catnapspirit t1_iw0l2hy wrote
I don't what this is, but.. Grogu. So, ok..
jjsyk23 t1_iw0n47d wrote
And studio ghibli, this is next level. Can’t wait!
Filmatic113 t1_iw0twei wrote
Gee can’t wait for more Jedi/Sith, lightsaber nonsense…
MandoDoughMan t1_iw0wt0g wrote
If only there was a stellar Star Wars show on right now with no Jedi, Sith, or lightsabers.
2spicy4dapepper t1_iw0xf2m wrote
My neighbour Totoro
Crimson_Music t1_iw0yw57 wrote
Hmmmmmm what could you possibly be referring to?
Fimpish t1_iw0zflx wrote
They're in both films. Susuwatari or soot sprites.
2spicy4dapepper t1_iw13ovg wrote
Oh Ive clearly completely forgot where they were in spirited away. Time for a rewatch :)
[deleted] t1_iw15lmq wrote
flekkzo t1_iw1dk80 wrote
Studio Ghibli is max level.
chaostheories36 t1_iw1gxrc wrote
Don’t be surprised if you get into Studio Ghibli after this.
Kiba-Da-Wolf t1_iw1lfrb wrote
r/oldotaku wpuld love this
Hopeful_Frosting_105 t1_iw1oev1 wrote
Soot sprites*
Kalse1229 t1_iw1p9wj wrote
You know what? This seems like the perfect matchup. I'm sold. Spirited Away is the only Ghibli film I've seen, but it's one of my faves of all time. And I'll always be biased towards Grogu because he was my grandmother's favorite thing in the world. I'll watch it.
doctorclark t1_iw1pcmi wrote
LucienSatanClaus t1_iw1q6mx wrote
Smackdaddy122 t1_iw1rrdj wrote
Might as well start drawing Pepsi commercials. Sad
Yggdrasilcrann t1_iw1t8no wrote
"Move it ya stupid soot balls!"
Yggdrasilcrann t1_iw1takx wrote
Kamajii begs to differ
SecretRoomsOfTokyo t1_iw1v62q wrote
You'd like the cat returns. Cute flick
Alibotify t1_iw1x8ap wrote
[deleted] t1_iw1xn4y wrote
The-Incredible-Lurk t1_iw22h1c wrote
Oh god.
They’ve finally done it.
They got so obsessed with wondering if they could, they didn’t think about if they should!
They’ve incorporated myasaki films into the Disney Multiverse!
getZlatanized t1_iw23gcc wrote
Seems like a good fit to me.
ihopkid t1_iw25w33 wrote
Never a bad time for a spirited away rewatch! the soot sprites were always my favorites haha. perfect amount of comedy to give u a short laughing/heartwarming break from sad or scary moments in the film
Dayofsloths t1_iw281ff wrote
Idk, star wars has always been primarily about selling toys. That was George Lucas' plan from day one, merchandising. Ghilbi has always seemed better than that to me.
PrimalRucker t1_iw28fxw wrote
They are Soot Sprites.
Exevioth t1_iw29m72 wrote
He recycled a lot of his creatures. The cat-thing in Nausica was in a couple of others, I just can’t remember which one. I want to say Castle in the Sky?
No-Understanding2054 t1_iw2c4z8 wrote
yes, crawling over the robots 💕
No-Understanding2054 t1_iw2c7l7 wrote
3 minutes of studio ghibli anything is like drugs. mixed with star wars and it might as well be fentanyl
No-Understanding2054 t1_iw2cdk5 wrote
whaaaat? please watch more. princess mononoke, castle in the sky, my neighbor totoro, and so many others. the crown jewels of all anime
LibRAWRian t1_iw2cm94 wrote
Eh. LucasFilms is the baby powder in my 100% pure Ghibli cocaine.
LibRAWRian t1_iw2cokk wrote
Depends on the translation.
AggravatingBite9188 t1_iw2d8p4 wrote
I was expecting a show or movie? It’s 3 minutes. A fun 3 minutes I guess. Added to my LSD watchlist
DaFugYouSay t1_iw2dj3a wrote
Like minions, until they made the shows about the minions, and then it was too much... Uh oh.
DaFugYouSay t1_iw2dnk6 wrote
I watched the first five episodes and was bored to tears.
[deleted] t1_iw2dpzj wrote
DaFugYouSay t1_iw2dtfr wrote
I hate to call it anime even because it's unlike the mainstream anime that I see elsewhere which lacks subtlety and is over the top and boorish to boot.
bigoldaddydickstink t1_iw2e8q8 wrote
Grogu is and will always be a dumb name
First_Ad_6133 t1_iw2ez01 wrote
BeskarForSale t1_iw2h4uz wrote
Star Wars always had bizarre names with the odd real world name mixed in. Its part of the charm. Like think about it, we have guys called Boba, Din, Fenn, Obi-Wan, Ki-adi-mundi, Kit Fisto, Lando, etc.
so0vixnbmsb11 t1_iw2ieb2 wrote
Better than zero minutes
viscerathighs t1_iw2iqex wrote
an intro to animation 101 final project
Pope---of---Hope t1_iw2iswp wrote
I really hope Hayao Miyazaki is directly involved. The movies that Miyazaki's son Goro has been making under the Ghibli banner have been painfully subpar and lacking in that trademark magic.
stomach t1_iw2j701 wrote
?? it's legit anime. literally translates to 'animation' as produced by Japanese culture - the soulless flashy mindless fluff is what sucks, but doesn't give 'animation' a bad name, just their studios
DaFugYouSay t1_iw2kjs7 wrote
I didn't say it wasn't, but it goes like this "hey my friends, you need to watch miyazaki's films because they are great films," to which my friends reply "I don't like anime." And nothing I say can change that, I don't blame them because most of what passes for anime is rubbish, and Studio Ghibli's films are nothing like them at least none that I've seen.
DigDux t1_iw2kw8i wrote
So... I'm a language guy, but I want to drop some fun little knowledge.
The phonetics of Star Wars is rooted in modern language phonetics, but not English phonetics, so when you take Gro and gu and smush them together it sounds more awkward than say Yo and Da, both of which have very common real world phonetics, Da is Russian, while Yo is distinctly Japanese, as in Yo-kai.
So you are both correct.
Zinouk t1_iw2mfkk wrote
Shit, any Studio Ghibli movie would be a crazy LSD watchlist add. Princess Mononoke is my recommendation.
2347564 t1_iw2pano wrote
My friends are the exact opposite. They won’t let themselves consider studio ghibli films anime simply BECAUSE they enjoy them. But yeah they refuse to watch any other anime.
[deleted] t1_iw2pbk2 wrote
mildlystoned t1_iw2pcbq wrote
But never “dust bunnies.”
Brief_Annual_4160 t1_iw2r8ge wrote
shadowdra126 t1_iw2smy4 wrote
Just watched it. Yep. That was an animated short
RoundMouse503 t1_iw2vta4 wrote
All I’m saying is that as a big Ghibli fan and a huge SW fan, I was hoping for a bigger project. At least a Visions episode (which I suppose is still a possibility). A Grogu short is okay, I guess. I’m going to watch it today, I’m sure it’s really cute.
RoundMouse503 t1_iw2ytao wrote
I got downvoted to oblivion for expressing I wished for a longer project.
rethcork t1_iw2z2gc wrote
As a Canadian I won't be able to watch it.
thoth1000 t1_iw3cuuw wrote
I felt like I'd seen it before.
Nmilne23 t1_iw41cm5 wrote
Wow that’s a whole two minutes shorter than I predicted of it being a 5 minute short 😂
chardonnayyoustay t1_iw4q3aq wrote
Yup, very that.
chardonnayyoustay t1_iw4qd2w wrote
You can probably sit this one out, tbh.
anasui1 t1_iw53j5t wrote
man, I don't envy Goro. Insane pressure on following his legendary father's steps, who then scolded him hard for his first movie. Can't imagine how he must have felt
Solidsnakeerection t1_iw5q8ul wrote
Almost all of their works are adaptations and they.have worked with Disney in the past. How is this different?
Solidsnakeerection t1_iw5qejy wrote
Dont forget Jedi Master Soon Bayts
Solidsnakeerection t1_iw5qo5u wrote
Ronja, the Robber's Daughter is by him and is absolutely amazing
Mrcollaborator t1_iw6dshq wrote
Looks like one guys side project. Very simple in it’s scope. Cute though.
[deleted] t1_iw6gtx1 wrote
fahad_vampire t1_iw8u4iy wrote
Any link to download?
keving87 t1_iw99sc4 wrote
The Cat Returns doesn't get enough credit, but basically that's how it is for any non-Miyazaki movie.
SecretRoomsOfTokyo t1_iw99wd8 wrote
His son made that one in particular
matthieuC t1_iw9dext wrote
Including credits
BisquickNinja t1_iws4bev wrote
in conjunction with Studio Ghibli!
urgasmic t1_iw0kfhd wrote
Oh, cool.