GingasaurusWrex t1_isdqeor wrote
Sort of. It’s like Full Metal Alchemist vs Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
As in, the original anime run significantly departed from the source material story found in the manga. This will be a faithful retelling of the mangas story. It’s a huge difference in plot tbh.
Edit: Rewatched it. Trailer is not exactly manga accurate either…wtf is going on.
Notoriously_So t1_isdr5qi wrote
Yeah, this will not be FMA: Brotherhood.
knightress_oxhide t1_isdtce0 wrote
Trigun?! Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time
Aries_218 t1_isduyfl wrote
Is that true? I thought this was supposed to take place before the manga.
borntoburn1 t1_isdwc1k wrote
Legato was way cooler in the anime than in the manga.
flower4000 t1_isdy870 wrote
I wish Vash had his manga hair rather than this modern boy band bob
flower4000 t1_isdykn0 wrote
I mean the fma comic is on another level of literature than pretty much most other comics in general so ya, but I think they mean like it’s just more book accurate.
Raptorheart t1_isdz2hq wrote
The trailer doesn't sound like the manga
babybunnyfetus t1_ise0f7h wrote
But still sexy in both
noneedforeathrowaway t1_ise2iwj wrote
It's been a minute since I've read, but I remember being similarly impressed with Trigun Maximum as I was with the Fullmetal Alchemist manga. There are a lot of similar well addressed themes of purpose, sacrafice, redemption, and manipulative world ending threats from things/abilities that were supposed to be humanities salvation. I know the community is very biased, and the FMA manga remains probably my favorite, or if not - 1a, b, or c...but Trigun Maximum ranks up there as well imo.
Don't let the charming but rushed quirkiness of the original anime fool you.
EDIT: this series does not look manga accurate though so oh well. Would have loved to see a manga accurate Angle Arms fight finally adapted for animation
That_Guy_Link t1_isea6pq wrote
Okay but...where the fuck is Milly Thompson? I'm willing to give this version a chance but how do you replace her with a character who comes off as another straight man role that Meryl already fills? Even the change from Insurance to Reporter I'm okay with but there's a dynamic that Milly brings that bounces so well off the other 3.
Bape_Rabies t1_iseepfo wrote
Johnny Yong Bosch could save this.
iampuh t1_isehv3o wrote
It's on Netflix. I have read the mangas, but I don't get the hype.
squid-do t1_iseigs5 wrote
Looks like one of the main characters is completely original. Also, Millie is absent. Can’t really call that a faithful retelling.
PloppyTheSpaceship t1_isenbhv wrote
On the plus side - this looks cool. I'm genuinely quite excited.
However - where is Milly?!?
HidaKureku t1_isevzfj wrote
Hell, I'd settle for at least seeing all the gung ho guns and wolfwood's backstory not being butchered.
dawaxtadpole t1_isewkde wrote
Vashes hair looks so lame in this reboot. No Milly is not good.
dude6543211 t1_isewqo3 wrote
it's that new 3d style anime. not a fan of that crap
inksmudgedhands t1_isewvj1 wrote
If he doesn't do the English dub I will be extremely disappointed. He was one of the reasons why Vash came across as so loveable to me. That sweet, goofy voice.
[deleted] t1_isf2lmn wrote
yea same, looks like a video game
Hodr t1_isf419h wrote
They've made him look like a kid. A big part of his character is supposed to be that he's a man that acts like a child.
Now he's just a child.
Neids_Biinrel t1_isf5nbl wrote
Yeah, I hated everything about it. Why do people say studio Orange does cg animation well? I think Jimmy Neutron had more natural character animation than this.
Neids_Biinrel t1_isf5uqj wrote
Meryl is in the trailer, so the story is far from manga accurate.
goliathfasa t1_isf62o2 wrote
Is this supposed to be the “Brotherhood” to the original Trigun where they redo the ending to match more closely with the manga?
GingasaurusWrex t1_isf8vc8 wrote
I would agree that it’s unlikely. FMA:B Is a masterpiece. But that’s not what I meant. It’s a similar situation of why it’s happening (ie to do a faithful adaptation because the first entry diverged so strongly).
GingasaurusWrex t1_isf8zvx wrote
Hard agree
CptSteiner t1_isf9xw6 wrote
This is not a faithful retelling... The story and characters, from what's shown in the trailer, appear to be further from the source material from the original.
GingasaurusWrex t1_isfa30y wrote
Guess we don’t know til it’s out.
But ya after some of the comments I’ve rewatched it and started to have the same feelings. Hope we are wrong.
CptSteiner t1_isfapof wrote
Yeah fingers crossed that it's good. FMAB's first episode was all original content and not from the manga, and it existed only to help explain the story to newcomers, and more importantly, gave a bunch of action sequences that they used for trailers prior to release. Maybe a similar situation is going on here, but this looks more like a reimagining to me.
Kero_Cola t1_isfcn7m wrote
No one cares.
KnotSoSalty t1_isfjb1n wrote
This style of animation is ugly as hell.
Dyzi_Slypi t1_isflq6b wrote
> Why do people say studio Orange does cg animation well?
Land of the Lustrous has great animation.
Neids_Biinrel t1_isfq54x wrote
It looked beautiful, and with the lore and who the characters were, you could explain away why their movements were so weird because they weren't human. Here, the character's movements are so floaty, like they don't experience gravity or inertia
Dyzi_Slypi t1_isfskr9 wrote
I don't disagree with you at all.
I like the animation they show here but it's not Trigun to me.
That fade haircut looks...wrong.
It's just LotL is why people say that about Orange.
Imakemop t1_isfzxop wrote
She's got a couple of dynamics bouncing around that will be missed.
That_Guy_Link t1_isg2ht1 wrote
Redditor not act horny challenge (Impossible)
Anchor_Aways t1_isgb5u9 wrote
It also looks too clean, the original had a sense of grimeyness/destruction in it's aesthetic. Look at Vash's coat and how well put together it is.
Bape_Rabies t1_isgbsxq wrote
ostiniatoze t1_isgm87a wrote
It's been a while since I've read the manga or seen the original but doesn't Vash hide his robot arm?
Panaka t1_isgsqiq wrote
> Why do people say studio Orange does cg animation well?
Back when they first started doing 3DCG, they were absolutely the best at it. Their animation was stiff, but it wasn’t choppy or stuttery like other 3DCG series of the time. The mech fights in Majestic Prince were fluid and made a lot of lesser 3D mech series look terrible in comparison.
I am not a fan of their style, but it’s always been substantially better than anything else in the 12-24 episode bracket. The only really bad thing about the trailer was the art style with the soft lines/shading, the animation of characters was way more fluid than their past work.
JeffTek t1_isgxd36 wrote
They really twinked him up for some reason
flower4000 t1_ish1an8 wrote
I mean he always kinda was, I just miss the hair lol like why mess w an iconic silhouette, that’s like character design 101
King-Of-Throwaways t1_ish4jwv wrote
I don't like how so many anime fans treat source material as sacred. If you want to see the most faithful version of "Trigun" possible, just read the manga.
This is clearly not a faithful retelling. It is using the characters, setting, and themes to tell a unique story. A "remix", effectively. Isn't that way more interesting than just a straight-up panel-to-screen conversion? Doesn't this give us the opportunity to be surprised, or to explore new ideas?
Neids_Biinrel t1_ish6emu wrote
It may be fluid, but it's very floaty, and unstylized. It looks like the characters are unaffected by gravity or inertia a lot of the time. I just don't see any positives compared to 2d animation quality-wise.
Panaka t1_ish8gwt wrote
> It may be fluid, but it’s very floaty, and unstylized.
I agree with you on the float and wonky physics, but it’s not “unstylized.” This is very stylized compared to other 3DCG especially when compared to the garbage shoveled out by Netflix backed studios. Just because we don’t like the way it looks, doesn’t make it unstylized.
It seems like they’re trying to shy away from the default “3DCG with hard lines that is a bad imitation of 2D animation” that a lot of studios use. I don’t like it, but it looks way better than a lot of other seasonal shows. Maybe I just watch a lot more garbage than you do, but this just isn’t that bad.
> I just don’t see any positives compared to 2d animation quality-wise.
Good 2D animation costs way more than this type of 3DCG. That’s one of the reasons 3DCG has had such a bad wrap for so long is that it was used as a cost saving measure and it was so glaringly obvious. Now some studios use it as it can fit the style they’re going for.
Trigun is a good sized IP, but it doesn’t have the unlimted budget that larger franchises have. Full Metal Panic had a good sized following and we all saw how the S4 CG turned out.
Neids_Biinrel t1_isha567 wrote
Like I said I don't see the benefits quality-wise not money wise, and compared to 2d animation, even studio Orange's animation feels shackled and held back. If it was animated like "into the spider-verse" or "arcane" were, it'd be awesome, but let's be real, it has no where near the budget those shows had, so what we're left with is showes that just would have looked better in 2d (aside from Hoseki no Kuni)
Temenes t1_islda8v wrote
The trailer feels like I'm watching a video game cutscene.
buff_bobby t1_isshsa7 wrote
Where Milly?
[deleted] t1_isdp1oj wrote