Submitted by HumanOrAlien t3_z1hqka in television
Vitaloss t1_ixb40ow wrote
Everyday I wish for the death of corporate America
hadoopken t1_ixc4uvq wrote
Makes no difference which CEO you are
the-zoidberg t1_ixcdvjw wrote
You silly goose.
ILoveRegenHealth t1_ixe6jwr wrote
> Everyday I wish for the death of corporate America
Who makes your clothes, your TV shows, the chair you sit on, the company that manufactures the heating system in your house, your car, the beams that hold up your house? Some small local mom & pop shop?
assessmentdeterred t1_ixeeab0 wrote
ILoveRegenHealth t1_ixeesyr wrote
>"WE SHOULD IMPROVE SOCIETY SOMEWHAT" = destroy/abolish all Corporations (which is what he said)
Curious you don't know the meaning of words. Curious.
I'm all for better legislation to stop loopholes and rampant corporate abuse. But he didn't say that. He said all corporations should die, typing that on his laptop and sitting in a chair manufactured by corporations, using electricity and eating his Cup O Noodle that were all given to him by corporations.
I don't mind someone listing problems, but when they are so comically impossible and offer zero solutions, who the fuck is upvoting that guy? Fornite teens?
assessmentdeterred t1_ixeot08 wrote
Why are you so fervently defending billionaires my dude? They definitely don't need it.
Again, the substance of your response boils down to 'he's a hypocrite for criticising a system and participating in it'. But it's been said before, and will continue to remain true: there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.
By the way, this is the internet where people (yourself included) tend to speak in hyperbole. Since I understand that and agree with the sentiment driving it, I'm more than happy to upvote his comment. And I'm not particularly good at fortnite, nor close to being a teenager.
ILoveRegenHealth t1_ixfgaap wrote
> Why are you so fervently defending billionaires my dude? They definitely don't need it.
Dude, are you dense. I am Liberal and FOR taxing billionaires hard. Been saying it forever. Elon Musk makes me sick (he's obviously messing with Twitter to get Republicans into office so he can pay less taxes) and so do many corporate vultures.
What I take issue with is that guy's simplistically childist post: "Corporations need to die" and he gets upvoted. No thought was put behind his post and his post doesn't even make sense (it would not work). Feel free to move to a poor and dangerous third world country with authoritarian control and you'll have your wish. Otherwise, living in the US or most 1st world countries and enjoying the safeties and luxuries compared to other hellholes, then saying "Corporations need to all die" sounds like a goofball who has absolutely know idea how capitalism/economies work, and is just typing shit to sound cool.
We can make laws to help better regulate corporations and hold them accountable and to better prevent their predatory practices, and to give their workers better wages and rights. Nowhere did I say to let up on that (if anything we need to do way more of all of that), and some massive companies do need to be broken up. But to say capitalism can exist without any corporations is a stupid post. What are you even arguing?
Surly_Whalepoker t1_ixewkgs wrote
If you base your argument on the idea that capitalism and corporations are inherently immoral, then make zero effort to combat that in your daily life and reap the benefits of capitalism, you are inherently a hypocrite no matter what a webcomic says.
Progressives should try using real arguments instead of moral platitudes. They're much more effective.
assessmentdeterred t1_ixezw9j wrote
Again, participating in a system does not imply universal endorsement. Nor do you have any idea what efforts the original commenter (or myself) are taking to combat it daily.
[deleted] t1_ixf7dkw wrote
kevindurant t1_ixb73vj wrote
What's your favorite tv show?
Darth_Jason t1_ixbbhpo wrote
The one where they show that guy being both a manipulative jerk and a bumbling moron, until
shows him (and us!) how it should have been done all along.
Couldnotbehelpd t1_ixbkji0 wrote
I’m sorry, do you exclusively watch failed sitcoms from 2002 or what?
kevindurant t1_ixbfyol wrote
If your point is that's every story on TV then you should broaden your horizons
BradeyWrites t1_ixbnfim wrote
Bravo Vince
[deleted] t1_ixb4wxu wrote
Vitaloss t1_ixb5x1k wrote
A society that cares for its fellow man rather than throw them in the trash. A society that doesn’t destroy food to maintain an artificial price point. A society that is equal despite being founded in inequality. A society where a city in a water crisis actually receives help in a timely manner. A society where prison is for rehabilitation and not a slave labor force. A society that has a parole system not built to funnel Ex-Cons back into the system. A society that favors the needs of the many over the needs of a few rich assholes. It can be better
swiss_cheese_lover t1_ixbbe98 wrote
Mmmmm sounds a bit too much like communism for me /s
[deleted] t1_ixb7gmu wrote
C1xed t1_ixdlx3a wrote
> A society that cares for its fellow man
Stopped reading there.
People on Reddit (esp. leftists) love to wax poetic about loving their fellow man, and then turn right around and undermine each other for not being as ideologically pure as they are. It's a load of bullshit. Sure, you might care about other people whose opinions you agree with, but as soon as they stray off that path, you're dead to them just like everyone else outside the bubble.
tidho t1_ixbq387 wrote
like they said, you want Communism
there are places you can go to be part of that, you don't need to wish ill on the rest of us.
HearseWithNoName t1_ixbzgbe wrote
It's narrow minded people like you that keep us from having a true and equal democracy
tmoney144 t1_ixbn060 wrote
You don't need corporations to have capitalism.
Budgiesaurus t1_ixbpebd wrote
Maybe not need, but they make sense in capitalism.
If the system is set up to maximise profits, accumulate capital, market competition etc. pretty soon someone will come up with a corporation or something very similar as the most effective way to squeeze every penny out of the market.
tmoney144 t1_ixbx58c wrote
The point I was trying to make is that there are levels between thinking "corporate America" has too much power and literal communism. We could not have corporations at all and still not be communist.
Budgiesaurus t1_ixbyd2d wrote
I agree, corporates should lose a lot of power and influence, and I don't know a proper alternative for capitalism. I don't see communism working. But I also don't see a capitalist system that won't lead to corporations.
But proper taxation of corporations and stronger anti trust legislation might be a good start.
tidho t1_ixbq953 wrote
thus creating efficiency and the highest standard of living in human history
Budgiesaurus t1_ixbu6i6 wrote
Up to a point. Countries that counteract the worst tendancies of capitalism with limits, taxation and social policies tend to have a higher standard of living than those that are more laissez-faire.
And just because we haven't found a working system that's better than capitalism doesn't mean there isn't a lot of issues with it. But the attempts at communism and the like broke down when humans were introduced, so far.
Capitalism raises a lot of wealth, but tends to concentrate it for a very very small group.
tidho t1_ixd0pjz wrote
you're talking about capitalism with more redistribution, versus capitalism with less redistribution. it's still capitalism creating the highest standard of living in human history.
Communism was bad theory before the industrial revolution of the early 1900's, it's simply idiotic now. Fortunately, as has been the case for a century, the college kids will figure that out around age 25.
Every economic system concentrates wealth - you don't think the oligarchs running your utopia will be living the high life?
Budgiesaurus t1_ixd8uvj wrote
I'm not sure what strawman you are fighting here. I'm not advocating for communism, as I don't see it working at all.
I'm just saying capitalism has a lot of issues, and you're seriously delusional if you don't see any.
But I'm not advocating for any alternative here, as I don't know a better system. Doesn't mean I can't have criticism or suggest it can be improved.
tidho t1_ixdad4t wrote
> I'm just saying capitalism has a lot of issues, and you're seriously delusional if you don't see any.
if the problems you're saying capitalism has also exist in every other economic system then it's not really a 'capitalism problem'. that's the point.
things like wealth disparity (to the extent that's even a problem, hint: it's not) will exist in every economic system. communism was theory intended to eliminate it, yet reality has proven it does not.
ibetthisistaken5190 t1_ixbyi3z wrote
Let’s all high five because whoever gets the most money before they die, wins. And what good is it then?
An entire life spent chasing after something that’s ultimately meaningless. Bravo.
tidho t1_ixcvvk4 wrote
that's a personal choice, not some burden from the current economic system
BaphometsTits t1_ixbx80i wrote
>You don't need corporations to have capitalism.
Yes, limited liability companies work too.
ILoveRegenHealth t1_ixe6quq wrote
okay point to a country that has successful capitalism with no corporations?
You sound like a kid trying to be edgy.
tmoney144 t1_ixe9hyj wrote
You sound like someone who doesn't know history. The US had capitalism with little to no corporations until New Jersey and Delaware changed their laws in the 1890s. That's why most companies are incorporated in Delaware, because they were the first to allow it (New Jersey was actually first by a few years but shortly after repealed the laws).
[deleted] t1_ixca69t wrote
ChiifChokah0 t1_ixbmuqh wrote
Hey look another dumb dumb throwing words he doesn’t understand around.. if we had a nickel..
FrozenCustard1 t1_ixc7zpn wrote
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