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logicalfallacy234 t1_iua8f94 wrote

Which shows have you been watching that you could recommend I look into?


Skavau t1_iua8i4h wrote

Well, what are your favourite shows and are you restricted to specific platforms or just rich/spendthrift or a pirate?


logicalfallacy234 t1_iuam8ji wrote

I like pretty much everything! And am able to watch more or less anything!


Skavau t1_iuamc3z wrote

I just finished House of the Dragons

Am watching Babylon Berlin, and Handmaids Tale.


logicalfallacy234 t1_iub94qo wrote

Very cool! Any other recs? Interesting that all three are like, shows to transport you to other worlds!


Skavau t1_iub97pi wrote

Loads. Severance, See, From, Black Sails

Gunna check out The Peripheral soon