HuntMore9217 t1_ixzbfg7 wrote
Is the actor for yondu not available during filming? Kinda disappointed they had to do subpar animation instead. And where did that telpath dog come from?
itrainmonkeys t1_iy1noaz wrote
I believe the animation style was a direct choice to mimic 80's animated holiday specials. There were a lot of little style choices made to match old holiday classics. Also totally possible you're right and Rooker was busy but I am leaning towards style choice. I'm sure Gunn will be open to answer it at some point when asked.
HuntMore9217 t1_iy1oblk wrote
> I believe the animation style was a direct choice to mimic 80's animated holiday specials.
OIC, i thought it was because of budget constraints cause the set also looked like it was low budget, but I do respect it if it that's a style choice.
itrainmonkeys t1_iy1qixl wrote
I could be totally wrong but I've seen speculation from others online and in videos saying it matches some old animated holiday specials. But I have no real evidence anyway so who knows, haha?
BauerHaus t1_ixzjjbf wrote
Cosmo was in the first Guardians movie, he's in the Collector's museum. He's a telepathic Russian space dog in the comics, like Laika. I forget if he had telepathy before or after being lost in space, I assume after.
In the comics he was in charge of security on Knowhere, maybe in the MCU version she will have a similar role >!since they casually mentioned buying Knowhere!<
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