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kingzilch t1_jecexc9 wrote

That was my first exposure to Billy Connolly, but the show was running on fumes at that point. Plus the one guy went on to be that extremely sketchy producer at Nickelodeon...


ElectricPeterTork t1_jeci6ut wrote

OTOH, another castmember went on to be the guy who runs Nickelodeon, but without creepy overtones.


kingzilch t1_jefo71c wrote

You're talking the greaser dude? Are we sure there's nothing sketchy about him? I always kind of assumed Robbins was low-key enabling Schneider.


mikeymiggz OP t1_jecg4fq wrote

>That was my first exposure to Billy Connolly

Same here. I also watched his many appearances on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Idk anything outside of that, tho. I googled him & he apparently retired from show biz last decade after being diagnosed with Parkinsons. Still looks sharp at 80!

>Plus the one guy went on to be that extremely sketchy producer at Nickelodeon...

Some of his jokes on the show did not age well, given the accusations.