Thetimmybaby t1_ixry35c wrote
It was amazing!
LiveFromNewYork95 t1_ixs0e51 wrote
I like the parade for nostalgic reasons and to me, "waking up and watching the parade", is a symbol of the relaxation of Thanksgiving.
But honestly, I'll root for any trivial live event to get big numbers on streaming to move us back to appointment viewing as the norm. The shared experience of watching a show premiere is what TV is all about. I really liked House of the Dragon and Andor but the experience of 9:00 PM on Sunday night when my social media was filled with "HotD time!" and running commentary is 1000 times better than Andor releasing in the middle of the night and either waking up at 5:00 am to watch it before work or looking at memes of the episode all day until I can finally watch it.
HortonHearsTheWho t1_ixs0g40 wrote
What do your kids think?
HortonHearsTheWho t1_ixs0o45 wrote
Fully agree. The shared experience is at the core of sports fandom too.
[deleted] t1_ixs1v21 wrote
Elite_Jackalope t1_ixs2909 wrote
Username checks out
Filmatic113 t1_ixs2lgo wrote
Redditors don’t have kids
michiness t1_ixs36w0 wrote
Real answer - I like them as a shared celebration. For the Macy’s and Rose parades, I like having them on in the background as I start my morning. The commentary is comforting. I like seeing the balloons, the floats, the hard work people put into designing them. I like seeing the shows and the dancing. And if it’s in person, I like the festive atmosphere.
DoIrllyneeda_usrname t1_ixs46ou wrote
Redditors are kids
Cactuszach t1_ixs50v3 wrote
Its because of the Bluey balloon.
SpiritPaper t1_ixs516f wrote
Reddit or kids
GlotzbachsToast t1_ixs5ult wrote
Yes! Fully agreed on the shared experience. This is..totally the opposite but I remember last New Years Eve we were home watching the Miley Cyrus special and she started to have a wardrobe malfunction at one point and we were like “is her top falling off?” And it was just fun to get on Twitter (the only time Twitter is actually useful) and see others thinking/reacting to the same thing. Reminded me of the good old days!
MikeORaizee t1_ixs8qbg wrote
I think we all learned a valuable lime lesson: Bluey is a draw
Gaelfling t1_ixs9gkb wrote
My niece was so excited to see her.
[deleted] t1_ixs9iom wrote
tibbles1 t1_ixsan6f wrote
Those dumbfuck announcers kept calling it “him.”
Gaelfling t1_ixsbyxk wrote
NBC: If they didn't want us to call Bluey a boy, they should have made her pink with a bow! Like God intended girl cartoon characters to be.
MagpieUnionLocal15 t1_ixschue wrote
You popped Woody Woodpecker!
Summerclaw t1_ixsd2qw wrote
I watched the too on YouTube. It was very cute
throwaway957280 t1_ixsdfs8 wrote
Yeah on-demand streaming has overcorrected from the issues of cable a little bit. There's now a lot more live content on streaming services and I would like to see that continue, and not just for sports.
Supremeleader1 t1_ixset4h wrote
CBS coverage same. Overproduced blather not worth watching in my humble opinion. It’s a parade for God sakes.
fundropppp8242 t1_ixsfjjp wrote
Same. I can remember as a kid waking up thanksgiving morning and watching the parade as me and my brother would look through all the ads in the newspaper and work on our Christmas lists.
CherikeeRed t1_ixsgmsr wrote
Go right ahead, bud
xtpj t1_ixshpq0 wrote
Must have spent a lot of dollarbucks on the balloon.
im_a_dick_head t1_ixsj7b3 wrote
kickit t1_ixsjbwb wrote
> I really liked House of the Dragon and Andor but the experience of 9:00 PM on Sunday night when my social media was filled with "HotD time!" and running commentary is 1000 times better than Andor releasing in the middle of the night and either waking up at 5:00 am to watch it before work or looking at memes of the episode all day until I can finally watch it.
this is the part I don't get. if you're going to do a weekly release schedule, (and I for one am in favor) what's the point of dropping episodes in the middle of the night when you could drop em anytime between like, 5pm and 9pm EST?
Rosebunse t1_ixskd0g wrote
I still have a theory that some of this is Disney+ not being able to handle a ton of viewers at once. When I watched the Ashoka episode of Mando it was at the premier time and the buffering was awful. The same thing with the Bad Batch premier.
YakMan2 t1_ixsl2kv wrote
Wasn’t even helium, was just epic keepy uppy
ghrayfahx t1_ixsn8ga wrote
Keeping it under control must have been trifficult.
TacticalTuchel t1_ixsp1dh wrote
Cut half the performances and just the floats at different points along the route. Like some good cinematography of NYC could go a long way.
-HappyLady- t1_ixspjbc wrote
They really got crazy with the sfx for this parade.
Floats are cool but reanimating the corpse of Dionne Warwick was just creepy.
[deleted] t1_ixspz9b wrote
spyson t1_ixspz9s wrote
It's so stupid to release these big shows at midnight PST. The only audience where it releases at prime time is Australia.
Theeclat t1_ixsq246 wrote
They freaking love them. However, I haven’t tested a televised one. I can’t see it being important as no candy is involved, but I will report back. Please be patient. It may take years.
Theeclat t1_ixsq3od wrote
It is better for the environment..,
spyson t1_ixsqbbn wrote
I like the well decorated floats, blimps, and marching bands.
Theeclat t1_ixsqgcp wrote
This is a perfect response!
My mother in-law probably feels the same! I am glad others enjoy them, but I am at a state of my life where time is at a premium (ironic for an idiot posting on Reddit I know), so spending this time play catch or games with the kids is more intriguing.
I hope that I can learn to like them more as liking more in this world is a freaking super power!
michiness t1_ixsqqu7 wrote
Awww I love that! Not enough people adopt the idea of not yucking other people's yums :)
Growing up we had the parade on while we started cooking dinner, made coffee/hot chocolate, that sort of thing, and if we weren't doing anything, we'd just sit and chat or play games while watching it. I don't like parades enough to sit and stare at it for three hours, but it's warm and fuzzy for me to have on while I'm doing other things.
Bedbouncer t1_ixsr8ns wrote
My wife made me watch the Anderson Cooper special that year.
I even said to her "Statistically Miley Cyrus is far more likely to have a wardrobe malfunction than Anderson Cooper, we could see history being made!", but no, and then the next day I'm like "Dammit, I told you!"
Theeclat t1_ixsrisz wrote
Don’t stop enjoying them! A lot of time and effort were put into them. It is not something I enjoy, but am willing to learn to.
Happy thanksgiving weekend!
Theeclat t1_ixsrvha wrote
I am not allowed to yuck anyone’s yum! I love baseball. Even watching it on TV…. I have no real right to judge…
Hope your weekend is great!
bob_loblaw-_- t1_ixst17e wrote
I've watched a few episodes and they don't really go out of their way to make blueys gender obvious. The dad resembles Bluey and the sister resembles mom. It's not a hard mistake to make.
LiveFromNewYork95 t1_ixstzdb wrote
I think that's been proven time and time again with these streaming services, HBO (back in the HBOGo days) had tons of problems when people tried to stream live premieres of Game of Thrones (especially big episodes), Amazon Prime was in no way ready to handle Thursday Night Football this year, Peacock has been terrible with live streaming WWE PPV's.
spyson t1_ixsuh7z wrote
Happy Thanksgiving!
It might not be for everyone so don't feel any pressure that you have to.
JesseFilmmakerTX t1_ixsvwdt wrote
JesseFilmmakerTX t1_ixsvybx wrote
I just typed “parade live” on YouTube and found lots of streams of just the parade with no stupid “journalists” or commercials and shit.
hockeyjmac t1_ixswa8w wrote
We move to hydrogen and have a blast!
spartan17456 t1_ixswfli wrote
Is bluey not a boy? I just assumed he was because of the coloring of the dad and mom
Rosebunse t1_ixsxd11 wrote
I expected it for Mando but I had no idea even The Bad Batch would have that problem. If even a show like The Bad Batch does this, can you imagine the buffering problems The Mandalorian would have if it premiered at, like, 10pm on a Sunday or Wednesday?
mackahrohn t1_ixsxk5b wrote
We wanted to see one of the bands and they showed them for about 60 seconds! I don’t know WHY they kept talking to so many random people instead of showing parade. Are there really people who want to see all of those interviews!?
mackahrohn t1_ixsxp19 wrote
Seriously I watched my husband play some Spider-Man video game just because seeing New York sites was fun. I would have loved seeing just normal people in the crowd and different places around the route.
michiness t1_ixsxuvg wrote
Baseball is the best! Similar vibe I think - it's on, you pay attention to the exciting parts, but really it's a good excuse to socialize and drink beer.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well, friend!
jackleggjr t1_ixsyagn wrote
27 million viewers on Peacock? Only one course of action: ten more seasons of the parade, and 5 parade spin-offs.
“So You Think You Can Parade?”
“Parade Nightmares”
“Who Wants to be a Parade Balloon?”
“Parades and Recreation”
“The Office… with a Parade”
(couldn’t be bothered to think of NBC show titles for all of them)
Birdhawk t1_ixsycew wrote
Agreed. I feel like my last experience of me and everyone I know and worked with all having the same experiences every week with the same episode of a show was Westworld season 1. It was a lot of fun being excited to talk with everyone about each episode
[deleted] t1_ixsyh4i wrote
Bears_On_Stilts t1_ixsyhei wrote
The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is mostly a big commercial for NYC tourism- note that Broadway gets the full first hour, and Broadway performers and NYC landmarks or fixtures are mostly featured throughout. The parade coverage itself is nominally the star, but it's the city itself that actually is the point, as is hinted by "New York, New York" being the official theme song instead of "I Love a Parade."
tibbles1 t1_ixsypmg wrote
That’s genius and I’ll remember that for next year.
bokodasu t1_ixsyru4 wrote
They did a good job this year. NBC loves themselves way more than anything they cover, and there have been years where it's just been us yelling at the tv to show the dang parade instead of their talking heads yapping about their latest show. For once they just showed the parade, you know, the thing we turned it on to see. I won't lie, I'll watch it regardless because I'm a sucker, but I'll be happier and feel like less of a sucker if they keep covering it like this one.
jl_theprofessor t1_ixsys3v wrote
I watched it. It was great. The opener was a blast, I love musicals, and that lady looked divine. Also, everybody needs to listen to Trombone Shorty.
pork_roll t1_ixsyup4 wrote
Both the kids are girls. Bluey and Bingo.
EMPulseKC t1_ixszawv wrote
I'm almost 50 and I was hyped for the Goku balloon.
UnderstandingNo9889 t1_ixt06vx wrote
superbowl had 101m. thats pretty close
unfettered_logic t1_ixt09qv wrote
I liked the parade as s as kid but watching it now it’s like one giant commercial and the performances are so pedestrian it makes me cringe watching it. A big giant balloon float for wonder bread? Oh wow here comes Jimmy Fallon singing a badly auto tuned song for less than a minute. Then as a finale Santa and Ms. Clause extolling the virtues of capitalism. Welcome to our consumerist nightmare.
I_will_fix_this t1_ixt0gw7 wrote
I was happy to see the Toys R Us float
DrProfessional77 t1_ixt25hm wrote
Oh sure…when it’s for stupid shit like parades that are pointless they count streaming viewers, but when it’s actually good television, streaming viewers doesn’t matter to advertisers. Fuck this bullshit.
slymm t1_ixt2f7o wrote
It's genius but I'm going to forget by next year
hoguenstein t1_ixt2izf wrote
Yeah cause we were all living in a nightmare for the past 5 years. Now I’m excited for shit like this again!
Theeclat t1_ixt3usl wrote
I am from the Midwest, so my ability to truly respect the deference for the importance of its local influence is not appreciable.
I don’t hope to take away from its appreciation. I am just not into it.
[deleted] t1_ixt447z wrote
SVXfiles t1_ixt4bj9 wrote
Watch the episode double babysitter. Bandits brother Radley comes to babysit for the night and says "he's over there" referring to Bluey to which she responds "I'm a girl!"
SirLooseButWhole t1_ixt4kt3 wrote
Cause they fucking streamed the actual coverage for once!! Not just camera #65 held by intern beebis looking straight up at the floats ass the whole parade.
OnTheFenceGuy t1_ixt4plq wrote
I mean, it was fucking dreadful overall, but between Bluey and Goku, worth a couple hours on a morning I wouldn’t otherwise be doing anything else.
AgrajagTheProlonged t1_ixt5o78 wrote
That parade still happens?
Notarussianbot2020 t1_ixt5pw1 wrote
They mispronounced super saiyan lmao
EMPulseKC t1_ixt6g4f wrote
Not surprised.
talmbouttellyouwat t1_ixt6vl9 wrote
flygirl083 t1_ixt6ybb wrote
It could have been a real pickle
flygirl083 t1_ixt7asy wrote
I know it’s supposed to be a prime spot but I haaaaate when weekly episodes come out at 9pm on a Sunday. I have to get up stupid early for work and I need to be in bed lol. And then I get to spend the whole next day dodging spoilers until I can get home and watch it. Why can’t we do something reasonable like 8pm?
clydefrog811 t1_ixt7fjn wrote
All the singing acts were meh. Everyone knows they’re lipsynced so they aren’t even trying.
TerracottaBunny t1_ixt7qab wrote
Giant animatronic puppets. I’m stoked
Crystal_Pesci t1_ixt8y9o wrote
I feel like I'm back in the pants
lurkerfromstoneage t1_ixt97mb wrote
From the Midwest… we watched it every year growing up. Just quintessential Thanksgiving tradition coziness I guess and usually it’s a distraction from everything else going on food prep wise in the home maybe, and just nice/harmless to have on with relatives or company, regardless.
jimmy6677 t1_ixt9xcl wrote
It feels dystopian to me. Five minutes of ads for 1 mediocre live performance on a float for a company shilling more products.
unfettered_logic t1_ixta0ur wrote
Yes that is a good word for it. It’s like capitalism exemplified.
muad_dibs t1_ixta69q wrote
That’s dumb. Must be licensing issues or something more extraordinarily stupid.
muad_dibs t1_ixtad44 wrote
“Look there’s everyone’s favorite Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade float, “O, the Huge Manatee.””
muad_dibs t1_ixtaskc wrote
I remember going to the Thanksgiving parades in Charlotte as kid, those were always fun. Watching parades on TV have never been fun to me.
Spanky_McJiggles t1_ixtavks wrote
I'm so bummed that I missed it live. My son and I love Bluey.
cant_Im_at_work t1_ixtbb8k wrote
I can't STAND bald boys. Every time I see them, I think I'm back in the pants.
hatecopter t1_ixtboma wrote
Calling something a "draw" means it attracts viewers and makes money.
talmbouttellyouwat t1_ixtbql5 wrote
What’s a lime lesson
[deleted] t1_ixtbsm7 wrote
__RAINBOWS__ t1_ixtd1k7 wrote
I saw the big Jennie-O float (we love turkeys so much we murder millions!) alongside Paula Abdul and I noped out.
EctoRiddler t1_ixtdf2t wrote
Missed Al Roker. Get well soon Al!!!
Theeclat t1_ixtdoj2 wrote
Glad you love it. Continue this. Anyone (me) should never change this.
Have a great weekend!
bullintheheather t1_ixteuml wrote
Gotta watch those 'cock streams!
DeezNeezuts t1_ixtevw5 wrote
First normal feeling holiday in years
agentb719 t1_ixtfhso wrote
I remember that one year al roker said it the same way lol
down_up__left_right t1_ixtfze1 wrote
I was hoping HOTD would make these services realize that the hype around appointment tv is a thing but they just ignored it and went on releasing stuff at midnight west coast time. Basically making sure the release was prime time for as little people as possible.
adamsandleryabish t1_ixtg8f6 wrote
I don’t understand how in 2022 with the miracle of streaming we still haven’t gotten alternative experiences as an option with multiple different live experiences of the parade.
One simply showing the balloons passing with the ambient noise
One with the dopey commentary
One just showing the complete performances as they go by
them trying to combine all three elements into one show always means each element suffers. Obviously it has worked for NBC for decades but it can’t be that hard to offer other camera views as a digital option
themoochiest t1_ixtg8m4 wrote
Shit. I forgot all about it. We even stayed home this Thanksgiving.
HardcoreKaraoke t1_ixtgni2 wrote
Peacock has always had issues with live streaming sports, so this doesn't surprise me. I know soccer had similar issues. For the longest time WWE PLEs were like how you described.
If you missed out on the start you couldn't start from the beginning. You had to join live and wait for the event to finish to catch up on what you missed. They eventually fixed it.
So I don't think it was licensing issues. Peacock just sucks when it comes to live event playback.
DXsocko007 t1_ixtgs90 wrote
My dad watched it and said it's the media just trying to push pedophilia. I laughed out loud and he was fucking serious
[deleted] t1_ixthqyl wrote
PM_ME_UR_ASS_GIRLS t1_ixti7ky wrote
>they don't really go out of their way to make blueys gender obvious.
Yes they do lol. They constantly refer to them as sisters, refer to them as she/her, and bluey even corrected their uncle when he called her a boy.
Tell me you haven't seen the show without telling me you haven't seen the show.
EMPulseKC t1_ixtipup wrote
Fair point, but seeing a SSB Goku balloon in the parade still made my day.
SeanOuttaCompton t1_ixtjub9 wrote
Squared circle is leaking, brother
[deleted] t1_ixtnhq8 wrote
Shrekt115 t1_ixtnib6 wrote
Hell yeah
Shrekt115 t1_ixtnj9b wrote
Acknowledge him
Sprinkle_Puff t1_ixtoiwu wrote
This is wholesome to me.
[deleted] t1_ixtqmlc wrote
fezfrascati t1_ixtsbf2 wrote
It's a parade run by a department store. What did you expect?
rhllor t1_ixtxjtf wrote
Shows that air after 9pm are scheduled in that timeslot because they got tits and gore up the wazoo. Karens would go apoplectic. Not that they don't already, but moreso if those shows started airing at 20:59:59.
cherry-bing t1_ixtyl0o wrote
Of course the one time I don’t watch it.
vadapaav t1_ixtyrn8 wrote
Like in first episode they say it out
Lemon_bird t1_ixu39fx wrote
can’t australians get a win?
Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_ixu7x0e wrote
“Now” it”s like that? It was started by the department store Macy’s to literally go through Manhattan like some sort of Department Store Pied Piper leading people to the front of their store to go shopping. From Day 1 back in the 1920s it was one big giant commercial. Nothing changed.
Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_ixu85cw wrote
The parade takes place on public streets, anyone can stream it. Youtube was full of exactly what you’re describing yesterday.
key-wavelength t1_ixuazfl wrote
You should watch an older telecast from 30 years ago. They are on youtube. It was completely different. Way less commercialized.
cerebud t1_ixubdgw wrote
My 5 year old was so excited to watch and see Bluey. When it came on, it was just the balloon and was over in less than 30 seconds. She almost started to cry, and asked why they didn’t even play any Bluey music. Such a sweet kid. I told her that’s just the way these parades are, and when I was a kid, I was disappointed at the few seconds they’d show of superheroes.
key-wavelength t1_ixube7n wrote
It’s way different now. Every float is two commercials, the hosts read the first commercial for the float sponsor, and they read the second commercial for the performance sponsor. If you watch a telecast from 30 years ago on YouTube it’s was much less commercial. It feels super corporate now.
cerebud t1_ixuc211 wrote
She really, really thinks she’s great and important and Christmas would be nothing without her and she’s still incredibly hot and her voice is amazing, yadda yadda. Call me cynical, but she’s so cringey
Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_ixuctya wrote
I just pulled up a broadcast from the early 1990s and parade starts with a barbershop quartet singing a car commercial. It’s always been a commercial onslaught, I think you just have rose colored glasses
Pool_Shark t1_ixud6ut wrote
They are the worst part of the parade. Too bad Matt Lauer was such a terrible person because it was better before they replaced him with Hoda
Pool_Shark t1_ixudhos wrote
Santa has always been the end of the parade what did you expect
Troggles t1_ixufdio wrote
The worst part of every NBC broadcast is NBC.
BothCup350 t1_ixuia10 wrote
How many views did the Wall Street corruption bill board trucks get that the news media won’t report on?
revel911 t1_ixuikmv wrote
I heard that too … actually laughed out loud
Clark-Kent t1_ixun37p wrote
Against Tunisia yes
DadGamerGuy t1_ixuno2i wrote
It’s a tradition for us! Thanksgiving morning we make a nice breakfast, put up the Christmas tree all while watching the parade 😆
ShreddedKyloRen t1_ixupvtf wrote
That’s why I watched it. But, I couldn’t watch it without a big pour of wine… and popcorn 🍿
redonkulus t1_ixurdb0 wrote
This was really hard to watch. We made it 15 minutes, which was generous. I’m not sure who the demographic is, but it’s not men or children lol. It was dance numbers and show tunes every 5 minutes. Only time they showed the floats was before a commercial break.
After finding the football game, I realized why the show was so bad. I guess they assumed most men would watch the game. But for kids, it wasn’t that great.
sonic10158 t1_ixuryu5 wrote
These are the same people who make the olympics unbearable every 2 years
PowSuperMum t1_ixus37y wrote
I paused and rewound during the parade yesterday morning
sonic10158 t1_ixus6cd wrote
As long as corporations run the show, that will never happen
snarefire t1_ixuserp wrote
Do you pay for the premium plus package or just standard
aliveinjoburg2 t1_ixushxr wrote
My stepdaughter was thrilled to see Bluey.
forever87 t1_ixutp46 wrote
hotd still runs on cable tv release. as soon as the episode premieres live, the series unlocks on hboMAX as well as global streaming services for purchase. streaming exclusives are like the old days of movie theatre premieres. for some time, threatres would actually hold a general release midnight premiere ("Thursday night but 'midnight Friday' premiere" - race for people to see the movie "first"). but then the decision was made that they this could air them a little earlier on Thursday and maximize showings for premiere date as well as maximize profit.
so for Disney+, let's say a show "premieres" on Wednesday. so somebody made the decision to globally premiere the episode at midnight pst which means 3 est and so on for the rest of the world. this premiere happens after Tuesday night and early into Wednesday morning (depending on your timezone). it's messy. and as OP pointed out, you can watch it at premiere or run the risk of seeing spoiler memes until you watch.
entertainment is being watched globally, so things had/have to be adjusted for everybody. you can see it in the evolution of online comments. there was a time "first" would be the comment to make on YouTube videos. now the thing is to devour content as soon as it's released and make that early comment on the official discussion thread. it'll keep evolving along with everything else. but yeah i do like the hotd 9pm est release, but yeah
snarefire t1_ixuv4j6 wrote
I wouldn't be surprised if the executives in charge, dont give a rats ass that its streaming based, and demanded that it be treated like any other cable channel.
flygirl083 t1_ixuwxte wrote
That’s fair
morningsdaughter t1_ixuyden wrote
The problem with YouTube Streamers is they have very poor audio quality. There's a lot of music with the Parade that just doesn't come through without professional equipment.
Also, NBC has exclusive streaming rights so I've watched feeds where the cameraman was interrupted by Parade employees and forced to stop. Also the videos get removed from YouTube for copyright infringement.
yeahyourerightdude t1_ixv4763 wrote
It was awful. She could have badly lip synced to a live performance, not just the track that’s played on the radio 50 million times every December. I mean, I know what we got is better than her actually singing, but there shoulda been more. Paula Abdul lip synced and danced! It was way more fun to watch.
I did laugh when Mariah was blowing kisses to Santa and he was waving back, and the camera just cuts to Mrs Claus on the side of the float
comped t1_ixv4qlr wrote
Don't forget Meredith and Ann. The four of them were the best commentators the parade had.
Which also carried over into a lot of iconic moments during the rest of the years... Can't really separate 9/11 coverage on NBC from him for example... That opening on the 12th was iconic.
[deleted] t1_ixv4r1e wrote
It’s just rolling slow traffic.
Pool_Shark t1_ixv5kym wrote
Yes Meredith Veira was light years ahead. I don’t know what it is but I really don’t like Savannah and Hoda has always felt like a temporary emergency replacement that they just never bothered to fix
driprods t1_ixv5zck wrote
Purple and BLACK
TriscuitCracker t1_ixv8bvx wrote
This is actually true right?
I turned this on specifically to see Bluey.
muffle64 t1_ixv9y5p wrote
And Jim... Henderson -_-
Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_ixvaf71 wrote
> Also, NBC has exclusive streaming rights so I’ve watched feeds where the cameraman was interrupted by Parade employees and forced to stop.
NBC does not own exclusive rights to stream an event that occurs on public streets. Americans have a constitutional right to film things in plain view of public spaces. Anyone on public sidewalks along along the route can film and stream it to their heart’s content. The only thing NBC can control is filming occurring in their private ticketed stage area at the ending point.
snooggums t1_ixvam0z wrote
Reaction videos for boomers.
accioqueso t1_ixvdhao wrote
That was the only reason we considered watching, but I wasn’t getting peacock so we missed it.
[deleted] t1_ixvg2hk wrote
[deleted] t1_ixvgniw wrote
BritishHobo t1_ixw4y3n wrote
Yeah but they're not talking about who has the right to do what, they're talking about who has the access and equipment to film streams with good quality audio.
unfettered_logic t1_ixwuwe4 wrote
It’s exactly what I expected. That’s the issue.
wintermute93 t1_ixwzd05 wrote
I think you're being facetious but that's literally the only reason I turned it on this year, so my daughter could see a giant Bluey balloon.
ArthurBea t1_ixxxj1u wrote
Did it fluff?
MrMysteryBox t1_iy5azqh wrote
There's also a bit of a psychological aspect too it. New episodes of HOTD premiere as the last thing you'd do that day. You watch it, go to sleep, and it's on your mind for tomorrow morning.
talk_show_host1982 t1_iy8ulw1 wrote
I tuned in JUST to see the BLUEY balloon and it was glorious! Greatest game of Keepy Uppy eva!
Theeclat t1_ixrxwsb wrote
What am I missing about parades? I cannot stand them.