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TheOtherUprising t1_je0pc7n wrote

It’s already gone on for far too long and was in decline before Damian Lewis left. But such is the tradition on Showtime.


Starline88 t1_je1eceb wrote

Doesn’t they have spin offs in works?


kevin5lynn t1_je1elfl wrote

Billions is a “Tarzan” show. They swing from shock point to shock point, but they have no overall narrative or theme.


iamtheoneneo t1_je1j86o wrote

This show doesn't respect my time. It did in the first few seasons, great writing, decent level of drama between two opposing forces, a genuinely enjoyable show I looked forward to watching.

Then it all went to shit, got far too fantastical, completely wasted the casting talent and treated its audience like a bunch of mugs.


luckylebron t1_je1toej wrote

Good God, I couldn't get passed the 1st episode of Season 6.


MeCritic t1_je1z1f7 wrote

When Season 1 aired it was my most favourite show at the time, and I was praising Showtime wherever I go. That time was just... amazing for cable TV. We got Ray Donovan, Billions, Homeland and House of Lies. And those show were just... awesome! I absolutely loved everything about Season 1 and 2 of Billions. But after the plotline with Bobby and his wife, the whole thing just goes into bad direction. And every season after that was just... worse then the previous. I stop watching after first part of Season 5 and will return to complete it, after they will be done with it. But man, it's just a shame that even with all the current events (like we all see what's going on on wall street, covid, Ukraine and crypto, AI etc.) they just cannot stay relevant and make good show about money and stocks, just like Vince Gilligan did a great job of making show about drugs! It's a shame, even more with so stellar cast.

I hope it will get proper, satisfying ending, but right now I think, they've already screwed all the characters way to much to make it good.


iamnotsimon t1_je20cio wrote

Oh shit I thought the show ended already and I was actively watching it….. by the comments it looks like I should enjoy feeling satisfied when I stopped watching


barriekansai t1_je2cm6t wrote

Guess they're running out of random pop culture references to awkwardly shoehorn into the dialogue.


rit56 t1_je2cuii wrote

Damian Lewis was on one of the late night talk shows and he said he was coming back so maybe the spinoff is about him.


lightsongtheold t1_je2ga0p wrote

That leaves Showtime with just Yellowjackets and The Chi. They have cancelled all the shows and axed a lot of the employees. Makes you wonder why they did not just sell at the $3 billion they were offered if they were basically just going to scrap the whole network? I like Yellowjackets but I doubt it was worth $3 billion on its own!


contaygious t1_je2gy1l wrote

This show ended when everyone joined forces as far as most are concerned.


KitchenReno4512 t1_je2j8z1 wrote

The show went to shit when it stopped being about Axe vs. Chuck and spent most of the episodes focusing on Wendy and Taylor.

A similar thing happened with Yellowstone where the show stopped being about John and was more about Beth.


hexsealedfusion t1_je2k5d2 wrote

This show has been dogshit since Axe left, and was already declining for 2 years before that


Jet_Morgan t1_je3ruf4 wrote

I believe the show ended after season 6.


Marigoldsgym t1_je4e0z0 wrote

I didn't know Damian left, he was like the heart of the show

But good he's coming back inguess


MissDiem t1_je59xp4 wrote

It's just a groupthink dogma that everyone has to announce as their own revolutionary hot take.

Personally, I've enjoyed most of the shows that edgelords can't wait to pitchfork for demise. And the people who profess to hate them, I notice they crave each new episode... just to shit on something they clearly are addicted to.

They do it to anything good. They did it to The Sopranos in season 1, and everything since.

It goes in tandem with them cheering when a good show ends prematurely. You'll be able to watch that play out in real time this month as Succession ends after just 4 seasons, with no appreciable waning of quality.

It's like someone comes to a buffet, drools over every dish, stuffs themselves deliriously with great food, then later says none of it was any good.

They'll refuse to concede that say, a fifth season of Succession would still be one of the best seasons of viewing imaginable. Their manufactured hate is often debunked. Many of the favorite plots and highlights of series come after the date the edgelord edict tries to claim there was no worth. Great episodes and seasons followed Henry Blake's departure, Michael Scott's departure, Fia Gallagher's departure. Haters of Dexter still salivated and enjoyed every minute while they watched New Blood, then rushed online to complain the pizza they just gorged was supposedly unappealing.

Sometimes it's fear or depression manifesting as hate; they idolize a given actor and can't process their departure from a show. Sometimes it's darker, like a character is introduced that their real world peer group dictates much be hated, ie Taylor on Billions.

It's such an odd, self-hate-based phenomenon. I'll enjoy the upcoming seasons of Succession and Billions, and won't feel a compunction to scream they need to be killed off. And for shows I truly don't enjoy, I simply don't watch them. I don't need to actively try to end them for others who do still like them. If Grey's Anatomy wants to keep on going, I'm happy for those fans that enjoy it, even if I don't. Other shows I've noped out of you won't see me actively trying to end. Why not let those who enjoy it continue to enjoy it?

I almost wish there was some kind of consequence for the bloodlust, like if you rush to declare some show has jumped the shark, that should come with a way to make sure you're not allowed to quietly enjoy the subsequent episodes or seasons.


TimeTimeTickingAway t1_je6aboo wrote

His recent Chapelle impression may be even better.

For context. A producer at FOX was speaking to a comedian, and asked them for 'Dave's' number to get in contact. The comedian in questions thinks she was talking about his friend/co-host Dave Smith. It becomes clear over text that she was wanting Dave Chappelle's number, and thought she had it. To make the most of this blunder they had Dan Soder take the phone and do a Chapelle impression, convincing the producer she was talking to the real one.


buhlakay t1_je6fhnp wrote

It truly was incredible how they took this incredibly likable and sympathetic protagonist and turned her into the worst character in the show by the end. And not in an engaging or interesting way. Man.