Submitted by Mad_Season_1994 t3_yap4ag in television

Yeah, I don't watch this show anymore. But I used to when I was growing up and thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. But I saw it the other night and immediately thought "This is one of the most idiotic things I've ever seen".

In a very brief summary: The overarching idea with this show is that pretty much every major event in human history, even down to the origins of humans themselves, was all spurred by extraterrestrials. It's basically the Intelligent Design theory but with "aliens" substituted for God. Now, postulating that humans were Created instead of evolved is one thing. But what this show does is give one big middle finger to anything humans have ever done or created, good or bad.

Mona Lisa? Leonardo da Vinci was under the influence of aliens when he painted it or may have been one himself.

The pyramids? Aliens floating the stones into place of course.

The gods of the Greek pantheon? Aliens, obviously.

Now, you may say "Oh, don't take it so seriously. These people aren't serious who made it". Except they are. They 100% believe in what they're saying. It's nothing if not misleading about history at the very least.



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