bonesnappletea t1_iwux4fb wrote
I have high hopes for her too! She has been great in everything I’ve seen her in, so excited for her success!
azul360 t1_iwv2a63 wrote
My absolute lowest is a little bit better CW so if it's better than that I'm happy :D.
Monster-Zero t1_iwv3wyg wrote
Excited to see Fred Armisen as... "Uncle Fenster"
the_real_abraham t1_iwv52mu wrote
And altogether ooky.
Chris22533 t1_iwv67ss wrote
Isn’t Gomez supposed to be handsome and suave? Why did they cast Luis Guzman?
bromanskei t1_iwv6z8f wrote
Are you saying that he isn’t?
newtoreddir t1_iwv7jfm wrote
If the whole family is in it, how does it constitute a “spinoff”?
DarthSmiff t1_iwv7txv wrote
Not really handsome. Look at the original comics.
Comic_Book_Reader OP t1_iwv7x71 wrote
It's about Wednesday. From what I can tell, Gomez, Morticia, and Pugsley are really only in the first episode, as is Lurch. Fester also seems to have a minor role. Thing pops up once in a while.
Comic_Book_Reader OP t1_iwv7zfj wrote
Plus creepy and kooky.
seakingsoyuz t1_iwv877l wrote
Gomez isn’t particularly attractive in the original New Yorker cartoons. Having him be handsome and suave was something that originated with the first TV series and continued in the movies.
Hawsepiper83 t1_iwv8sw2 wrote
I don’t think you can do much better than Raul Julia, the actor from the 90s movies, so I guess it makes sense to try something different.
dchallenge t1_iwv95yr wrote
Cast because he’s really talented .
imageWS t1_iwv98c4 wrote
They are not “trying something different” so much as being truthful to the original comics.
TheMapesHotel t1_iwv9s3q wrote
When does this thing premier?
God_Is_Pizza t1_iwv9x2a wrote
_Nier_ t1_iwva2le wrote
Next Wednesday!
ChillBroDamn t1_iwvaa6j wrote
The same was said about a John Astin. The casting is a little weird, no doubt. Everyone always says “it’s like the New Yorker cartoons”, and sure it is, but I mean Gomez has evolved massively as a character since then.
Shit, just look at how much Wednesday has changed from the cartoons and even the old tv show. They’re basing her off the movies for sure.
MR_TELEVOID t1_iwvamxd wrote
She seems pretty perfect as Wednesday. I generally don't get super-geeked for Tim Burton stuff these days, as a lot of it feels like goth flash over substance, but this one looks fun.
WittyPerception3683 t1_iwvav9l wrote
Her kill scene in X? 😲
SyrioForel t1_iwvb1lz wrote
There are many versions of the Adams Family, but as far as I’m aware the “only” version that portrays Gomez as “handsome and suave” were the two movies from the 90s.
In all other versions, they were always meant to be “creepy-looking”, which probably works best with the overall aesthetic about this family being a bunch of frightening weirdos transplanted into a modern setting.
fed45 t1_iwveagw wrote
Man, if they didn't premier this show on a Wednesday the internet would have exploded, lol.
littleman001 t1_iwvfg7a wrote
She's come a long way since her Disney Channel days.
StoneGoldX t1_iwvgmqo wrote
I'm not sure if that's exactly how I'd describe John Astin, but then he's the one that was banging identical cousins and I'm not.
God_Is_Pizza t1_iwvh1ml wrote
I still think it should’ve premiered closer to Halloween probably the 26th.
TheMapesHotel t1_iwvhhel wrote
This right here. Why are they premiering it right before Thanksgiving?
The only reason I can think of is didn't they drop Sabrina right around Halloween? Or are they trying to invoke Christina's legendary camp Thanksgiving play from the movies?
_ChipWhitley_ t1_iwvn65s wrote
I don’t think there are any actresses who can play Morticia better than Anjelica Huston, but I think Catherine Zeta-Jones will do an excellent job. The whole cast in general looks soooooo promising. The fact that Cristina Ricci is so heavily involved gives me high hopes.
Turduckennn t1_iwvpnvg wrote
He's creepy, but he also sells stolen goods
Maxtrix07 t1_iwvyae4 wrote
You shouldn't be getting downvoted, its an honest question that you wanted an answer to, whether or not you were sure that Gomez is supposed to be handsome.
MinogameTurt t1_iww0g3h wrote
Netflix will be back on top with original content such as this!!!
blue_pen_ink t1_iww1jo5 wrote
The way I see it is the show is about Wednesday and what kid doesn’t see there dad as kinda goofy and thinks there mom is the prettiest
[deleted] t1_iww2p29 wrote
MrCharmingTaintman t1_iww6dlt wrote
Catherine Zeta-Jones, she dips beneath the lasers…
MrCharmingTaintman t1_iww7ehg wrote
I feel like Monica Bellucci or Angelina Jolie could have also been a good fit. Tho Jolie’s acting can be pretty meh. Excited for this one actually. Even tho I prefer the film/series version of Gomez over the cartoon version. But you can never go wrong with Guzmán.
DynamoSexytime t1_iwwcq6k wrote
He’s a very impressive actor. I love that he came from humble beginnings and attended a community college.
halfClickWinston t1_iwwcqpr wrote
Hey is that Luiz Guzmán? I loved him innnnnnnnnn IMDB
makesyoudownvote t1_iwwfe54 wrote
E Pluribus Anus!
IronSorrows t1_iwwixne wrote
I loved him innnnnnnn.. IMDb
Comic_Book_Reader OP t1_iwwmu6p wrote
Probably because the two movies were released in November around now. (And maybe a little nod towards that glorious playhem.)
The animated ones were (early) October. I'll admit, I saw the first one, and found it perfectly enjoyable.
YouAboutToLoseYoJob t1_iwwpjh0 wrote
…My dudes
american_dimes t1_iwwptp9 wrote
j3538TA t1_iwwqm8q wrote
They went with Zeta-Jones? Really? That’s disappointing. Michele Rodriguez, Rosario Dawson, Vanessa Felito- where is the sultry, intelligent fem fatal foil for Guzmàn( it may be there). I’m no casting director, and I honestly am not interested in slighting Ms. Zeta-Jones, however there is a pool of talent that needs exposure and have the chops to send this reboot in a fun direction. Maybe next time. Guess we’ll see.
Kytyngurl2 t1_iwwx6m5 wrote
She needs to time things correctly to ambush Sarah Miller.
anasui1 t1_iwx1zfo wrote
why would Morticia be hispanic?
anasui1 t1_iwx29a2 wrote
noone could play these characters better than those in the Sonnenfeld movies, that was literal perfect casting
I would maybe give Johnny Depp a chance at Gomez, but Julia was timeless
anasui1 t1_iwx2l73 wrote
why is Morticia still a bombshell then?
ScarGriff1 t1_iwx2wms wrote
You know why.
SyrioForel t1_iwx33ta wrote
Because you can’t have unattractive women in movie/TV roles in the United States.
miasabine t1_iwx5khe wrote
I tolerate no slander of any of Sean Astin’s three dads. John Astin was sexy af as Gomez.
[deleted] t1_iwx68y0 wrote
StoneGoldX t1_iwx7ykt wrote
I take offense to that! Slander is spoken, in print it's libel.
miasabine t1_iwx8lzx wrote
I resemble such semantic tomfoolery! Nothing shall detract from my intolerance of any ills, spoken or printed, of any of Sean Astin’s three fathers! You force me to repeat myself; John Astin was sexy af as Gomez.
j3538TA t1_iwx9156 wrote
The enticing connotation isn’t about a specific, it’s about the sensual. Mortician was the epitome of sensual.
tmrtdc3 t1_iwx998f wrote
I think they figure it will be a family-friendly show for people to binge-watch over the long Thanksgiving weekend -- but I agree, expected it to drop weeks ago.
StoneGoldX t1_iwx9to8 wrote
Sure, but more because the charisma he put into the role. And he totally sold his complete adoration of Carolyn Jones. But let's be honest, Desi Arnaz Jr didn't exactly inherit his parents' movie star looks, either.
PlaceboJesus t1_iwxah7k wrote
I'm imagining the voice of Jackie Coogan's Uncle Fester (from the old TV show) saying "M'scuzi!"
miasabine t1_iwxavb9 wrote
Yup, you’ll get no argument from me there, and that’s actually kind of my point. I don’t think John Astin was particularly sexy when he wasn’t playing Gomez, and that’s part of what makes the character of Gomez so interesting for me. You can take an actor who isn’t exactly the standard of beauty, but if they play Gomez well, the character’s passion, his skill, his adoration for his wife, and the fact that he’s a great father, will make the character sexy, and this will often sort of rub off on the actor while he’s playing the part.
I think Gomez is one of the few characters I know of who has the power to make people attracted to his personality and as such make the man himself more attractive, in the same way that irl you can become attracted to someone who isn’t all that good looking because of the person they are.
theblakesheep t1_iwxbqek wrote
All of those choices would have been terrible.
Stuckinthevortex t1_iwxbsf7 wrote
Catherine Zeta-Jones has played sensual roles numerous times
j3538TA t1_iwxdl0v wrote
Say’s you.
o_MrBombastic_o t1_iwxkqkb wrote
When was Michele Rodriguez ever sensual?
DUNdundundunda t1_iwxkwwt wrote
>The series begins with Wednesday as a public school outcast who learns her brother Pugsley (Isaac Ordonez) is being bullied and responds with an elaborate and potentially deadly prank against the water polo team.
Reverse that intro and have Wednesday being bullied and Pugsley "prank" the girls swim team. Have the piranhas attack one of the girls, implying it basically shreds their genitals, then have pugsley say "People like girl shouldn't be allowed to procreate"
See how that series goes...
*oh look at all the childish hypocrites
37Schmeckles t1_iwxrr5q wrote
Jolie was fantastic in Changeling, but she can definitely be a little hit and miss.
JohnBsGhost t1_iwy1sqf wrote
Maybe odd take but I don’t associate them with Halloween. They thrive off the comparison to normal people.
orderinthefort t1_iwy254c wrote
Co-opted old IP (Addams Family) + influencer culture (Jenna Ortega) = easy views.
Neon_Ramen_Sign t1_iwy74ye wrote
Hey. Never become a screenwriter ok 👍
reasonedof t1_iwy789m wrote
Family date, but also: the show was shoot extremely close to areas of where the war in the Ukraine broke out (Ricci said by the time they left there were places under threat of bombing seven miles away) and I get the impression it was delayed a few weeks because of that.
DUNdundundunda t1_iwy93z7 wrote
better than Burton?
CaptainBoobyKisser t1_iwyacf7 wrote
I'm still holding a grudge because she didn't get naked in "X."
be-like-water-2022 t1_iwyf2o1 wrote
Jonny Depp would just play johnny depp
horseren0ir t1_iwyif6g wrote
Or Janet Snakehole
ehsteve23 t1_iwylerw wrote
Reminds me of how Brooklyn 99 could have had it’s finale on 9/9 but they bumped it a week for a sports game
_ChipWhitley_ t1_iwyx4x3 wrote
You get an award.
theblakesheep t1_iwz36kp wrote
Says the casting company.
thisgrantstomb t1_iwz38fu wrote
Well that was a disaster
jgrumiaux t1_iwz83o1 wrote
I know the name of the show. I want to know when it’s premiering.
[deleted] t1_ix0j87t wrote
JimJordansJacket t1_ix2lcmp wrote
Charles Addams had a very specific type of woman that he was into. He married three tall women with black hair, modeled Morticia after his first wife. His second wife took him for nearly everything he was worth.
QuintoBlanco t1_ix38ktt wrote
Carolyn Jones is my Morticia.
badyams t1_ix3zvy5 wrote
Yep. World hunger? Who cares? Does Wednesday premiere on a Wednesday? Everything is going to explode if it doesn't happen!
steveholtbluth t1_ix6eape wrote
He was truly streets ahead!
Greywacky t1_ixjiba3 wrote
Ikr. More sullen than sensual.
LumpyJones t1_ixncbb0 wrote
That was tragic.
EndWinglet t1_ixopx8o wrote
Therapist: The point is you assaulted a girl and shower no remorse for your actions.. That's why you're her-
Wednesday: She lost her clitty, I did the world a favor girls like her don't deserve to feel any kinda pleasure. I've answered all of your questions.
Desperate-Taste-8426 t1_ixp07fu wrote
Is it me or did they take away what the Addams family is really about? And they took away so much from Wednesday’s character🤦🏾♀️
MinogameTurt t1_ixphs20 wrote
I trust you. I’m not even going to pirate that reheated garbage.
OkAccess304 t1_ixt6f4d wrote
Why are people downvoting this question?
Chris22533 t1_ixt6srf wrote
I guess some people are really thirsty for Guzman
OkAccess304 t1_ixt6vvr wrote
I almost puked when he smiled wide enough to see his gums.
onizuka-ftw t1_ixz8yhs wrote
I watched the series straight through this weekend. Ortega and cast, are way too god damn old...
How is everyone so blinded by this? All those kids looked (and they are) 20-22 years old.
[deleted] t1_iy0hipd wrote
Western_Camp7920 t1_iwuvmxb wrote
Seems like everyone is praising Ortega and I'm very happy for her, one of the newest scream queens.
Have high hopes for it, hope it's equally fun and spooky.