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ROBtimusPrime1995 t1_jdkmzyy wrote

I really hope there is either a major Gandhi twist gag reveal...or at least a throwaway joke, never to be heard of again.

For those who don't know, India protested MTV for casting Gandhi in their TV series, prompting MTV to kill the show.


BusinessPurge t1_jdktts3 wrote

not since twin peaks has an accidental 20 year gap worked in a show's favor


garlicroastedpotato t1_jdkv24r wrote

For people too young for this show. The show was being animated and voiced on a weekly basis with aggressive timelines for getting out each episode. The original show was supposed to be 24 episodes to a season but MTV decided to cancel it at Episode 13. So the final episode involved everyone being frozen with a message basically begging people to help them get the show uncancelled..... which it never did.

The show became super popular with the torrent generation and yeah... it really does look like they're targeting millennials badly on HBO Max.


peenpeenpeen t1_jdl08ra wrote

From the writer/producer/directors of into the spidervers and cloudy with a chance of meatballs! I am so so excited for this!


kimbosdurag t1_jdl5m3g wrote

Loved this and undergrads while they were on.


Abeman26 t1_jdl6rt6 wrote

Woah wait Gandhi isn’t in this anymore?? Wtf! I’m out


BusinessPurge t1_jdl8425 wrote

Twin Peaks had some rather bizarre plot stuff that essentially said the story will pickup in 25 years and then “froze“ some of its cast. By making a sequel 25 years later they were able to pay off what they had setup, as if it were always planned that way for season three. It sounds like the new Clone High original characters have been frozen all twenty years, about enough time to grow a new generation of clone teen characters. It pays off the cliffhanger of them getting frozen, like the plan was always to wait twenty years for season two. Both shows had in-universe explanations already built into their very long delays between seasons


keving87 t1_jdl9ckt wrote

Yeah Teletoon in Canada aired all of them, albeit out of order with a holiday episode in April a month after they aired the finale in March... which itself was after a month break. MTV only aired 8 of the 13 episodes originally.


OCGamerboy t1_jdlccap wrote

The animation looks like it has greatly improved.


FusionFall t1_jdlch1r wrote

Is it just me or does the character designs for the new characters seem off? Like they aren't from the same show.


bizkitmaker13 t1_jdldmul wrote

Man I watched this shit baked out of my mind back in college. Great series, lets hope they don't fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuck it up.
Lick the book, lick the book.


DisturbedNocturne t1_jdlunc2 wrote

They're certainly much more vibrantly colored, which I have to assume is a deliberate design choice. If the new characters are clones that were created in the past ~15 years, it makes sense that they would have a different fashion style than the clones who were around in the early 2000s. Them having a new batch and old batch of clones together could definitely make for some interesting storylines if that's the route they're going.


X-Factor11105 t1_jdlw1s9 wrote

“Straight up man, numbers don’t lie.”

(animated #4 with squeaky shoes appears)

“I’m the number five!”

I cannot wait for this


MulciberTenebras t1_jdm52sq wrote

Back when it aired, India lost its shit and threatened MTV for including the character.

MTV factored that into the decision to cancel it, even after Phil Lord and Christopher Miller offered to drop the character in season 2 (or reveal that he was actually a clone of Gary Coleman, not Gandhi)


dajuice3 t1_jdm78i0 wrote

I'll watch cause it was a pretty funny crude stupid premise. But geeze they gotta know that the ghandi parts were probably the most funny.

G spot rocks the g spot, the solid ghandi dancers, him having ADD.

Probably considered low brow but funny.


Venevad t1_jdm92gg wrote

i will probably watch this regardless but i really hope that first episode was just a misstep and the rest of the season is good. it just didn’t feel right to me, maybe it was the lack of gandhi or i wasn’t feeling the new characters but it just didn’t land a lot


xchipter t1_jdme3fv wrote

Foa suppa I err uh… want a party platta!


Clorst_Glornk t1_jdmja4y wrote

Touch the book. Liiick the book., book......


Skluff t1_jdmkaqc wrote

Chris Miller said during the panel yesterday that the second season was the perfect opportunity to fix the design flaws he didn't like him the first season. Like Joan's head.


Dpsizzle555 t1_jdmkj0e wrote

Another cartoon that the art looks completely shit. At least every single character doesn’t have the same face like other American animated shows.


Kostrom t1_jdmkpyx wrote

Why is this animation /art style sticking around? It’s so boring


Chaotickane t1_jdmn7ka wrote

I really hope this happens with The Expanse. For those who don't know, the show ends at the end of book 6. Between book 6 and 7 is a 30 year gap but still involves the same characters since human lifespans are about double what they are now.

It'd be awesome to see the show pick up again in like 15 years and do the last 3 books.


D3monFight3 t1_jdmufud wrote

If they leave it at that then clearly the show will be complete garbage, he was the best part of the entire show. Plus if him being Gandhi's clone offended people they could have easily just said "Scudworth fucked up he's not Gandhi he's some random other guy that vaguely resembles Gandhi".


13_f_ny t1_jdmyuqg wrote

Is abandoned pools coming back !?!


DMPunk t1_jdmzjud wrote

> Michael Bolton as Michael Bolton



land_shrk t1_jdn0x3y wrote

Was it announced that Christa Miller was replaced as Cleo? That was my take away from this article. Wonder if it’s a Jenny Slate/Big Mouth scenario


palookaboy t1_jdn2dh3 wrote

Figured Gandhi would be out, but can’t wait for China to complain about Confucius.


AngusChavez t1_jdnd0ui wrote

How are you gonna get rid of Ghandi, the best character


simplebutstrange t1_jdnzi2x wrote

this better be as good as the og clone high or ima burn this mother down


petuona_ t1_jdocxiz wrote

There was a leak of the first episode some time ago.


Funny-Plantain3647 t1_jdokokv wrote

Joan and JFK!! She deserves someone after pining for Abe for however long!


sexisdivine t1_jdt7i2u wrote

What are they gonna say they were frozen all this time since the original finale and that the board of directors kept them that way for observation while continuing the cloning progra-OOOOhhhhhhh.