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WhyWorryAboutThat t1_isejf9m wrote

Oh, you're one of those people who thinks there are no more nazis since World War 2 ended. Well I had a nice discussion about whether it can ever be acceptable to destroy art with you. But now I just have to tell you that you're wrong. Nazis hold rallies and protests to this day in my country. They back politicians with bigoted platforms, radicalize young people online including in spaces that exist for my own hobbies, and occasionally try to kill people with a car or bomb or gun.

Losing a painting by a mediocre artist is a price worth paying to remind them their goals are not accepted. They've become far too emboldened in the last few years.


EternalArchon t1_ishvhqh wrote

> you're one of those people who thinks there are no more nazis since World War 2 ended

So you make up an impossible straw man -- there are zero nazis after WWII, then argue with that strawman.

My guess, you crave power, you love holding power over people. Burning a dead artist's work has nothing to do with any vitreous goal, but to feed a darkness in your soul you won't even acknowledge is there. You haven't, as social scientists describe 'integrated your shadow.'

Instead of destroying a piece of history, you could get mad that Jon Stewart gave a medal at Disney world to a Ukrainian Nazi with a black sun tattoo. Or that the USA is funding Ukrainian nazis like the Azov Battalion. 100% chance you won't care, there won't even be the tiniest fucking droplet of sincerity when it comes to this issue -- at all, if you can't even stop salivating over flamethrowing a painting, then killing Russians (an enemy tribe) is going to give you an erection the size of mount Everest.


WhyWorryAboutThat t1_isj9px4 wrote

I didn't mean for it to be a straw man, but if you know there are nazis, why did you say there aren't?

> My guess, you crave power, you love holding power over people.

Not only am I not the one destroying a painting, I don't even intend to watch it. Chill.

Describing Hitler as "an artist" and one of his paintings as "a piece of history" is a really bad look. He is regarded as an average artist at best, it was a hobby he wasn't good enough at to turn into a profession, and there's no special artistic or historic significance to this piece in particular. He's no more of an artist than me and this painting isn't history any more than my sketches.