MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_jbplsrx wrote
>Bedrock catches up with the Flintstone family two decades later, with Fred on the brink of retirement and 20-something Pebbles embarking on her own career. As the Stone Age gives way to a shiny and enlightened new Bronze Age, the residents of Bedrock will find this evolution harder than a swing from Bamm-Bamm’s club.
- Elizabeth Banks as Pebbles
- Stephen Root as Fred
- Amy Sedaris as Wilma
- Nicole Byer as Betty
- Joe Lo Trulio as Barney
- Manny Jacinto as Bam Bam.
Community_Chess t1_jbpm8vv wrote
Solid as hell cast there.
Now they just need to toss in Paul reubens as the great gazoo.
cybercuzco t1_jbpmyuy wrote
Pvt_Wierzbowski t1_jbpn37e wrote
Wasn't Seth MacFarlane trying to develop a Flintstones reboot at one point?
LoudTsu t1_jbpneiz wrote
Stephen Root is amazing.
bluegreen8907 t1_jbpnnfx wrote
Predictions on who is gay? I’m going with bam bam.
Hausgebrauch t1_jbpnqwq wrote
Thankfully that didn't work out. Don't think we need the Flintstones with rape jokes.
dromni t1_jbpoy12 wrote
Too easy. Actually it will be revealed that Barney and Fred were, uh, more than friends all this time.
craig1818 t1_jbprf0c wrote
Manny Jacinto as Bam Bam is absolutely perfect casting
Coolman_Rosso t1_jbprf4e wrote
Community_Chess t1_jbpsbj0 wrote
"Every time I have a problem I hit it with a club and scream out my own name and just like that I have a new problem."
Duffman66CMU t1_jbpsqbt wrote
Yeah, but one true to the original, no? Or what are you hoping for?
n8cousins t1_jbpsu3b wrote
Amy Sedaris is a national treasure. I will watch anything she is a part of.
beefcat_ t1_jbpsyvv wrote
That fizzled out about a decade ago.
He doesn't seem interested in making animated sitcoms anymore.
[deleted] t1_jbptg7l wrote
jlesnick t1_jbpuhf2 wrote
Seth McFarlane had this reboot ready to go and they shelved it at the very last second.
SwagginsYolo420 t1_jbpuhhr wrote
This appears not to be a reboot, but a sequel.
mmm126 t1_jbpuj2b wrote
Were the bronze and stone ages only 20 years apart? 😜
Realshow t1_jbpumev wrote
I’m honestly surprised how long it’s taken for a true to form reboot. This premise looks interesting, but just making a modern take on the original feels like a nobrainer. It’s not like sitcoms ever went out of style.
TalkToTheLord t1_jbpunlr wrote
Yes, well I meant rebooting a franchise. I think it’s cool to try a “sequel” and see older versions of these characters.
TheD0rkKnight t1_jbpunwy wrote
I have nothing against it personally, but why is it okay for other races to be cast for a white role (disclaimer: I’m not white), but when a white person plays a non-white role (like the Simpsons cast, for example) people are “offended”?
JerkyBreathIdiot t1_jbpuwlc wrote
Bedrock, more like Bi-Rock.
Realshow t1_jbpuwxa wrote
Apparently part of the reason it didn’t pan out was because he couldn’t figure out how to distinguish Fred from Peter Griffin. Not that he wanted them to be similar, he genuinely didn’t seem to know Fred acts nothing like Peter to begin with. That should tell you everything.
JerkyBreathIdiot t1_jbpv2pd wrote
That was my first thought too. Like isn’t this supposed to be racist now?
ImSomebodyNow t1_jbpvidi wrote
They were 0 years apart.
But the Bronze Age was not 20 years away from the dinosaurs.
jl_theprofessor t1_jbpvlt8 wrote
You know I'm kind of interested in the premise. A technological shift from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age? I dunno that sounds like an interesting jump start.
JoachimG t1_jbpvpj2 wrote
Or they will change Betty and Bam bam
jl_theprofessor t1_jbpvw0u wrote
Oh dear heavens it's Jason.
nethtari t1_jbpx70h wrote
[deleted] t1_jbpxzc1 wrote
LabeSonofNat t1_jbpy3k7 wrote
I think they’ll change Betty and Bam Bam’s skin tones and it makes sense because I think Bam Bam was adopted in the original canon.
Darmok47 t1_jbpz1mw wrote
I hope they take inspiration from the recent Flintstones Comics, which really delved into modern issues as reflected in the weird Paleolithic pastiche of The Flintstones universe. Like Fred's pals Adam and Steve.
It's a fantastic satire.
jaj-io t1_jbpz39i wrote
There are a lot of shows you can justifiably ask, "Why?" This is not one of them.
BJaacmoens t1_jbq031f wrote
Now I've got that Ram Jam song in my head.
Kyklutch t1_jbq0h5t wrote
I really hope there is some Boyle Boys' love between Fred and Barney.
HardcoreKaraoke t1_jbq0p4f wrote
Sounds like an interesting concept. I'll check it out. I hope the art style is similar to the original style and not some unique off putting hybrid.
>Joe Lo Truglio as Barney
I'm sold.
I_Set_3_Alarms t1_jbq0ply wrote
Wow that’s a pretty talented/funny lineup behind the voices
[deleted] t1_jbq1j27 wrote
Try_Another_Please t1_jbq1qo2 wrote
The secret is no one really cares about that either. Most of it has been voice actors voluntarily stepping down.
I dont think just about any regular person cares.
AporiaParadox t1_jbq1sdd wrote
Hope it takes some inspiration from the 2010s DC Comics reimagining of the Flintstones, which I recommend people check out.
NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_jbq23sf wrote
Because white actors aren’t underrepresented in media. Now can people stop asking this question?
Husker_Kyle t1_jbq24la wrote
Ok this is what we need
SpiritPaper t1_jbq27tt wrote
Very inspired casting.
Mikey_MiG t1_jbq3c16 wrote
The issue that most people have isn’t that voice actors can only voice characters that are the same race as they are. The issue is that in an industry that is predominantly white, even the few POC roles that exist often go to white actors.
[deleted] t1_jbq3dk2 wrote
AssaultSorcerer t1_jbq3l2h wrote
Have you, by chance, seen The Drunk and On Drugs Happy Funtime Hour?
Horvat53 t1_jbq4fc4 wrote
I was wondering if anyone would revisit this property soon and here we are. Interested to see how it turns out.
jyper t1_jbq4y2k wrote
Is this based on the comic where Yabababadoo is a nonsense phrase to help veterans deal with trama from the war?
bangharder t1_jbq588a wrote
[deleted] t1_jbq5fyi wrote
[deleted] t1_jbq6eev wrote
OneGoodRib t1_jbq7lh0 wrote
Isn't it continuing the franchise if it's a sequel? Since they aren't starting over from scratch?
SwagginsYolo420 t1_jbq7mjs wrote
But they literally aren't rebooting a franchise. It's a new entry within the franchise.
They aren't starting over with a new version from the beginning, as a replacement for original, which is what a reboot is. Recast roles doesn't make something a reboot.
OneGoodRib t1_jbq7p86 wrote
No, but they also didn't celebrate Christmas and have talking elephant vacuum cleaners during the stone age.
OneGoodRib t1_jbq7x6a wrote
I'm still wondering why if a character is biracial, it's not okay for a whole white person to play the part, but it IS okay for a whole black person to play the part.
OneGoodRib t1_jbq81dk wrote
The voice over industry is predominantly white, but none of these people are voice actors.
OneGoodRib t1_jbq86xy wrote
The Great Gazoo is honestly not even one of the top 10 stupidest things on the original show. Everyone just ignores that there's a Bewitched crossover in it for no apparent reason.
anasui1 t1_jbq8h06 wrote
let me guess, Fred and Barney are dumbasses and Wilma is the real empowered deal
velocicopter t1_jbq9f8n wrote
So, The Flintstones then.
Fryceratops t1_jbq9j6p wrote
I want a continuation of the Harvey Birdman Flintstones.
hatramroany t1_jbqc91j wrote
Both are commonly referred to as reboots, it is what it is
TheD0rkKnight t1_jbqcahj wrote
God forbid someone ask a reasonable question without some internet troll with anger issues barking at them
kianworld t1_jbqcanl wrote
I thought the situation was Seth wanted The Flintstones and Fox wanted Rock Family Guy
MrPMS t1_jbqcstl wrote
I've been reading the series recently and it's been fantastic. Really good satire about everything from capitalism, consumerism to PTSD. Highly recommend.
bros402 t1_jbqcvz2 wrote
is it going to have horrible modern flash animation
also nicole byer so totally does not seem like Betty at all
bros402 t1_jbqd0fj wrote
oh hell yes I need Pee-Wee Herman as Great Gazoo
bros402 t1_jbqd69u wrote
yes, amazing casting
MrPMS t1_jbqd6x5 wrote
The link is broken, but I don't believe it's based on the recent satire series.
bros402 t1_jbqdfc2 wrote
I mean that would be just like the original...
makovince t1_jbqdvqu wrote
Kinda like how Seth wanted to make a Star Trek show and Fox wanted him to make a Star Trek show with fart jokes in it. I enjoy the early seasons of The Orville, but I LOVE the new Hulu season. Hope it gets another.
jyper t1_jbqeh2o wrote
Thanks I fixed it
[deleted] t1_jbqeqb7 wrote
bob1689321 t1_jbqff8u wrote
Literally only clicked this thread to see if someone mentioned the comic. Great little series.
stench_montana t1_jbqgdlj wrote
What an odd tone. Is there comedy in between or is it just straight up serious/dramatic the entire time?
2rio2 t1_jbqhiwo wrote
Oh man, Bam Bam figured it out? This is a new low.
Maybe_In_Time t1_jbqhiyp wrote
Because you're the 10th person commenting something like this every. single. time someone's character (whose race is NOT important to the character itself) is cast this way.
Yet all of you always 'innocently' start with, "not that it bothers me or anything...'.
Yes. It clearly does, otherwise why bring it up? When minorities and POC are told to 'stick' to our 'own' characters, those characters are either never brought to live-action/ production anyways, or they're voiced by a white person which defeats the purpose of telling us to find 'our own'.
Bane in The Dark Knight Rises? Makes sense to cast a white British dude with an Irish accent to play the Panamanian. Or John Voight in Anaconda.
Natalie Woods played the Puerto Rican lead in West Side Story, yet the actual latina was demoted up being the sidekick. Scarlet Johansson in Ghost In The Shell? Emma Stone playing an Asian lead? So whose role CAN minorities play?
This is where the frustration comes from - decades of having scraps thrown at animators, writers, and voice actors, then when they see a series or character is famous, they'll cash in with celebrities instead of established voice actors. Peter Dinklage was an embarrassing decision by Bungie - ended up having to replace him with a voice actor who is already doing this for a living.
2rio2 t1_jbqib3x wrote
Yea that’s actually a solid spin on the original. Turn Fred & Wilma into Boomers who don’t get new tech.
What do you mean you drive without feet now?
thedoctor3009 t1_jbqized wrote
Hire Mark Russell!! His 12 issue comic series on them is GOLD!
MGD109 t1_jbqj0xx wrote
I mean it depends what you mean, parts of the Neolithic age was technically.
Of course due to lack of safe travel in those days and scarcity of resources, you could cross from the stone age into the bronze age and back again, over a span of maybe two hundred miles.
MGD109 t1_jbqj6xc wrote
Alright. This sounds really cool.
craig1818 t1_jbqjot3 wrote
Or Martin Short
MechPilot3 t1_jbqkc5h wrote
More trash 🤮🤢
[deleted] t1_jbqkffn wrote
originalchaosinabox t1_jbqm79l wrote
"Don't do that. Don't make me hope"
FanofK t1_jbqmfsd wrote
So is this before Bamm bamm and pebbles had a kid?
Maninhartsford t1_jbqn160 wrote
Also, Seth MacFarlane. He's talked about it a lot, and I'm guessing he's sad he's not involved with this
JordanStPatrick t1_jbqnb9g wrote
Elizabeth Banks and Manny Jacinto as the adult pebbles and bambam makes so much sense in a way I really can't explain.
[deleted] t1_jbqofsc wrote
dont_worry_im_here t1_jbqoona wrote
"Who wanted this?" is the dumbest (whatever it's called... trope statement?) that has ever existed.
Are creators supposed to poll everyone before they create? Fuck off
The most awarded movie in cinema history, EEAAOA... did anybody want that?
Galactus2814 t1_jbqovyr wrote
Whether this turns out to be good or not, if you are a Flintstones fan, you absolutely owe it to yourself to read the DC comic by Steve Pugh!
It's such a truly fantastic retelling of the story and creates a very nuanced and much more interesting Bedrock.
[deleted] t1_jbqpiyx wrote
TalkToTheLord t1_jbqpmf9 wrote
Well, I agree with you about the trope. These threads are always full of 'em though, as if execs green light shows and films from comments...
NeuHundred t1_jbqpvmd wrote
NeuHundred t1_jbqpwxf wrote
Eh, it was a living.
NeuHundred t1_jbqq5ie wrote
Jetsons would be cool, that 60s retrofuturism and so on... I know people have this head canon of them being in the sky and the earth being a dead zone beneath. I think that's a bit too much, but I like the idea of other cities being the future as envisioned by other decades. So we have an 80s cyberpunk city, a 30s deco city like Metropolis, a Y2K silver/aqua fluid organic type of city, etc...
bros402 t1_jbqqtoj wrote
PineappleZaddy t1_jbqqyjy wrote
if you reboot your computer, you aren't getting a new computer, you are just restarting it
which is exactly what reboot should mean with tv, just restarting a series
zhurrick t1_jbqqzxk wrote
Because if you're multiracial you will most likely look like or be treated like a person of colour. It would be strange to have a white actor play Obama, for example.
zhurrick t1_jbqrc3o wrote
>Homo Erectus
[deleted] t1_jbqrhg8 wrote
TalkToTheLord t1_jbqrn66 wrote
Totally. I'm getting my retro-futurism fix with that right now on ATV+ "Hello Tomorrow!"
DisturbedNocturne t1_jbqrvmb wrote
>The most awarded movie in cinema history, EEAAOA... did anybody want that?
Exactly. This logic never stops to consider the other side of that. "Who wanted this!?" Yeah, because I'm sure there was a huge demand for a show about a billionaire's kids squabbling over his media empire or one based on the football coach that discussed soccer from NBC Sports commercials or the one about people whose home life can't remember their work life, but those are some of the best shows on television right now.
They really think we would've gotten those if networks were looking for some sort of popular consensus before entering development?
Kennyjive t1_jbqtgi0 wrote
Yo that cast looks bonkers! Bortles!
youcomeover t1_jbqurz6 wrote
stephen root *ahem
Available-Camera8691 t1_jbqve6r wrote
I always like to imagine the pitch for ideas like that. "Just picture it! It'll be the talk of every school's playground, office's water cooler, and home's dinner table that week! Works for the whole family!"
Ozlin t1_jbqw0t7 wrote
I'll watch it just for the cast. Stephen Root as Fred is excellent.
mike10dude t1_jbqwzce wrote
they were making it seem like he just got too busy to do it
Brimstone747 t1_jbr0n0u wrote
You had me at Lynn and Charles Boyle as Fred and Barney.
[deleted] t1_jbr2rab wrote
FutureShock25 t1_jbr2rei wrote
What's the home life/work life show? I am not familiar with a show with that premise but I'm intrigued
sambamamerican t1_jbr84az wrote
Didn’t Seth MacFarlane work on this for years?
06Wahoo t1_jbr86ql wrote
This is still a thing? I assumed this had died years ago.
Comptoirgeneral t1_jbr87vs wrote
He obviously knows they’re very different characters. It sounds like he chose not to go ahead with it for that specific reason
Comptoirgeneral t1_jbr8cka wrote
This made me laugh while watching family guy
km_amateurphoto t1_jbr9akq wrote
This is something I didn't realize I wanted until I read about it LOL
[deleted] t1_jbr9hri wrote
Indigocell t1_jbrazvm wrote
Pretty sure we never used dinosaurs as vehicles either, so I think we can give them a pass on the details.
DisturbedNocturne t1_jbrcjze wrote
Severance on AppleTV
Iommiio t1_jbrf1h4 wrote
Isn’t it for a voice role?
Wazula42 t1_jbrgy25 wrote
Just please don't Velma it.
velocicopter t1_jbrh1aq wrote
They need to make a live action Jetsons ASAP, while Danny DeVito is still around to play Mr. Spacely.
markoftheburger t1_jbrhi9n wrote
Of course Wilma is voiced by a black woman.
Bananaman9020 t1_jbrhtn3 wrote
I remember Seth MacFarlane wanted to be involved in this. Almost Sade he isn't.
otso66 t1_jbrknvi wrote
You had me at Amy Sedaris.
PainStorm14 t1_jbrlvqh wrote
Neil deGrasse Tyson wouldn't have given them a pass
spald01 t1_jbrm9sl wrote
Your dead to me can opener!
JeffBoBeff t1_jbro30x wrote
I'll take the case!
TL10 t1_jbrogdj wrote
It has humor. It does a lot of tongue in-cheek jokes about the politcal/cultural climate of our day, but the best description that I can give of the whole run is that through it all, the one thing it tries to be is earnest. Despite the cynicism, it tries to be optimistic where it can.
hawks-make-me-sad t1_jbrp3jl wrote
Flintstones in the style of the Sopranos would have been sooo nice.
707breezy t1_jbrqkd3 wrote
Of wow it’s happening. Last time I heard of a flinstones reboot it was sarah underwood on attack of the show on G4 announced that Seth MacFarlane was going to run it. Then right after that Kevin Pereira made a fun adult comment that went over my too young boy brain.
Turqoise-Planet t1_jbryai2 wrote
Wasn't there also a Bonanza crossover?
Quezavious t1_jbs00t7 wrote
Or Dino being brutalized over and over for comedic effect. Or a criminally insane Pebbles.
_TheFunkyPhantom_ t1_jbs0642 wrote
Joe Lo Truglio and Nicole Byer being Barney and Betty is inspired. And manny jacinto as their son?
Cue the vince mcmahon meme
explosivo85 t1_jbs4g5y wrote
We need Danny Devito as Mr Spacely.
alan_smitheeee t1_jbsf33n wrote
I smell another "Velma".
bluegreen8907 t1_jbsjalp wrote
because white people bad
TheMikarin t1_jbsje9g wrote
They have shown the Earth below in the original cartoon, it isn't a deadzone, just parks, homeless folk and walking birds.
doctorslices t1_jbska5v wrote
> The most awarded movie in cinema history, EEAAOA
Is it really? The Oscars haven't even happened yet.
Dangerous-Basket1064 t1_jbsviy4 wrote
Today you can still find stone age communities
Reasonable_Life7175 t1_jbsysfs wrote
“Idk cast the latino as bam bam”
MillBeeks t1_jbt05iu wrote
Gazoo is in the top 10 greatest things about that show, and how dare you sully his name by connecting him with the Bewitched crossover... Which wasn't even that bad.
ThePopeofHell t1_jbt1x3z wrote
They’ve been trying to make this for a long time. It was attached to Seth Macfarlane. I think he used to talk about it in interviews.
SwagginsYolo420 t1_jbtbpuw wrote
What a reboot means in fiction has a firmly established definition.
I agree that it isn't the ideal term, it should have been a better one, but it is the one that stuck.
The new show is definitely not a reboot or remake. Though obviously it's not a revival either. Whether it will be a re-imagining can't be ruled out yet, but everything announced about it so far points to a straight-up sequel.
CombatHarness t1_jbtdrru wrote
Is that just a side effect of there being more awards now though?
CombatHarness t1_jbteym6 wrote
Exit Stage Left the Snaglepuss Story is also a phenomenal examination of McCarthism and its effects on the theater industry and I'm not even joking
Galactus2814 t1_jbtfl1l wrote
So good!
The Jetsons was the only one I wasn't that impressed with. It was good, but compared to Flintstones and Snagglepuss, it just doesn't hold up. Was cool to get an explanation of their housing/why we never see the ground though
ThePowerstar01 t1_jbtfzpy wrote
I want a continuation of the Harvey Birdman Jetsons
ThePowerstar01 t1_jbtg2ml wrote
I love this idea
dont_worry_im_here t1_jbtk4am wrote
That's definitely a possibility!
sue_donyem t1_jbtvwcc wrote
I hope this doesn't replace The Great North.
[deleted] t1_jbtz2qg wrote
khanfusion t1_jbu2bcj wrote
Stephen Root is an indicator actor. If he's playing a main character, there's a very good chance the show or movie is worth seeing.
khanfusion t1_jbu2uic wrote
Holy shit Manny Jacinto as Bam Bam is an awesome casting choice.
khanfusion t1_jbu39md wrote
But enough about Alabama and the Florida Panhandle, we're talking about Flintstones!
khanfusion t1_jbu3zra wrote
You should check out the writer's other Hanna Barbara/DC project, "Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles." It's outstanding.
KrzysztofKietzman t1_jbu3zv8 wrote
This is going to be another Velma, right?
khanfusion t1_jbu47ep wrote
Amy Sedaris, too.
khanfusion t1_jbu49bh wrote
Bruh did you really just say Stephen Root and Amy Sedaris aren't voice actors.
khanfusion t1_jbu4yg5 wrote
Jfc y'all can't even get your fake outrage right.
khanfusion t1_jbu5fat wrote
It's one thing to be racist, and another to be so racist you can't tell the difference between latinos and someone who's chinese-fillipino.
Reasonable_Life7175 t1_jbu5o2p wrote
Wanna know what’s funny? I get confused for both all the time
You assume about as much as I do, and your wife sucks on potatoes.
f0gax t1_jbu90sa wrote
> Manny Jacinto as Bamm-Bamm.
MrPMS t1_jbuay6j wrote
It is now on my list! Thanks!
LupinThe8th t1_jbugd0k wrote
They took that into consideration.
>In an effort to level the playing field, IGN narrowed the list down to only award-giving bodies that recognized both films.
ArkyBeagle t1_jbuuf3k wrote
Kinky Friedman did it first :)
quettil t1_jbuwzlt wrote
Or Fred tripping over a Brontosaurus bone and holding his leg for five minutes.
RealJohnGillman t1_jbv7x11 wrote
Pebbles: “They’re called ‘shoes’.”
HalpTheFan t1_jbvdjnh wrote
Would you say you live La Dolce Vita?
The Sweet Life, for gods sake, woman!
shineurliteonme t1_jbvt304 wrote
Stephen root as Fred is an instant sold for me
[deleted] t1_jbyohog wrote
internetpointsaredum t1_jc04rtc wrote
If you want to do an adult oriented (Bit of a misnomer since the cartoon was Primetime in the 60s) Flintstones, they should go with the comic DC put out a few years ago.
jadedfan55 t1_jc42350 wrote
The Bewitched x-over was because it was on the same network as the Flintstones (ABC) and from the same parent studio (Screen Gems). Gerry Johnson (Betty) appeared on Bewitched during its 1st season. You'd have to look quick, as she appears at the end of "A Vision of Sugar Plums" w/Bill Daily to adopt Bill Mumy's character. So, Dick York & Elizabeth Montgomery agreed to return the favor and do the x-over the following season.
jadedfan55 t1_jc424f8 wrote
Actually, it was a satire on Bonanza.
TalkToTheLord t1_jbpl8hl wrote
When someone inevitably comments “Who wanted this?”
It is I. I wanted a Flintstones animated reboot.
Jetsons next, please, though that is overdue for its live action treatment that’s been collecting dust in Hollywood for ages.