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MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_is5vndb wrote

>Two key executives, marketing chief Tricia Melton and senior vp marketing and partnerships at Cartoon Network and Adult Swim Jill King, are leaving the newly merged company at year’s end as Bronzo appears poised to further consolidate those operations within the newly merged conglomerate.

King was with Warners for 22 years, helping to create The Powerpuff Girls, Adventure Time, Rick and Morty, Steven Universe, and more.

Melton joined in 2020, and was behind the Rick and Morty S6 'Wormageddon' event.


GamingSince1995 t1_is5w791 wrote



theleaphomme t1_is6zf45 wrote

fuck this merger so hard.


TigBiddiesMacDaddy t1_is71421 wrote

David Zaslav is pure Evil


Matt463789 t1_is8ahsi wrote

I'm so sick of these c suite assholes rolling into town and destroying beloved IPs and fucking over the people that create them.


geek_of_nature t1_is9a3kr wrote

Why is he allowed so much control? Surely there are other people higher up who get a say?


DisneyDreams7 t1_is9h5b7 wrote

Because those higher up people messed up when AT&T was in charge and created a toxic environment of nepotism. Now David Zaslav is trying to clean up the mess for better or worse


Triviten t1_is8n4i5 wrote

I was on Zaslav side until this. I can understand nuking ship on DC and other ways to consolidate, but I really can’t wrap my head around this.


Lukester32 t1_is93zd7 wrote

He's a hardcore conservative, they're women, you can do the math.


Triviten t1_is95fer wrote

Wait what? I feel like there’s a layer you’re hinting at


JagmeetSingh2 t1_is9az78 wrote

Worked there for 22 years creating some of the most iconic western cartoons of all time just to get laid off by idiotic discovery execs


interstat t1_is9p6dk wrote

How does this work?

A marketing director helped create tv shows?


petepro t1_isak4m3 wrote

IKR, and that's the most upvoted comment. LOL.


jangma t1_isan2j2 wrote

Not necessarilly "make" the show, but developing the fan base and attracting viewers? Absolutely. There's a reason even moving a show to a different time slot can be a death knell. It doesn't matter how good the content is if nobody watches it.


Hades_adhbik t1_is9w0xx wrote

Cartoon Network had one of the most unique and rich cultures. I love all the series I have been able to watch through it, change is inevitable though. It probably won't be the end of animation, just animation will be max originals, more geared towards adults. Shows for young adults and teens, there's still a kids section on the service, but they probably won't be making more for it, they don't seem to believe children's entertainment is profitable.


petepro t1_isak0x5 wrote

> helping to create

LOL, wtf how are marketers related to creating TV shows? They're are the one making ads for these shows. I can't believe this got upvoted, this sub is truly full of morons. And these types of position is the redundancy need to cut after mergers, you don't need too many marketing people.