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Hot_Librarian_8748 t1_iy5xgli wrote

I actually think Disney + Nintendo could be a thing. Both are in the family friendly zone. It’s my understanding that Disney has shed most of it homegrown video game teams. Disney excels at force multiplying it’s IP but would be hard pressed to add “studio” IP due to antitrust issues. So they could gain additional IP from Nintendo.

But Nintendo is not a struggling company so they will cost a premium and I’m not sure how compatible corporate cultures are.


Worthyness t1_iy62i7c wrote

Nintendo also went with Universal to man their animated movies and to help establish their theme park


Hot_Librarian_8748 t1_iy64sf7 wrote

Yes I would say those collaborations show that Nintendo could of benefited with merging with Disney in exploiting their IP. But now one of Disney’s contemporaries are benefiting from this partnership.