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dillrepair t1_iydn011 wrote

FR … this is the MO I guess. I remember reading the method of how they do it several years ago when a guy on a car show i liked got replaced… it was basically because he’d had standards and had built the show along with a small production team of guys himself and discovery came in and just wanted to gut it, fire the production team guys, film everything as fast as possible on the lowest budget possible and sacrifice whatever they could get away with for bottom line. This tall Englishman was the only reason I watched the show it turns out… because him and his production people were the only ones on the show providing actual useful interesting information about how to restore different aspects for the diy perspective. He actually had a bit of morals and standards so he left with the crew. So they’re probably losing as much possible revenue as they think they’re saving it just doesn’t matter to them bc it’s a quick and dirty way to boost profit margins. Way to go. People will actually get tired of content lacking reality tv over time.


Pool_Shark t1_iydsus1 wrote

It’s how the system is designed. CEOs get bonsues based on Quarterly profits and cutting expenses is the fastest way to turn a quarter around