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tetoffens t1_itw18es wrote

Cancer scares the fuck out of me. I always think I'm going to die in my 70s or 80s. Eh, kids can get cancer. If something else doesn't kill me, I'll get it eventually. Might have it now and not know.

Fuck, I have good insurance. I'm going to start getting full workups on a regular basis.


2cimarafa t1_itw4or5 wrote

Pancreatic cancer is terrifying. Took my uncle like six weeks after diagnosis, first symptoms a couple weeks earlier (when it metastasized). By the time you find out, you’re a goner - the only people who survive have it detected by luck in a random test.


Moleypeg t1_ityzssm wrote

My husband just felt some cramping in his stomach area after a work out. It came and went over the course of a few months - it took him 5 months to go get an endoscopy because it wasn’t that bad or frequent. At that point it was far too late. The cramping was caused by a “gargantuan bleeding tumor” (in the words of the doctor). He had a whipple the next month, followed by 3 years of intense chemo and other unpleasantness before he passed away. The doctor originally gave him 12-18 months.


Notarussianbot2020 t1_iu0ae1u wrote

Grandma had pancreatic cancer decades ago. Caught it randomly from another procedure- idk what as I wasn't alive then.

She just turned 86.