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MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_ixlrkqu wrote

>Previously called Two Tone, the show tells the story of an extended family and four young people who are drawn into the world of ska and two-tone music, which exploded from the grass roots of Coventry and Birmingham in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, uniting black, white and Asian youths.


ieatalphabets t1_ixlrnk5 wrote

She is fantastic and I'll have to figure out how to stream British stuff to watch it. I think BritBox has the Beeb.


lordmorpheus2000 t1_ixlyevc wrote

I’m excited. She was incredible in Godless. Even with Carrie Coon’s extraordinary performance in Leftovers Season 3 & Claire Foy literally becoming Queen Elizabeth II in The Crown Season 2, My Best Lead Actress for 2017 was Michelle Dockery for Godless.


forever87 t1_ixm993h wrote

it wasn't for everybody, but absolutely loved her in good behavior


moderndhaniya t1_ixmbebb wrote

How can I have shiny cheeks like that? My cheeks are very dry.


peaky_fokin_bloinder t1_ixmkc7p wrote

Hey that’s the guy that made Peaky Blinders! I kinda expect good thing just from that


Nettius2 t1_ixmm29l wrote

The aristocracy getting ahead again.


Carninator t1_ixn8656 wrote

Although Rogue Heroes season 2 hasn't been greenlit (?), I imagine it will take some time for that to happen if he's doing this first.


YouHaveAWomansMouth t1_ixniaep wrote

It was an absolute masterclass in understatement; you wouldn't think an actor could say so much about a character while staying so still and quiet. The character's most emotional moment is, like, a slight tremble of the lip, and it just lands so hard.

Not often I've seen a performance like it.


Alertox t1_ixnl2ui wrote

This Town is our town, it is so glamorous…


lordmorpheus2000 t1_ixnmtu2 wrote

You and I would be good friends. Things like these is one of my favourite parts about movies, shows and video games. When the acting, cinematography and visual storytelling together can convey emotions without the use of normal and bad dialogue to explain things. I just love it. Its rare but I love it. One of my favourite things about acting alongside monologues. One of the recent examples of this imo was Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen in Episode 3 of House of the Dragon. Bro didn’t speak a single word during the whole final act but we could just know the Daemon’s emotions in that scene but Matt Smith’s acting.


inkabobo t1_ixq2vcr wrote

She’s so beautiful


Themeatmachine t1_ixr66w4 wrote

If you want really moisturized skin, try supplementing with collagen, and products like cerave or cetaphil moisturizer. If you apply a ton of moisturizer, just make sure the product is noncomedogenic. You could always try search around for the actress’ skincare routine, but she is definitely wearing highlighter in this photo.