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logicalfallacy234 t1_iu7yvn6 wrote

As television and popular film merge into this bizarre, unnatural monster called "content", this is indeed what will happen!

To be less negative, film and television are basically the same now. Television used to be always airing, and had these massive 26 episode seasons, most of which were episodic. Now, television is going after being 10-50 hour movies, it seems like.


Skavau t1_iu8e9tp wrote

I mean television is still 'always' airing in the sense that there's so much more than there was. There might be shorter seasons, but there's more shows to watch.


logicalfallacy234 t1_iua8f94 wrote

Which shows have you been watching that you could recommend I look into?


Skavau t1_iua8i4h wrote

Well, what are your favourite shows and are you restricted to specific platforms or just rich/spendthrift or a pirate?


logicalfallacy234 t1_iuam8ji wrote

I like pretty much everything! And am able to watch more or less anything!


Skavau t1_iuamc3z wrote

I just finished House of the Dragons

Am watching Babylon Berlin, and Handmaids Tale.


logicalfallacy234 t1_iub94qo wrote

Very cool! Any other recs? Interesting that all three are like, shows to transport you to other worlds!


Skavau t1_iub97pi wrote

Loads. Severance, See, From, Black Sails

Gunna check out The Peripheral soon