr wrote
TDI is Clone High 2.0
13_f_ny t1_jdmyuqg wrote
Is abandoned pools coming back !?!
DMPunk t1_jdmzjud wrote
> Michael Bolton as Michael Bolton
Gucci_meme t1_jdn0e9l wrote
Yeah but their religion!!!!
scottyboost t1_jdn0ik6 wrote
atomicpenguin12 t1_jdn0rot wrote
Yeah, I remember Jesus Cristo. I think they found him in shop class doing some woodworking
shineurliteonme t1_jdn0sec wrote
Not in the show
land_shrk t1_jdn0x3y wrote
Was it announced that Christa Miller was replaced as Cleo? That was my take away from this article. Wonder if it’s a Jenny Slate/Big Mouth scenario
JRansomBioDermKiller t1_jdn1bdo wrote
jbaughb t1_jdn2a5d wrote
Damn, I forgot about the last season of samurai Jack. Turkey great.
*truly. But I’m leaving it.
palookaboy t1_jdn2dh3 wrote
Figured Gandhi would be out, but can’t wait for China to complain about Confucius.
MyStationIsAbandoned t1_jdn2et2 wrote
I guess even after 20 years, they didn't grow a spine
AngusChavez t1_jdnd0ui wrote
How are you gonna get rid of Ghandi, the best character
MengisAdoso t1_jdne5sj wrote
Speaking, of course, from your extensive experience in the practicalities of TV production and dealing with executives.
The version where they grew a spine is the one that never got greenlit.
binrowasright t1_jdneigc wrote
binrowasright t1_jdneo7d wrote
I think that was the plan originally when the India stuff was going down, he was going to turn out to be a clone of Gary Coleman
zorbathegrate t1_jdnfkn2 wrote
Turkey is great!
grammar_nazi_zombie t1_jdnfwdp wrote
Do Mission Hill next!
TheNewYellowZealot t1_jdnhd03 wrote
Less than 20. Samurai jack debuted in 2001 and the final season was in 2017
RichardGibson t1_jdnhoth wrote
In the story 50 years pass between seasons 4 & 5 (Jack doesn’t age anymore) but about 13 years passed in real life.
[deleted] t1_jdnugey wrote
simplebutstrange t1_jdnzi2x wrote
this better be as good as the og clone high or ima burn this mother down
simplebutstrange t1_jdnzve2 wrote
what is yourrrraaaahhhh hurrayyy, throw a few more errrs and ahhhhhh in there
grub-worm t1_jdo0sao wrote
They tried to get around it by him actually being Gary Coleman all along and that's hilarious
grub-worm t1_jdo0wxk wrote
Say ^whaaaaat
Dylsnick t1_jdo3al5 wrote
And Mean Girls
Dylsnick t1_jdo3ll0 wrote
"Do me a favour? Have yourself a great day!"
That does not sound like the janitor from Scrubs.
Dylsnick t1_jdo3yal wrote
Did you see that freaking pool? They FLIPPED the bitch!
pipboy_warrior t1_jdo5pbf wrote
Certain events happened in Clone High that made him the bitter character we see in Scrubs.
petuona_ t1_jdocxiz wrote
There was a leak of the first episode some time ago.
Funny-Plantain3647 t1_jdokokv wrote
Joan and JFK!! She deserves someone after pining for Abe for however long!
croth4 t1_jdopj1y wrote
Love to eat turkeyyyy
wikitoups t1_jdosdgj wrote
I have the DVD set that they released back in the day!
wikitoups t1_jdoslt2 wrote
What about Stamos?!
KeyLimeGuy69 t1_jdoy1bx wrote
I wouldn't count on it.
WarpingLasherNoob t1_jdprav5 wrote
Not to be an apologist, but, back then, who wasn't?
JurgenWigg t1_jdptjbn wrote
Yup and Julius Ceaser reminds him, “Be careful with that nail gun, Jesus.” 😂
[deleted] t1_jdpvj5p wrote
[deleted] t1_jdrjzgo wrote
sexisdivine t1_jdt7i2u wrote
What are they gonna say they were frozen all this time since the original finale and that the board of directors kept them that way for observation while continuing the cloning progra-OOOOhhhhhhh.
BelowDeck t1_jdu2gbc wrote
Please, no meat touching ma'am!
[deleted] t1_jdklt44 wrote