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anasui1 t1_je1yooe wrote

the hunger for good old action guys is strong out there, as disgusting as it may sound for prestige tv lovers


Artistic-Toe-8803 t1_je3vi9j wrote

Action shows can be prestige. Prestige doesn't mean "slow as fuck and would bore the shit out of 99% of people nowadays", it just means exceptionally high quality, high production value, great writing, etc


Phifty56 t1_je4rhdz wrote

Bodyguard showed you can have high quality political intrigue and drama without sacrificing intense action scenes. I think it benefited a lot from it's short 6 episode run, because everything felt tightly paced and the tension in several scenes was excellent.

It's a great middle ground between being being too dense and boring vs being too shallow, action-filed with no stakes or tension.


ThrowawayTheLegend t1_je3zwcw wrote

Barry actually has some good action while being still really high quality.


Artistic-Toe-8803 t1_je46nxn wrote

GoT may not have been an action series per se but had some amazing action in it


ArchDucky t1_je4tp1g wrote

I love that Bill Hader finds a way to obscure Barry's face in most of the action so he doesn't have to do it.