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Phyr8642 t1_itlek5v wrote

9/10, absolutely superb. This is what bespoke TV looks like. Acting, writing, cinematography.

Hollywood award voters are weird and often make highly unusual choices. But if Paddy doesn't get Best Actor, the emmy's are fucking blind.


Particular-Fly-3643 t1_itlimeh wrote

Sorry, I just don’t get how you can praise the cinematography as “bespoke” when it was so dark and inconsistent that there was a huge backlash after one episode that people literally couldn’t see what was happening. They have a lot of room to improve on that front


klaygotsnubbed t1_itljgyr wrote

that was literally one scene from one episode, thats it


skyturnedred t1_itp0rkj wrote

It was most of the episode. Not unwatchable, but definitely a weird choice considering similar issues with GoT.


Particular-Fly-3643 t1_itlmhjx wrote

Nah, the season as a whole had a lot of intangible sludge and that episode was the worst of it but certainly not the full extent. Many scenes were low contrast, smudgy, and dark. Definitely some good looking moments, but my point is that it’s not the high level of prestige the other viewer was saying it was. Other shows look much, much better.


jebotres t1_itm6ujq wrote

I switched from HDR to SDR around ep4, big improvement, the HDR is basically unwatchable for me on a Sony x900. There are so few comments on this online I thought I was going blind at some point but other HDR shows/movies look great and the SDR is alright. Your description of the HDR is pretty accurate to my experience, basically a gray piss filter throughout.

I also dont see how their advice to "bump up our brightness" for the worst offender matters given that HDR generally locks brightness settings to max?


Particular-Fly-3643 t1_itm87nq wrote

I hadn’t considered that! HDR is really misunderstood, and so many people abuse it in an attempt to capture that low contrast Fincher look. It gets especially brutalized in streaming. I actually have the exact same tv, too! Haha. 85”, pitch black room, fine tuned settings and it looked so bad.

Especially if I watched something good before hand, there were a few times where I went from a Lost rewatch to this and it was like I had downgraded my TV.

I am surprised you didn’t see many comments. Especially after episode 7 there was a big discussion. I actually think they tweaked later episodes, as they had more color and contrast than previous ones.


jebotres t1_itm94cu wrote

If you ever do a rewatch I highly encourage you to source some non-HDR 4k rips online, I pay for HBO max but couldnt find a setting to turn off HDR via the app; piracy once again providing the superior product. Just turning HDR off on the tv doesent help, the SDR is mastered differently.

To be honest I was looking for those comments pre-7, around the time I switched, found some people praising the SDR and didnt think of it much afterward.

Maybe the HDR looks better on the newer OLED sets, better contrast and more nits? I'll be a few years out on that one since I'm pretty happy with the x900 still.


Particular-Fly-3643 t1_itmgc6s wrote

Idk what streamer you use, but for me I’d just set Apple TV to SDR and turn off match content so it should source the SDR file. I do think, like all things, it probably looks best on an OLED. But the 900h is a damn good tv, and things look great on it. Very much an issue on the shows end. My hope is OLED technology will be cheaper in a few years, I don’t think I’ll be upgrading until it does or if my tv outright breaks. .


Phyr8642 t1_itljhpw wrote

I didn't have that problem at all. I'm not even sure which episode you mean. I do remember a very dark scene involving Vhagar, but it was the middle of the night, it should have been dark, and it added to the tension.

I always watch with all the lights out in my apt, and my tv is pretty bright, so maybe this didn't impact me like others?


Particular-Fly-3643 t1_itlmb26 wrote

It was episode 7

It definitely depends on setup to the extent of how bad it is, I have a very high end setup and could see everything. But it still looked bad and was poorly done in comparison to other nighttime sequences in other shows and movies.