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MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_iwzbaaz wrote

Honorable Mentions:

  • Emily Blunt - The English
  • Joe Mantello - American Horror Story
  • Linda Cardellini - Dead to Me

wongo t1_iwzejyo wrote

His performance has been great, but I can't be the only person who thinks Dominic West is way too attractive to play Charles


Lil_Mcgee t1_iwzgjew wrote

Definitely but I'd take a good performance over scouring the planet for an actor who looks as goofy as Charles.

They've done a good job with the hair and makeup, accentuating his ears etc. It works for a dramatised show.


MrDabollBlueSteppers t1_iwzh2ex wrote

Well deserved, their final conversation post divorce was one of the highlight of the entire series despite this season being slightly weaker than 1-4


NoNefariousness2144 t1_iwzihl9 wrote

Both Diana actresses have been scary in terms of how accurately they plan her.


Skittleybiscuit t1_iwzknb3 wrote

Man Dominic is getting old huh? I just saw The Wire this past year and its crazy how much time has past since that show ended.


hygsi t1_iwzqovw wrote

Charles probably picked the actor "yes, totally me at that age! The resemblance is uncanny" meanwhile I was impressed with Diana's actress cause they made her look very similar, my dad often asks what we're watching but he immediatley knew who that was


hygsi t1_iwzr1k6 wrote

The queen in the first season was waaay prettier, same with Margaret, and Philip, and Jacqueline, know what? Did they make anyone uglier?? Real question lol


Western_Camp7920 t1_iwzux43 wrote

Elizabeth Debicki deserves all the praises. She was excellent.


regretfullyjafar t1_iwzv8us wrote

To be fair, other than Diana the casting in terms of looks is a bit all over the place this season. Imelda Staunton looks absolutely nothing like the Queen, same for the Tony Blair actor. Even the actress who plays Diana is noticeably far skinnier than she was.

But as long as the performances are good I don’t think it matters too much. The crown has always been more about the incredible acting for me than having uncanny look alikes.


ChronosBlitz t1_iwzvwz4 wrote

Yeah, Blair’s actors a little too stocky when the actual man was quite wiry.

They also made him a little too openly car salesman sleazy, I know a lot of us know that he IS that sleazy but it doesn’t change the fact that he WAS extremely charismatic and people initially liked him until he mass murdered innocents when he became Bush Jr’s Bitch.


Yung_Corneliois t1_iwzwbcl wrote

Debicki is amazing. Her voice and mannerisms are so spot on even people close to Diana said it was like being in a room with her. The only off thing is that Debicki is 6’3” where as Diana was only 5’10” so whenever she stands up in the show she towers over everyone which is certainly noticeable.


HutchyRJS t1_iwzya50 wrote

I’m fine with him not really looking like Charles. I’d rather they cast great actors than just lookalikes and he did a great job


lookingup9 t1_iwzzmy1 wrote

I was amazed by how spot-on Debicki's mannerisms and accent were.


ElPapaDiablo t1_iwzzvxl wrote

I haven’t watched it yet but my wife said he is really good in it but he can’t stop being sexy, he’s just too sexy. I couldn’t argue.


MrDabollBlueSteppers t1_ix00d18 wrote

True, but it’s more applicable to productions meant for the British market (especially noticeable in shows about teenagers). But the prestige shows meant for an international audience are quite Americanised in this aspect


DramDemon t1_ix01n8m wrote

I noticed the towering over people and wondered if real Diana really was that tall. Bit of a shame they couldn’t match that. But honestly after watching some real Diana stuff since seeing the show she really got the eye and face movement down pat, and her voice was spot on.


regretfullyjafar t1_ix084h9 wrote

I’d say she definitely looked more like her than Staunton, and more importantly fit well as an aged up Claire Foy. Staunton doesn’t really fit either of those.

But she’s still a great actress, which like I said is the most important thing for The Crown.


thewidowgorey t1_ix0byrl wrote

I really love that she’s so tall. It was weird to see Diana shorter than Charles last season. And they tried to hide that Diana was taller than Charles in real life. It happens all the time with tall women.


browndog03 t1_ix0vztd wrote

He’s natural po-rince charles


J__P t1_ix0yogp wrote

i liked his acting but i wish he'd had put a bit more effort into the accent, it's important not to sound like a parody which is easy to do with his voice, but i think its still too understated.

debicki was spot on though.


Tregudinna t1_ix13dw0 wrote

Can we stop trying to make Dominic west happen


b-roc t1_ix16xst wrote

For any people who aren’t familiar with West, I actually think that his acting in “the affair” is the best acting I’ve seen in a TV show. The nuance of his performance and how he portrays so much emotion with his expressions (and he really does run the whole gamut in the show) was mesmerising. I know it sounds hyperbolic but I was very impressed.


anasui1 t1_ix1bcrx wrote

yep. My mum watched the first episode and when West appeared she said "blimey that is King Charlie?". Then sister and fiance texted me the same thing. I suppose he really is that sexy

then Jonny Lee Miller's Major appeared and they just laughed


Lotrug t1_ix1ey0q wrote

what is this award shit?


Lennartz1 t1_ix1hras wrote

McNutty is on this show?!


thewidowgorey t1_ix1jo29 wrote

It's not a very long list that can pull off that role, Debicki is an incredible resemblance to Diana, and what else are they gonna do, break her legs or do LOTR foreshortening? So she's tall. It's more realistic than short Diana, and much more realistic than an attractive Charles.


InTheHouseOfFlies t1_ix1kt05 wrote

I think, before taking hyperbolic measures, they could’ve casted someone less tall. It’s okay if it didn’t distract you. I’m glad. I’m just stating my opinion, which, based on the downvote, is something to be discouraged


ChickenInASuit t1_ix1l5qv wrote

Johnny Lee Miller as JM was a hell of a lot more believable to me than the guy they got to play Blair.

I walked into the living room while my family was watching the show and I knew from just looking at him without hearing his name who he was supposed to be. I doubt I'd have recognized Blair that easily.


ChickenInASuit t1_ix1lkbc wrote

> Even the actress who plays Diana is noticeably far skinnier than she was.

And taller. It's funny to see her absolutely towering over everybody else. Diana wasn't short (5'10") but Elizabeth Debicki's 6'3" and they didn't really try to hide it.


ChickenInASuit t1_ix1lz2o wrote

The guy's had a multi-decade career with some fairly high profile roles and a lot of critical acclaim, I'd argue he's very much "happened" already.

Deservedly so, he's a great actor.


hoxxxxx t1_ix1qmrm wrote

huge fan of the crown, haven't started this season yet

i just wanna say holy fuck, they are doing charles a lot of favors with that casting. it's almost offensive lol.


JaqenYcar t1_ix1vj4c wrote

McNutty lookin all sharp and shit


Starbucks__Lovers t1_ix27kaf wrote

The problem is Charles gave a fuck when it wasn’t his turn to give a fuck


mindtk t1_ix29tmv wrote

The downvote, I think, purely comes from the fact that you can't disassociate from the fact that the acting/casting is brilliant and the height of the actor. I totally understand that it could be distracting, just don't let it change your opinion of the casting


lordofsurf t1_ix2ifsc wrote

Debicki's voice and mannerisms are scary accurate. The casting for Diana has been incredible.


Oikkuli t1_ix2uv0k wrote

I did notice they spent a lot of time making charles look good compared to the queen, and in general. Philip too. I miss the more cynical view of s4 where philip was an asshole and charles was akward and weird.


Oikkuli t1_ix37dpl wrote

I'm glad. It's supposed to be a period program. Just spanning multiple periods, but not the current one. Also the problem of nothing that interesting happening to the royals was already apparent this season. Can't imagine how boring a 2020's the crown would be.


flutterstrange t1_ix3e0oq wrote

Colman is a great actress and I tend to love her in most things, but her casting as Elizabeth II really took me out of those seasons of the Crown. She was a really bad fit. Staunton is much better.


SevoIsoDes t1_ix3w4i1 wrote

Literally the first thing I said to my wife. Way too generous to Charles in that casting choice. But he has the mannerisms down perfectly, so I’ll give it a pass


timsadiq13 t1_ix4b5u8 wrote

I think she's a good actress as well, but at least in the Crown she just seemed to be playing a version of herself instead of the Queen. I somewhat prefer Staunton, even though she doesn't really look like the Queen either, but she's at least more immersed in the role.