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PetyrDayne OP t1_ixdvw1e wrote

Obligatory not another Andor post comment. Now that I've said it you don't have to.


hagbardceline69420 t1_ixe06im wrote

>As they furtively scrape at the legs of a colossus, they live mean existences. They fear that their methods are beginning to match their enemy’s. They fear that the chance at a boring, normal existence is slipping away and taking happiness with it.

there hasn't been a show like Andor for a long time, if ever.


gauephat t1_ixe5eje wrote

I'm much more tolerant of spam when the show being spammed about is actually good.

At least it's not ten daily articles mindlessly bashing/praising Rings of Power


Filmatic113 t1_ixe7u78 wrote

Everybody go watch andor. Now on Disney+


hagbardceline69420 t1_ixe80rr wrote

the styling of the prison was all THX-1138, with all the white.

it's just the best show out there rn imo, i will be bummed when it ends tomorrow, i have loved these weekly threads, we all watched Andor grow together, it was kinda nice.


hagbardceline69420 t1_ixeouyu wrote

it's from the article, i thought it deserved a mention but yeah i agree, and this is the best paragraph i could find...., the author is, i think, trying to write some high-minded philosophical essay

Colossus, existence, it's a bit much for a tv show i feel, we're not talking True Detective here.


mulder00 t1_ixermkk wrote

I thought I could go an hour without another Andor article/post! I was wrong!


[deleted] t1_ixet2tf wrote

Yeah! Now it’s just ten daily articles about how Andor is different and the Star Wars we “need right now”!

Spam is spam tbh and the mods here do a crappy job of making this anything other than an advertising sub


anasui1 t1_ixet7rh wrote

that article is awful, but John Le Carrè's The Spy Who Came In From The Cold is a great, great book


permafr0st t1_ixewy35 wrote

Bro I usually think it's silly and that people are being paranoid when people call out astroturfing campaigns but holy shit I feel like I am taking crazy pills with the amount of Andor post and articles trying to convince to watch this show.

I'm sure it's a fine show but this is first time I feel like the marketing is being a bit blatant.


tombuzz t1_ixezgo6 wrote

Huge fan of le carre and spy who came in from the cold is probably my favorite book by him. Andor shows what spying is all about. It’s about using people. Not being bond and shooting 50 people and whipping out gadgets. You use people to get information, to sabotage, and your relationship with your assets and your ability to manipulate them is what it’s all about.


OnLee4U t1_ixezmu9 wrote

Is this a fuckin bot sub. It just pushes Andor everyday. Do you think this is working??


OnLee4U t1_ixf18cd wrote

I’ve seen all of Disney Star Wars and it sucks besides The Mando season 1. I’m not gonna keep rewarding bad behavior. Thus why Disney + is bleeding subs. Fuck em.


Annoying-Ass_Insect t1_ixf6gpg wrote

Honestly, I totally believe that the constant push for this show is real people. I didn’t believe it could be that good until I checked it out myself last week and saw it was leaps and bounds beyond every other Star Wars show.


selectiveyellow t1_ixf6kph wrote

I'm just impressed that they had three coherent arcs within 11 episodes. A lot of writing these days feel stretched out and bloated so it was refreshing. I do think "rebellion before the rebels, following a bunch of nobodies" won't be for everyone though.


angel_palomares t1_ixf6p9p wrote

Cant we just downvote these? Who even posts them?


SoulCruizer t1_ixf72t0 wrote

It’s gotten to the point that comments mentioning the how often this is promoted is more obnoxious than the articles posted.


[deleted] t1_ixfb90h wrote

Seriously, I would like to have just one Andor thread where the main topic isn't whether there are too many posts about Andor. This is a TV subreddit. People who aren't watching a certain show don't need to comment on every thread about it just to say they feel personally attacked


SoulCruizer t1_ixfbr41 wrote

It’s all for karma and attention seeking, It happens all the time. People will jump at the chance to point out the obvious and nab that top spot to say the same thing said a million times like it’s an original thought. What’s funny is they are only generating a discussion that’s keeping these posts coming.


Volderon90 t1_ixfd0w1 wrote

It’s time for your Andor article.

Yes, honey


esran7 t1_ixfefq2 wrote

Criticisms are also not allowed to get any upvotes except the standard "if you don't like the first few episodes keep at it, it really picks up later!".


NorthernDevil t1_ixfg9y4 wrote

I mean maybe but if I were more of a poster and less of a commenter I’d be pumping this show up. It’s been by far my favorite Star Wars show of the batch, and one of my current favorite shows generally. I want it to get the love I think it deserves and I kinda think every one of these posters does too, mostly so we get more content like it from the Disney machine.

And I don’t think I’m a shill. But how would I know?!


esran7 t1_ixfhhfj wrote

But it is a bit stretched. in terms of really meaningful plot developments there has been 1) a successful rebel attack + empire reacting 2) the protagonist slowly finding that a regular life isn't in the cards for him. Much of everything else and most characters didn't really matter all that much yet. The whole "we must cut lose strings = kill andor" premise of the second half feels a bit silly and forced and lets the writers have the rebels not do anything (other than luthen and mothma, who are pretty cool).

Half the episodes were quite good, the other half just fine. One was dedicated exclusively to hyping up the heist and making us care about the side characters, and didn't hugely succeed on either of those. I like the show though, the last few episodes have been real good.


DisneyDreams7 t1_ixfp8gr wrote

Hot take: The show should have centered around Luthen. His character is so much more interesting than Andor. He’s like the Star Wars Nick Fury


JediJoshy1 t1_ixfpxnd wrote

I get that but I’d say the show is built more around a multiple story arc structure, so if you just watch the first ep it’ll feel a bit open, I believe that’s why they put out the first 3 eps at once since it’s one whole arc, then the Aldahni arc, and the prison


UnemployedMod420 t1_ixfq73c wrote

Next week it’s my turn to post an Andor fluff piece


Maninhartsford t1_ixfugoo wrote

Even if Disney IS paying to promote the show, there's like 10 posts on here a day about it. SOME of them MUST be genuine. I've actually seen comments screaming at OPs for being bots and they're just like "uh, I'm not? I like the show?"


RusevReigns t1_ixfvt2j wrote

It's mostly not astroturfing, it's just people are collectivists who want to join in when they see something buzzy and therefore have talked themselves into Andor being this good (and imo seeing something that's not really there). The critics are just trying to get views from the Andor trendsters. Disney might have started the snowball but everything after that is people organically overrating it because they saw other people overrating it. Now as a result of this Andor will probably be one of the best reviewed dramas on TV for the rest of its run. Because one day (possibly with Disney starting the snowball), it became buzzy.


wordsandwich t1_ixg8pub wrote

By that same token, the Empire in this series isn't depicted at the level of Darth Vader running rampant across the galaxy. In this show, the dastardly Imperial villains are literally pencil-pushing desk jockeys--delusional, privileged bureaucrats who can't remotely relate to the plight of common people and so could care less about the far reaching consequences their actions have on millions of lives.


HerbaciousTea t1_ixgj62s wrote

What's more likely?

Disney comitting a massive amount of gross violations of FCC regulations by running a secret and undisclosed astroturfing campaign and that every redditor and hobby site is secretly either a fake bot or in cahoots and being paid off to post positively about the show?

Or people talking about Andor because it's a surprisingly great show in an IP that has gotten a whole lot of trash recently?

Reddit imagines that astroturfing to be WAY more common than it is, and vastly overestimate the value of reddit threads to advertisers.

When we're talking ad campaigns designed to draw tens or hundreds of millions of eyes, no one is going to expend any degree of effort to break the law for the grand prize of... some reddit threads with a few dozen comments.


spyson t1_ixgpaf8 wrote

You can see it in Walking Dead threads where there are just legions of comments about how they stopped watching the show at season 1 when the thread is about Season 10 of TWD or whatever.

Or if there's a GRRM thread it's flooded with posts about finishing the book, it just derails the posts


sheepinb t1_ixgryhs wrote

Ahhhh give it a rest already ffs lol


Ora_00 t1_ixgsxqp wrote

Ok come on now! What is with these andor posts? Is disney really so desperate for viewers that it has to pay people to keep posting this crap every damn day!? Just stop it already!


drunkill t1_ixgxcau wrote

When they first announced andor they said people from The Americans were working on it, i was 100% onboard it from day 1.

I believe the main showrunner left and Gilroy took over very early on, but had already gotten a few people in the writing room.


CapnSmite t1_ixgz9ua wrote

Well, season finale. Not the last one last one.

For anyone who didn't know, they've previously announced there will be a second season, and they've reportedly started filming it very recently.


Calfzilla2000 t1_ixi8tl4 wrote

I think the reports that the show wasn't hitting the streaming numbers previous big Disney+ shows have reached (not 100% certain because the real numbers are not provided) got fans of the show motivated to help promote it.

I wouldn't say I am helping but it certainly made me feel like I should.


MustrumRidcully0 t1_ixici7e wrote

I would argue that Star Wars is a vastly bigger franchise than Lord of the Rings (even if LotR has been around longer) or Star Trek (even if that is superior to both *kidding*). There isn't just a reddit about Star Wars, there are reddits about various Star Wars computer and board games, there is a reddit about prequel memes, there is a reddit that was started by people that were so disappointed by the sequels and the main Star Wars reddit that they created a sub for more critical (if not outright bashing) threads. A lot of people are interested. And a lot of people have been somewhat disappointed of the most recent offerings.

And there comes along a series that most people that watched it enjoyed, despite being clearly different from most Star Wars offering. A series that gets even disgruntled people back and enthusiastic again.

Is it really that surprising that it's such a frequent topic?


Annoying-Ass_Insect t1_ixicxl6 wrote

It’s a shame it’s not reached the same audience. I think it’s probably a hole that Disney dug by producing a bunch of Star Wars and Marvel shows that ended up being received badly, so most people dismissed this before it was even released. I also thought it’d be more of the same, so I can’t blame them.