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Clueless_in_Florida t1_iy1x2q3 wrote

What are the Italian guys up to? I have a feeling that they are going to bankrupt that poor lady.


queue517 t1_iyboj2w wrote

I definitely think they are running a grift, but I think she is far too self centered to be griftable. Basically a repeat of season 1 but instead of leaving a hopeful spa lady broken spirited she'll just flit out of the grifter's grasp.


oldcarfreddy t1_iy3nks8 wrote

Hadn't even thought of this, but since so much of this season is about secrets, now you have amped me up and made me even more interested...


Flimsy-Intern4750 t1_iy3oof2 wrote

And there is a story about dead reach women who had lived there on the island. There was the same reason money. Maybe these gays are reach cause they are taking old ladies money. This is only an speculation.


Clueless_in_Florida t1_iy3vax0 wrote

I didn't catch that. Who mentioned the dead ladies? I suspect the guys may be who ends up dead.


Flimsy-Intern4750 t1_iy78yop wrote

In 4 th EP the old Lady was talking with this gay and meanwhile Portia was talking to Chad.