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preguntontas t1_ixmphrm wrote

I know some prefer it but I don't like when they split seasons in 'parts'. It's the same season, just release it all at once. Or release it weekly if you want, but the in between of releasing half a season now and half a season later doesn't make much sense to me.


ozgun1414 t1_ixmrqaw wrote

they hate drop at once method now but they are too afraid to step back.

i almost never watch before its finished. so i dont care. drop at once rules...


myassholealt t1_ixmsr7m wrote

They have so much content that weekly episodes would make the most sense. If you have 3 shows tons of people are watching and loving, that's 3 days a week for 9-12 weeks people are tuning in.

Multi-episode dumps, even if it's split in two sets, still allow people to sub, binge and cancel.


TheBraude t1_ixmt84j wrote

So think of it as 2 seasons?

It's not like it's a new concept in streaming. The Sopranos did it 15 years ago and Breaking Bad did it 10 years ago, and the break was over a year in both cases.

It's probably due to weird contracts or something like that where they have an actor for a set amount of seasons but not a set amount of episodes.


stumpcity t1_ixmtiu3 wrote

they got this man looking like Doctor Who


royalewithcheesecake t1_ixmxybk wrote

I dunno I really enjoyed the breather between the first part of Stranger Things 4 and the final 2 episodes, gave people a chance to catch up and actually have some watercooler chat about it while it was still relevant, you don't often get that with Netflix shows.


RusevReigns t1_ixn3rx2 wrote

I wonder if they intentionally planned to move it back one day from its original release date just so they could get a new headline out of it.


Venom349 t1_ixn487e wrote

Not interested at all after season 3.


ijakinov t1_ixn8amh wrote

When this happens usually the show isn’t done to release it all at once. And to reduce the gap between seasons and to also maintain some level of binge watching they release two batches. It’s done as a middle ground because else you’d just be waiting longer for full season while they finish up the later eps or you’d have an arguably more annoying weekly model.


kewlacious t1_ixnk94p wrote

Am I the only one who remembers the release date being in October??


BuyHandSanitizer t1_ixnlg31 wrote

How they gonna survive another season without love quinn


Uptopdownlowguy t1_ixnlteu wrote

This show has no right to be as good as it is, but I love it


Radulno t1_ixnluq5 wrote

Depends if the season is built for it or not. Stranger Things split worked very well because it was placed at a point perfect for it.

IMO that's what I always defended, a show release schedule should be based on creative reasons and not business reasons as it is now. Especially since with streaming there's no reason to have weekly stuff they don't have time slots to fill.

To take some recent shows examples :

  • Stranger Things split was perfectly placed, it's mostly a long movie type show so the binge release make sense. But then, they have that big twist/reveal at the end of E7 and E8 and 9 are extra long for the finale so it works well to split it here.

  • House of the Dragon each episode has its own identity with an internal story that was ending by the end of the episode. With the time skips it makes even more sense to have each episode separated by a week (could have been less than a week but technically HBO still is a linear TV channel after all)

  • Andor was made in 3-episodes arcs and that's clearly how it should have been released. The premiere worked perfectly because of that, they should have continued that 3 episodes a week (or at least every 2 weeks or something but still put it out as a 3-episode block). Another great example of this 3-episode arcs that actually followed that schedule was Arcane.

  • Rings of Power is of the long movie format and suffered in a weekly release, it should have been a binge release completely


ShinHayato t1_ixnpif8 wrote

The 2 part release is annoying, but hopefully it means the show gets more buzz overall


HappyMeerkat t1_ixo2yne wrote

Really? There were some annoying bits like I can't remember the exact word but the cutesy names for the vagina and also Mary Kay I think it was, was annoying just Mary would have done. I also loved the finale.


Inevitable-Staff-467 t1_ixo3k5v wrote

If you go into You looking for an actual prestige drama around crime and serial killers, you will just end up complaining or miss the entire point of the show. Go watch Mindhunter, Barry or watch any of the million true crime shows out there.

If you go into You looking for a dark comedy that has some serious moments thrown in, then I think you'll enjoy the show way more and roll with the punches.

Yes, Joe should have been caught by now. Yes, him becoming an English university professor is dumb as hell. Yes, Joe is gonna get into wacky hijinks killing tons of annoying characters and skirting the line between getting caught or digging all responsibilities.

But that's the show and how it keeps raising the stakes makes it such a fun dark comedy to watch. This is the same show that introduced a baby like similar shows Dexter have done before, but You knows what it is and instead of using the baby as a staple plot point, they literally did one season and then had Joe ditch it to go on new wacky adventures.

I'm fully ready for another season of Joe fawning over new women, killing quirky characters and then him getting away at the end to become an astronaut and fall in love with an alien for Season 5.


Mannekin-Skywalker t1_ixo6jm6 wrote

The looks like the Doctor. Like, a depressed, snarky Doctor.

So, 12.


Allassnofakes t1_ixolvic wrote

They do half and half because they know binge watching no ads cancel anytime was the reason people got Netflix.

But then episodic weekly encourages people to maintain subscription for longer but means no binge watching. So they half season half season instead.

And they put ads on a crap lower price tier and deny some things on that tier to avoid less subscriptions


LordXenu45 t1_ixomqri wrote

Is this show worth watching? I could be completely wrong but it looks like a Dexter rip off so just curious.


theDart t1_ixontvd wrote

Fuck off with this in-parts bullshit. Everything's gotta be in parts because everythings gotta be about fucking money now.


SilencexHeartbeats t1_ixou2rh wrote

You wear the wide blouse, you do not want to be eaten with your eyes. But your bracelets tinkle, you want to get attention. 👀


theDart t1_ixoy5he wrote

People who made film the standard it is now also used to be good at hiding it. not making it all shamelessly spouting "Well of course these are greedy marketing tricks! Ahhahahaha! That's just what we do around here, doin glorified vulture shit bahahahaha!"


vane1mirror t1_ixpf94s wrote

I can't wait! I just want Joe to be happy.


Hellvell2255 t1_ixpgzdw wrote

i hope ellie comes back and kills him


crazysouthie t1_ixpm3lv wrote

It's like early Dexter when the show was still fun and twisty. It also has the advantage of new settings and characters every season & not having the extremely boring police procedural bits of Dexter. Don't think it's as good as Dexter was at its best but it's very enjoyable and so far has still managed to remain fairly interesting.


Das-P t1_ixpnja0 wrote

I was only watching this for Victoria. Not sure what to do with this one now.


g_r_e_y t1_ixqfvw4 wrote

yeah i personally enjoyed seasons 1 and 2 far more than 3, Love was insufferable and their issues were far too digging and messy and i didn't feel like it fit well in the show. felt like i was watching something completely different.


KodakMoments t1_ixr2pm7 wrote

You definitely feel kind of icky rooting for the main character so much. Like I would get so worried he’d be found out during a scene and then remember that he’s a bad guy. It doesn’t hurt that Penn is attractive and viewers tend to over look his creepiness because he’s nice to look at.


immaownyou t1_ixra2ot wrote

I don't think that's a problem at all. It's the whole point of the show. That in everyone's head they're the hero of their own story. Through Joe's perspective he seems somewhat reasonable and you can at least understand why he does what he does (for the most part), but outside of his perspective he's a terrible human being and a monster.


f-ingsteveglansberg t1_ixrdjxu wrote

I think in season one he was very much the monster and villain. Season 2 tried to balance it by trying to make him reform and trying to be merciful to the drug dealer he trapped. By season 3 he was the rational one so Love could be the villain.


SupGirluHungry t1_ixrvhi2 wrote

I’m glad I wasn’t alone with Love being insufferable. She was one of my favorite characters in season 2. Im all for kinky sex and exploring one’s sexuality, but it all seemed so forced and unnatural and unfitting with the original story and first 2 seasons that it felt like a whole different show almost


prince_of_gypsies t1_ixs74o3 wrote

YOU is the BARRY for people who don't hate themselves.


screammcqueen t1_ixtsohj wrote

I was really hoping it was gonna be Paris.

Also I hope we see Love at some point, I really enjoyed her character.


bking t1_ixv9dyj wrote

Agreed. Post-production schedules are often tight. When I worked at a post house, I was usually working on series of shows as they aired. Plenty of networks want to get the ROI on their shows as quickly as possible.

You is probably having some problems that won’t let the later episodes hit the deadline for release. They’re probably problems that can be solved with more money, but why spend that when Netflix can still hit their premiere date and get an extra month of user retention out of the show?


LegendEater t1_ixvrjyh wrote

It's almost told from his perspective. In his head, he can justify what he does but that still doesn't make it right, even to him. I feel we get an accurate lens for how that kind of character would look at the story.


MrBoliNica t1_iy0hhp9 wrote

Was he rational in season 3? We forgetting the storyline where he stalked a whole other woman, and murdered her husband? He did all that he did to Love, just so he could escape and follow Marianne. He didn’t do it to be a good person or help the people love was hurting lol


Klerios t1_iy4kmtp wrote

Nah don’t care at all….I loved season 2, but season 3 was just bad! I wanted „Love“ to survive….in season 2 she was so fun to watch and in season 3 she was just one more victim