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Neo2199 OP t1_iuyps3s wrote

Yeah, but each episode will be around 90 minutes.


> 'Continental', which is set in the unique hotel for assassins in the Wick movies, was initially envisioned as spinoff series but was redeveloped as a three-night event series with movie length and movie budgets. The installments are to run about 90 minutes in length and, according to sources, have budgets upwards of $20 million.


nevereatpears t1_iuyqec6 wrote

Love this type of format. Sherlock did it so well before that show turned to shit.


Blasphemous666 t1_iuzzoi2 wrote

“I don’t have time to watch a fucking nine hour movie! I got work in the morning”

“How about this series that’s nine episodes that are an hour long each?”

“You son of a bitch, I’m in. Let’s binge this shit”


PolyDipsoManiac t1_iuyxe8l wrote

I do love media that blurs the line between film and television. Nine hours of material that could be cut into nine episodes or three movies? Yes please!


horseren0ir t1_iuzw9mm wrote

Arcane was a bit like that, they released 3 episodes a week that sort of arc’d together


nevereatpears t1_iuyypt8 wrote

It will be 4.5 hours in total length and will be three episodes. What are you talking about?


PolyDipsoManiac t1_iuyyvn7 wrote

Obviously a hypothetical scenario, but I was kind of referring to how Lord of the Rings was produced. If you’re asking for a specific example of media released like that…perhaps Das Boot?


Konman72 t1_iv1410x wrote

>Sherlock did it so well before that show turned to shit.

Man, we all talk about how Game of Thrones tanked and took itself completely out of pop culture (before HotD brought it back in full force), but Sherlock should be in that conversation too. It was a powerhouse, with everyone waiting for new seasons and buying merch. Then it just got worse and worse until I can't even remember what happened in the last season. Something about Sherlock's sister making Moriarty or some nonsense. And now, I don't even think about the show until I see it mentioned elsewhere, which is rare.

You're right though, that this format can work. And I think this is a great franchise to use it. Very excited!


horridlyvertical t1_iv1938l wrote

You could honestly stop watching after season 2, it's a perfect ending for the show


TheJoshider10 t1_iv2cu6t wrote

I think S3 holds up quality wise on a rewatch and makes for a very solid ending to the show apart from the cliffhanger ending which is so fucking annoying.


throw0101a t1_iv2ab34 wrote

> Man, we all talk about how Game of Thrones tanked and took itself completely out of pop culture (before HotD brought it back in full force), but Sherlock should be in that conversation too.

IMHO Sherlock was more gradual: each season got a bit too clever for its own good. Also found the same with Downton Abbey: I was less interested after each season until I stopped watching. (I really liked the first because I had also watched Fellowes' Gosford Park when it was released.)

GoT seems to have run off a sheer cliff.


austinrose7 t1_iuywfym wrote

Luther too, as well as Steven Knight’s A Christmas Carol, HBO’s Empire Falls, and Netflix’s Dracula. I love me a great miniseries I can watch all in one evening.


nevereatpears t1_iuyxeq8 wrote

*BBCs Dracula - plus that show sucked

And Luther was better in series one with the hour long format for each episode


horridlyvertical t1_iv198v2 wrote

Dracula was fucking awful. The ending was the most insane nonsensical bullshit I've seen in a minute.


SuperAlloyBerserker t1_iuzh1yl wrote

90 minutes? They could've just said it's a movie trilogy


A_Sinclaire t1_iv0vw9r wrote

Audiences might have different expectations of a John Wick cinematic universe movie that this spin off probably could not match.


ehxy t1_iv0n1xm wrote

Nah I'd still think at least 8+ episodes with a setting like that. They have so many characters that they can play with and create.

It's the star trek DS9 of the assassin world!


ArchDucky t1_iv0rdwg wrote

This is actually sort of a good thing. They decided to condense the episodes in order to make the show feel more cinematic like the films. Doing action on the level that's expected for this is very fucking expensive. So making three expensive episodes is just way better than 9 cheap ass quick cut boring ass episodes.


XuX24 t1_iv23dag wrote

They should call this a mini series.