MrShaytoon t1_iyaw5ms wrote
The entire final season is still on my mind. My girl and I talk about it often. Especially the Popeyes part bc her family used to own some.
danhakimi t1_iyaxxmx wrote
what's your take, was she thick or nah
gotcam189 t1_iybc5nn wrote
Nah. Darius saw how happy his friends were. Finally living the life they’d been working so hard for, after all the shit they’ve been through, and I think that’s why he smiles at the end. He’s relieved and happy that he isn’t in the tank. It’s real and it’s good. (Plus you can faintly hear sirens in the background).
danhakimi t1_iybcuko wrote
Yeah. I think you're right. It isn't that big a mystery.
ThrowingChicken t1_iybwi6d wrote
Remind me, what’s the significance of the sirens?
ROBtimusPrime1995 t1_iybxddc wrote
Because Darius stole a real car. They coming for him. Lol.
Drugs_and_Hugs t1_iybzv1o wrote
Can’t imagine there’s many pink Maseratis driving around lol
Dc_awyeah t1_iycz4kj wrote
“Get in my pink Maserati!”
EggAltruistic8863 t1_iyb91kd wrote
Why did that episode make me cry???
Square_Saltine t1_iyclvea wrote
I think nah, but I always tend to lean to the pessimistic interpretations in these kind of situations
danhakimi t1_iyditlr wrote
nah is pretty optimistic... except for the fact that Darius is going to end up in jail...
MrShaytoon t1_iyc031n wrote
Sometimes. Depends on the angle.
Cheyenne_Bodi t1_iybrrrx wrote
It's all a dream that was a dream the whole series was, but he was in the same part of the dream that they had been in the whole series. So while he is going to jail he is also still in a dream. Judy was always thick.
Drugs_and_Hugs t1_iybzxr0 wrote
Could this take make any less sense lmao. She wasn’t thic dawg
AliveButterscotch319 t1_iyc0kvh wrote
Inception much?
BadMeetsEvil24 t1_iydfu92 wrote
You're embarrassing yourself.
Lambchops_Legion t1_iybaacx wrote
I still think about the tea room because its the tea room
[deleted] t1_iyc117i wrote
IWasOnThe18thHole t1_iyc5k39 wrote
I legit had a "Minooooooooooots"-esque dream the other morning. I somehow knew I wasn't actually away and said to myself "this is a dreammmmmmmmmm" and the same thing happened haha
Lamontyy t1_iyckcfb wrote
Eat the pufferfish
MrShaytoon t1_iyd1lvb wrote
Naww I’m good.
joan_wilder t1_iydeyc0 wrote
You’re going to Popeyes, ain’t you?
MrShaytoon t1_iydpbvf wrote
I would today but my stomachs not been feeling good. But I shall once it’s better soon.
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