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-GregTheGreat- t1_jed6kz0 wrote

I disagree tbh. Season 3 was the messiest season but season 4 was the best of them all.


Karjalan t1_jedq8sm wrote

I can't recall which ones introduced what... but I do recall liking it earlier on more than later. I think once the dude clones got introduced it started to get a little silly.


Quolli t1_jegubl9 wrote

Yeah that was Season 3. It bit off more than it could chew but I was seriously impressed by how they were able to bring it back on-track for Season 4, straight from the first episode.


Rockyrock1221 t1_jef1tag wrote

Yea as someone who watched from the beginning I agree with this.

I went back and watched them all during the pandemic and season 4 was amazingly well done.

1 and 4 were the best imo


Texomond t1_jef4sx8 wrote

I binged the show for the first time over the holidays a few months ago, and honestly, despite all the 'bad rep' about S3 etc I was hearing, I found it all very engaging and enjoyable and wasn't bored at any point; always eager to continue the next episode. Maybe binging the show instead of watching it week-to-week alleviated some of the gripes people have with the show?

But yeah, I definitely agree that S1 and S4 were the best overall. I'd say the other seasons, while not flawless, were definitely still solid though, and the way S5 wraps up makes OB have one of the most satisfying conclusions to a show I can think of.


keving87 t1_jedqi5z wrote

Season 4 basically only existed to set up season 5, it didn't have the usual season 'end' and pretty much only moved it forward to season 5's endgame. It felt like season 4 was twice as long because of it, with a dumb storyline.


dinosaurfondue t1_jegkcms wrote

Agreed. Seasons 1 and 4 were fantastic. 2 was decent. 3 and 5 were a mess.