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m0rris0n_hotel t1_itl2a1n wrote

Not surprising. He hasn’t been as active on the series as he used to be. Going forward, I’m not even sure they need someone as intrinsically linked to the show as he was. A regular host is nice but not essential.

It’s still a decent series though. I hope it continues on for years to come


Abba_Fiskbullar t1_itlgnyp wrote

Dang, as a kid the only channel I was allowed unlimited viewing time on was the local PBS affiliate, and "The Nature of Things" and Nova were highlights on a Tuesday night.


SpinCharm t1_itlkbsj wrote

Thanks, David. I wouldn’t be as Canadian as I am without you.


the6thReplicant t1_itlrcuk wrote

He was very popular in Australia. Saw him give a few lectures.

Too bad we didn’t listen to him when we had the time.


PlanetLandon t1_itlsiko wrote

The David Suzuki Foundation started a fun thing in 2012 called “30x30”. It was to encourage people to spend at least 30 minutes in nature every day for 30 days in May. I might be the only one still officially doing it, but I have done it every year since.


Smirnoffico t1_itm8l6d wrote

He just wants to follow his grandnephew around. We would do the same, David, we sure would


tangnapalm t1_itmhshg wrote

I used to sleep with a girl who had a David Suzuki pillow on her bed. He will be missed.


SamuraiJackBauer t1_itmn9u3 wrote

Met the dude in Whistler and he was running on a treadmill.

Dude is or was JACKED


gbsurfer t1_itmv3d5 wrote

I’m 43 and Canadian. He was a childhood hero


ttarynitup t1_itmw880 wrote

Saw the first part of the title and almost had a heart attack thinking he had passed. Stepping down is the end of an era but he’s done his part.


all_touch t1_itndckb wrote

Don’t meet him - he’s an elitist fuckwadd who enriched himself through the foundation. May have started off with all the right intentions but now is now a rotten piece of shit.


ASilver76 t1_itoebgc wrote

One of the few hosts from my youth that were still out there. Salud!