Submitted by AmethystOrator t3_zv2s67 in television
preppytarg t1_j1mqlrl wrote
I was super into this show for the first 3-4 seasons, but I fell off.
Audityne t1_j1msues wrote
There’s only so many times I can watch the Jaime and Claire get separated and then rescue each other plot line that happens every season.
Fortunately, I haven’t hit that cap yet! Bring on season 7! This is not the worlds best tv show but fuck it’s a fun guilty pleasure.
orderinthefort t1_j1n18tb wrote
It was only interesting when it was still in Europe and the time travel was still a mystery, which both concluded with Season 3. The mystery being solved + them going to America completely ruined it. Nobody wants to see colonial America, especially Americans. And especially with no mystery to keep it fresh.
jlesnick t1_j1n1vrl wrote
See I love when things slow down in America and it becomes more about their day to to day lives.
sanseiryu t1_j1n4xqb wrote
Season 6 was cut short due to Covid, so I read that season 7 will be an extended episode season with the unfinished season 6 episodes added. More episodes the better!
FloatingPencil t1_j1n68ll wrote
I wasn’t keen on the 20 year time jump (same with the books) and interest really dropped when it moved to America. Still watch it but I’m not jumping on every episode the moment it’s released anymore.
OB1KENOB t1_j1n6tg6 wrote
Love this show!!!
doligab512 t1_j1n7ha3 wrote
Oh man, can't wait to find out who's plot line gets advanced by getting raped this season.
Mammoth_Feedback542 t1_j1n8xtz wrote
Great show, wife and I would make a big stake and sit down at the table where we can watch all the characters get raped. Truly a romantic and heart warming show to watch.
Lucky2BinWA t1_j1na4zz wrote
LOL LOL LOL! Every time a new character was introduced, I'd wonder "which orifice will be violated on THIS person?"
I am one that lost interest around S3. Once the secret was out about Claire's time travel plus the incessant rape - dropped it. And I like some dark shit so that's saying something.
HawgWarsh t1_j1ncm12 wrote
We still have a few characters that haven’t been raped, so maybe soon?
keving87 t1_j1ncqgu wrote
Same, and I'm not all that into the storylines coming up... but I do hope the show gets to finish. Diana Gabaldon is writing the 10th and final book now, so if nothing else I hope she gets it done and they can condense the seasons into multiple books where possible without losing key things.
I'm not at all interested in the prequel series though.
DarianF t1_j1ndd9k wrote
So, is this show a dark comedy? Like a parody? Because according to the comments, there's an obscene amount of rape.
O_Nikolakis t1_j1ndkbi wrote
Rape Season 7
no_name_left_to_give t1_j1ngz5c wrote
Ron Moore, the original show runner, left halfway through season 3 but his influence could still be felt through the reminder of the season and even in some parts the following season. Moving the location of the story to America was and continues to be a drag, but what really made it bad were some of the terrible screen writing decisions (the switch in the ring that was stolen and the aftermath of that, Roger and Bree's fight, not having Bree getting to know the Murrys, just Roger in general, Claire and Jamie missing the birth etc) that needlessly departed from the events in the books.
Season 6 kinda returned to form so if I'd recommend you'd catch up.
NickDB902 t1_j1nh5k4 wrote
There is a lot of it. A dude rapes a dude (was a shocking scene and my girlfriend walked in with that scene and was disgusted), a bunch of women get raped , if I recall a couple them of them do a few times. I haven’t watched in quite a while and need to watch the newest season.
I love alot of the show but it’s anchor of these sexual violence scenes do get out of hand at times
yazzy1233 t1_j1nhf20 wrote
I hate this show so much. Im only gonna watch it when it comes to Netflix, not a second before
yazzy1233 t1_j1nhsit wrote
Just not the women,but the men and children as well. Too many people have gotten sexually assaulted and raped in this show. People will argue "bUt iTS ACurAtE", like, no, this show is someone's kink
NickDB902 t1_j1ni0rh wrote
Ah I forgot about a lot of it. I took long breaks in between watching.
I do remember people on the show having a problem with the authors writing (since it’s based off a book) and said they found it a over the top. And remember the subreddits and other groups with people sharing that same opinion.
So it’s def the authors kink.
Kellythejellyman t1_j1njb8h wrote
at this point i’m mostly here for McCreary’s score and Huegan’s….everything
Mammoth_Feedback542 t1_j1nmg57 wrote
Ya I’m excited for next season.
cedped t1_j1nocqy wrote
I've also had it enough with the raping! the writers love raping characters left and right!
RhesusWithASpoon t1_j1npn9n wrote
I tried watching this show. I can't put a finger on it but while objectively it seems like a show I would get into something about it just didn't click with me
Open-Election-3806 t1_j1nqide wrote
That scene was rough. My wife covered her eyes for that one. Plus he hammered a nail through his hand before raping him
Summerclaw t1_j1nqq0e wrote
That series is still going?
HawgWarsh t1_j1ntayc wrote
I know it’s not that kind of show, but I really wish they would time travel to the future where they are the backwards thinkers.
HawgWarsh t1_j1ntc8g wrote
Just imagine how many future people would be raped and/or taught to rape.
HawgWarsh t1_j1nvuxy wrote
Sometimes from both directions at once!
Udzinraski2 t1_j1nwgx8 wrote
For me it was the main character obnoxiously monologuing over ever little detail. There's scenes in season one where someone would give her a long, lingering dirty look, and then the next scene would be her walking down a hallway thinking to herself "I need to avoid them, they seem sus..." like ya think?! They literally just showed us that. It was like that over and over I felt like I was being spoonfed a story that wasn't that complicated. Then s1 ended on male on male rape between an English and Irishman in the middle of a genocide and that was my "wtf even is this?"
stupidwebsite22 t1_j1nxe6c wrote
Hahahahaha this was literally my family. They were at S1-2 and it was rape after rape that my family member just gave up
cedped t1_j1ny3d3 wrote
I quit when their daughter who time-traveled to them after decades also got raped upon arrival! It's like it's a rite of passage in their world!
gerd50501 t1_j1nz842 wrote
what book are they up to in the show?
GlockGuy- t1_j1o326w wrote
I enjoy the show but wish it leaned on the time travel element a bit harder. Also wish we could see one of the people from the past go to the future just to see their reactions.
GlockGuy- t1_j1o3azl wrote
The only thing that bugs me about the plot in America is the fact that they settled right in the middle of what Claire knows will become a war zone in the coming years. Hell, head west and discover gold in California 75 years early or something.
lillypad-thai t1_j1o4l2q wrote
On a scale 1-99, how many sadistic rape scenes will there be this season?
As many rape scene as it takes to get Diana Gabladon off
[deleted] t1_j1o4tnw wrote
Puzzled-Journalist-4 t1_j1o56a5 wrote
Comments on this thread was something I didn't expect. It's one of my mom's favorite shows. Mom, what the hell have you been watching?😭
insan3soldiern t1_j1o5idu wrote
Haven't watched it but I kind of expect that a lot of this is exaggerations tbh.
Try_Another_Please t1_j1o5oxz wrote
There's a lot but it only stands out because most shows where rape should be a plot point avoid it lol
RojerLockless t1_j1o6c3z wrote
This show is still on?
RojerLockless t1_j1o6duc wrote
Poof they are both 60 and still look 32!
Jed1m1ndtr1cks t1_j1o94ul wrote
Ok, who's getting raped this season?
Jed1m1ndtr1cks t1_j1o9b2x wrote
Is it accurate rape was more common in the Era? Sure. Is it accurate that everyone in a family of 4 would be raped in that Era? No. Not at all.
horseren0ir t1_j1oaeay wrote
You and your stupid fucking rape
bernsteinschroeder t1_j1oaisl wrote
Ya know...I'm gonna just stop being feeling bad I can't get past the first episode before tuning out.
horseren0ir t1_j1oaxyf wrote
Season 6 was terrible, nothing happened all season and then when it finally did the season was over
horseren0ir t1_j1ocdxk wrote
There’s like at least 1 rape per season, sometimes more or at the very least an attempted rape
Yourlordensavior t1_j1odyzc wrote
There was something really special about the first couple of seasons that were set in Scotland and post WW2.
The British Empire, the Battle of Culloden, Scottish Highlander culture, and time jumps to the 1940s and 1950s, showing the ruins and old castles in real time vs their peak when they were full of life etc. were all extremely interesting. It was also framed in a way that made it feel believable. Unfortunately, starting with the France timeline it just got repetitive and any sense of believability just went out the window. It's like they go out of their way for these two to meet every major historical figure from the 1750s in Europe to the 1770s in America. The Colonial America timeline is pretty much unbearable at this point. Besides the repetitive storylines, it's just too clean and tension is just created for the sake of creating tension and doesn't seem to have any part of the story and isn't how people would act in those situations. I've kept watching it because the two leads are amazing and I keep hoping it will capture that same magic from the first season but that doesn't seem likely.
Explains_Wrong t1_j1ofen7 wrote
Oh no. No no no.
Narvarre t1_j1ogg09 wrote
This is pretty much how I feel, a Combat medic who has seen some of the worst horrors that mankind can inflict on each other and stayed sane. And nowadays all she does is scream "Jamie!" in that very Claire way every time something goes wrong., someone drops a pail of milk "Jamie!" whats that, timmy's stuck in the well..."Jamie!" Feels like a meme to me now, I cringe every time it happens. Miss seeing her be cool, hope they stop making her a damsel in distress.
DollarSignsGoFirst t1_j1oil6o wrote
When the rape scene ended up being like 20 minutes long I gave up
lanternjuice t1_j1oolhy wrote
Claire!? Jaime! Claire?!?!!! Jaime!!!?
Status-Stick t1_j1oplad wrote
They do butt stuff in this show?
Lursmani1 t1_j1orh8r wrote
Not at all. There's more rape in this show than anything I've watched. Unnecessary amount of detail as well. I'm no prude about sex, but this show really feels like the writer wanted to satisfy her kinks - hunky scots and rape.
johnny_fives_555 t1_j1ott7i wrote
Think they’re part asian
RojerLockless t1_j1ou5gy wrote
I don't know why I laughed at this.
Kate2point718 t1_j1p2ljw wrote
Seriously, just in their family you've got Jamie, Claire, their daughter, their adopted son, and their nephew who have all been raped. It's just way too much.
LostAbbott t1_j1p51pi wrote
Come on dude. She wants to stick around and see who will rape her next. It is like the spice of life in this world. We cannot have her moving off to Cali and getting raped by Natives, that would be very in PC. Also how else is she going to safely cheat of Jamie with out the possibility of rape hiding behind every corner.
houseofprimetofu t1_j1p7f4b wrote
And they all share a rapist…
clvrusernombre t1_j1pcwl3 wrote
Damnit. I really need them to fix Jamie’s hair
cedped t1_j1pdjt9 wrote
Not really. The main Character Claire, her husband, her daughter, her adopted son and her nephew have all been raped at least once and they all share a rapist.
TheSenileTomato t1_j1pe7pp wrote
When I had Direct TV and they did the previews for the weekend promoting the show (around the time Black Sails was going), I got to watch the show.
Started off interesting but then it devolved from there, the commentators brought it up, but that’s what led me to kinda dropping the show.
The last episode I vaguely remember watching was >!Claire gets sick and loses her child from the sickness and she’s trying to find Jaime.!<
Other than that, I kinda blanked out on the show.
No hate, like what you want. I’m honestly surprised it’s still going (^must ^be ^nice ^not ^being ^on ^HBO ^for ^once… ^too ^soon?)
Twigling t1_j1pnrg7 wrote
Ah yes, the misery, rape and torture show - I gave up some time during season 2.
[deleted] t1_j1pnsph wrote
guccilemonadestand t1_j1ppfym wrote
Same. It just kept fucking happening. Like every day the servant has to swing by for their daily rape. I started fast forwarding through the scenes but then there are the near rapes. Just had to turn it off.
anasui1 t1_j1pq5qs wrote
bloody hell this thing still going? My fiance loved it (she in love with Tobias Menzies) but thankfully she never forced me to watch
just-kath t1_j1pv7xa wrote
I am a huge fan of the books and have been since I stumbled on Outlander when it came out so many years ago. I have watched a fair number of episodes of the show, not nearly all, but stopped midway through S6 and don't plan to watch any future episodes. I will read book 10 and any other books related to the series. I am hoping that the Master Raymond book becomes a reality. I reread the series each time a new book comes out
edit/ clarify
Chlodio t1_j1pzpzo wrote
Season 6 did end rather poorly. The entire season was a bit strange like nothing happened until the final episode, and then everything happened.
ajamuso t1_j1q0b2c wrote
I was shocked it was just over. Didn’t know it’d be short
Chlodio t1_j1q0op3 wrote
>Claire's time travel plus the incessant rape
Claire didn't get raped until much later. There were multiple attempts, but none succeed. Unless you consider King Louis offering to release Jaime if she agrees to fuck him, which I don't.
Chlodio t1_j1q0xdy wrote
I don't think Roger has been raped yet, who else is there? Didn't Young Ian get raped by the Witch?
[deleted] t1_j1q1ycr wrote
HawgWarsh t1_j1q4fxu wrote
And he’s a bit of a wet blanket in the character department. A bit of a raping might help him blossom and connect with the audience.
ThatEvanFowler t1_j1q6ero wrote
I was watching with a friend when we got to the "Black Jack rapes a young boy because whatever" scene and he just got up and left. I was like, yeah.
lillypad-thai t1_j1q779z wrote
Hey was it the rape?
d0gwater t1_j1r133c wrote
Agreed 100%.
Scotland felt like a main character to me. Hasn’t been the same since it moved from there. Haven’t watched season 6 yet.
stupidwebsite22 t1_j1rcotv wrote
Lmao now u got me curious haha
But yeah the show is like a darker version of Fifty shades of grey.the authors rape fantasies
Jed1m1ndtr1cks t1_j1rf457 wrote
Yet all of those things happened, and usually WITHOUT rape. So, one family suddenly suffering that much assault is a little extra.
WrongdoerIndependent t1_j1setzh wrote
Season 7 covers book 6 and 7
gerd50501 t1_j1sfeqr wrote
is this book going to be the last in the series? it was her first book in 7 years?
Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone
slipperyMonkey07 t1_j1sxsfg wrote
From a friend who has read the series this seems to be a complaint with the books as well. I guess it gets less later on according to them but no idea if that is true or just them getting used to it.
WrongdoerIndependent t1_j1u1l72 wrote
That is the ninth book. She is writing a tenth book, which may or may not be the final book of the main series.
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