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wilsonw t1_itrk1kz wrote

Vampire Hunter D and Blood: The Last Vampire are both fun horror movies.


_Straw_Hat_Nami_ t1_itrl9wk wrote

High school of the dead, it's about high school students surviving a zombies.


prymortal69 t1_itrlq25 wrote

Depends if you want Spooky or Horror. Like "Another", "perfect blue" & "when they cry" would be Horror/Thriller. Death Parade....Good show kind of fits in between from memory, has Light from Deathnote Cameo. Shiki also a good watch. If you want more Spooky/Horror then you need to go Old School Anime, Lot of ghost story ones: "Ghost storys", "Hell girl" & "Ghost hunt". I know there are heap of better ones but as I said old school so can't remember the names.