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Angelwind76 t1_irk9b84 wrote

Even Sylvester McCoy has gone on record to say they should have done an origin story after the series was established. I get why they kept him in ("Look, this alien can change his body when the old one is about to die!"), but as a pilot they should have just came in TARDIS a-blazin' and let the Doctor do his thing.


MyredShadow t1_irlg021 wrote

And that’s basically what they did with Eccleston… and that’s how I got hooked. I knew classic who existed but Eccleston was my first doctor. It took 3 episodes before I was googling the older stuff and trying to find out if it was a reboot or a continuation.


Angelwind76 t1_irli8ij wrote

Eccleston was my first official Doctor too. I've seen some of the older Doctor Who on and off (and without context), but the return of the Doctor was my actual introduction to the show.