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Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_ixu7x0e wrote

“Now” it”s like that? It was started by the department store Macy’s to literally go through Manhattan like some sort of Department Store Pied Piper leading people to the front of their store to go shopping. From Day 1 back in the 1920s it was one big giant commercial. Nothing changed.


key-wavelength t1_ixube7n wrote

It’s way different now. Every float is two commercials, the hosts read the first commercial for the float sponsor, and they read the second commercial for the performance sponsor. If you watch a telecast from 30 years ago on YouTube it’s was much less commercial. It feels super corporate now.


Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_ixuctya wrote

I just pulled up a broadcast from the early 1990s and parade starts with a barbershop quartet singing a car commercial. It’s always been a commercial onslaught, I think you just have rose colored glasses