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LostNewfie t1_iuiej90 wrote

Ironically, the final season of the Flash will be 13 episodes long.


utocmc2020 t1_iuiqyz8 wrote

Wasn't the last season of Arrow short too?


LostNewfie t1_iuit4uq wrote

Yup. I think 10 episodes. Most of the season built up to the crisis crossover and the last two episodes were more or less epilogues.


utocmc2020 t1_iuitapj wrote

Regardless, it was a good last season imo because of that shortness. Outside of the future episode that let to nothing


LostNewfie t1_iuiur5b wrote

I really enjoyed that season too. I like how the first seven episodes each had call backs to a previous seasons (i.e. episode 3 featured the league of assassins, the main villains from season 3).